Should we pay tithes to be bless and free?


New member
Originally posted by Lovejoy

"Ear-tickling" huh? 2Timothy 4:3 is one of my favorite verses, or at least one of the ones that I take most to heart. It is a very clear warning about what we have to deal with.

I am not happy when the ear-tickling occurs, but I am not naive enough or willfully ignorant enough to believe or convince myself that it doesn't happen.

I like the parable of the 10 virgins. Half were unprepared and had no oil so they didn't get to come in to the wedding. I think that is well taught, but I think it is often neglected that they all fell asleep (became drowsy)

If the virgins represent churches (denoms) as many teach, I think it is interesting that they all fell asleep.

In other words, no denom/church is perfect so to think yours is, is self centered and foolish.


Active member
An excellent perspective, and one that I hold as well. I attend a Foursquare church, because I respect the pastor, but my studies are my own.


New member
Originally posted by cravescheese

Broad is the road that leads to destruction.

Why the non-aversion to it? How about simple mathmatics.

If every family gave 10% of their income then, it would take 9 families to give one pastors family the average income of the 9 families (assuming he was not to tithe himself, 10 if he was to tithe)

So now you have these mega churches and denoms. You have one head pastor and maybe 5 or 6 paid assistant pastors. They would only need 70 or so families to support them.

But they aren't satisfied with that. They want to hve big buildings with leases and mortgages. They need a christian bookstore to sell sugar coated precious moments cliche-theology plaques to hang in your bathroom. They need to always collect more and more. There is never enough. Talk about GREED and SELFISHNESS.

Where do you find authorization in the NT for the church to own any property? Where does it say they had buildings, schools or anything like what the multi-level-christians proclaim that God wants the church to have?

Open your eyes, most of these so called pastors are far more concerned with fleecing the sheep than feeding the sheep.

I identify as a Christian, a follower of Christ not any man made "demon-ination" or religion. There is only one church.
I currently attend a church that is a Calvary chapel (Chuck Smith)affiliate, but trust me, I don't agree with all the ear-tickling sermons that they preach.

Now answer me:

How are you giving to God? Jesus didn't say to give money to the apostles and let them administer it, He said give it to the poor.

If you want to give, great, but don't be fooled you aren't giving it to God. You would be much wiser to give it to the poor directly, at least you would know they got it.

Of course then you might not get a tax deduction....

POTD :first:


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Hall of Fame
Do you suggest that churches meet in a park? We would freeze here in Canada. Culturally, it is not unreasonable to meet in buildings and have a physical presence in the community. Scripture would not prohibit this. If it is not explicit, then neither are cars and airplanes. The temple or house churches were not imaginary. Different cultures or eras can have different expressions of the Church. Extravagant buildings are unnecessary and poor stewardship. Much of North American Christianity is off track, but this does not mean that all of it is.

Our church gives away much of what it takes in. It gives to missions, colleges, the poor, etc. There is more accountability and efficiency for a local church to administer funds (confidential needs, etc.) than individuals randomly giving with no wisdom or accountability (individuals can give, but larger projects like building third world churches often require pooling of funds, ETC.).


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Do you suggest that churches meet in a park? We would freeze here in Canada. Culturally, it is not unreasonable to meet in buildings and have a physical presence in the community. Scripture would not prohibit this. If it is not explicit, then neither are cars and airplanes. The temple or house churches were not imaginary. Different cultures or eras can have different expressions of the Church. Extravagant buildings are unnecessary and poor stewardship. Much of North American Christianity is off track, but this does not mean that all of it is.

Our church gives away much of what it takes in. It gives to missions, colleges, the poor, etc. There is more accountability and efficiency for a local church to administer funds (confidential needs, etc.) than individuals randomly giving with no wisdom or accountability (individuals can give, but larger projects like building third world churches often require pooling of funds, ETC.).

In other words... we should not only tithe, but we should tithe to YOUR church


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Do you suggest that churches meet in a park? We would freeze here in Canada. Culturally, it is not unreasonable to meet in buildings and have a physical presence in the community. Scripture would not prohibit this. If it is not explicit, then neither are cars and airplanes. The temple or house churches were not imaginary. Different cultures or eras can have different expressions of the Church. Extravagant buildings are unnecessary and poor stewardship. Much of North American Christianity is off track, but this does not mean that all of it is.

I suggested nothing of the sort. Culturally, as a Christian your "culture" is not determined by where you live or in what era, but by what you believe. Christian culture should be based on the Word of God. Meeting in a public building such as Solomon's Portico in the Temple is far different than owning a building. Since we have no temple, other public buildings seem appropriate, libraries etc.

Meeting in private houses or inns (rented spaces?) seems to be in line with the scripture. You can have a physical presence in the community without creating "Church-corporations" that own property and continually have fundraisers for building projects. If you outgrow a private house or rentable spaces then plant a new church instead of creating 19,000 member mega churches where the pastor cannot possibly know his sheep and the sheep know their pastor.

Please give me a scriptural example of the church becoming a corporate entity so it could purchase property.

Originally posted by godrulz

Our church gives away much of what it takes in. It gives to missions, colleges, the poor, etc. There is more accountability and efficiency for a local church to administer funds (confidential needs, etc.) than individuals randomly giving with no wisdom or accountability (individuals can give, but larger projects like building third world churches often require pooling of funds, ETC.).

Who says there is more accountability? Are you saying you are not accountable to yourself? Your reasoning is circular. Lets raise money to build properties for third world churches so they can raise money for other building projects. Where does this end?

The primary example of the NT is house churches. It doesn't take much "pooling of funds" to buy some bibles and send them to a Christian convert in a poor country so he can start a church in his home. You seem to be obsessed with having buildings.


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Originally posted by Sozo

In other words... we should not only tithe, but we should tithe to YOUR church

Are you serious? Support the local church you are fed at. I was merely giving a positive example of the church.

Maybe some of you should search the Scriptures to develop a more cogent ecclesiology. The church is God's primary instrument in the world. We are part of the Body of Christ with local expressions. It is the family and army of God.

Start here: "...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Eph. 5:25

I would be slower to slander and judge the church and its leaders in a stereotypical way. It the the Lord of the Church who accurately commends and rebukes it (Revelation 2 and 3= local churches were commended and rebuked by the Head and Cornerstone).


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Are you serious? Support the local church you are fed at. I was merely giving a positive example of the church.

Maybe some of you should search the Scriptures to develop a more cogent ecclesiology. The church is God's primary instrument in the world. We are part of the Body of Christ with local expressions. It is the family and army of God.

Start here: "...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Eph. 5:25

I would be slower to slander and judge the church and its leaders in a stereotypical way. It the the Lord of the Church who accurately commends and rebukes it (Revelation 2 and 3= local churches were commended and rebuked by the Head and Cornerstone).

Were they not rebuked for leaving their first love?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Are you serious? Support the local church you are fed at. I was merely giving a positive example of the church.

Maybe some of you should search the Scriptures to develop a more cogent ecclesiology. The church is God's primary instrument in the world. We are part of the Body of Christ with local expressions. It is the family and army of God.

Start here: "...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Eph. 5:25

I would be slower to slander and judge the church and its leaders in a stereotypical way. It the the Lord of the Church who accurately commends and rebukes it (Revelation 2 and 3= local churches were commended and rebuked by the Head and Cornerstone).

YOU are the one who criticized the majority of the churches in America for not operating in the same fashion as your own.

In any case, the church is not a building, or an organization. It is people.

You have lost your argument in support of tithing, and this discussion has become a pointless devotion to organized religion, and not to Christ.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Having buildings is one model of meeting. I started a church that met in schools, office buildings, etc. This would not have precluded eventual land or building purchase. This does not have to become a corporate empire sucking the funds out of people.

Is it wrong for believers to OWN homes or is it more spiritual to rent? Perhaps both are valid? Get a grip.

Ownership leads to mortgage burning which leads to NO payments or rent. Ultimately this is an appreciating asset that results in better stewardship. In our culture, a physical presence in the community can be a lighthouse and place of hope. Leaving buildings for nominal churches gives them credibility in our culture and raises cultic suspicion for the little huddles that are underground. Home cell groups are great, but it is hard to fit a large church in a home. There is a place for large celebration and small cells. Mega-churches can have mega-impact.

It is simplistic and short sighted to say renting is the only valid model. Your wooden literalism would not allow us to live in the 21st century. Apply principles since not every modern contingency is dealt with in Scripture.

The above is reasonable and not a pathological obsession with buildings. Your knowledge of ecclesiology and church history is lacking.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Sozo

YOU are the one who criticized the majority of the churches in America for not operating in the same fashion as your own.

In any case, the church is not a building, or an organization. It is people.

You have lost your argument in support of tithing, and this discussion has become a pointless devotion to organized religion, and not to Christ.

The church is people that may or may not meet in buildings. There is a distinction between the church universal and the local church (both are valid). Thousands of churches operate as my church does (accountability, efficiency, stewardship, glorifying to God, etc.). Your focus is on the minority or nominal churches that are not alive.

Tithing can flow out of devotion to Christ or bondage to organized religion. It is both/and, not either/or. This is similar to what day of worship we choose (Pauline argument). If someone gives 10% and another 30% and another is between them and God. All days of the week are as unto God (not just Sunday or Sabbath). Likewise, all giving may be either as unto God or in a merely religious manner.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by cravescheese

Were they not rebuked for leaving their first love?

Only 1/7 churches had that indictment. Each local church has different strengths or weaknesses. What is your point? He did not negate the validity of the ministry of the Church. He desired to exhort and edify believers to greater Christlikeness.


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

If someone gives 10% and another 30% and another is between them and God. All days of the week are as unto God (not just Sunday or Sabbath). Likewise, all giving may be either as unto God or in a merely religious manner.


Are you demon possessed? Becuase no one can be as completely dense as you are.


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Having buildings is one model of meeting. I started a church that met in schools, office buildings, etc. This would not have precluded eventual land or building purchase. This does not have to become a corporate empire sucking the funds out of people.

Yes it is one model. It is not a model we have an example of. We do have examples of small home fellowhips and churches meeting in public places where unbelievers congregate.

Here would be a good place to meet. Meet at your local Jehovah's witness kingdom hall. That way you could witness to and convert them. If they kick you out, oh well. Or meet at a synagogue, buddhist temple, mormon temple or hindu ashram.

Just as the early church would go to the synagogues as a witness to the jews. Makes sense...thats where the unbelievers are!

When asked why he robbed banks a famous bankrobber said "Thats where the money is"

Once you have your own building "sanctuary" you lose out on the opportunity to engage the unbelievers. Hindus usually aren't going to come to your church. If you go to their places they will have to deal with you.

Originally posted by godrulz
Is it wrong for believers to OWN homes or is it more spiritual to rent? Perhaps both are valid? Get a grip.

Please don't attribute words to me. Where did I say any such thing? You grip is the one that seems loose.

Originally posted by godrulz

Ownership leads to mortgage burning which leads to NO payments or rent. Ultimately this is an appreciating asset that results in better stewardship. In our culture, a physical presence in the community can be a lighthouse and place of hope. Leaving buildings for nominal churches gives them credibility in our culture and raises cultic suspicion for the little huddles that are underground. Home cell groups are great, but it is hard to fit a large church in a home. There is a place for large celebration and small cells. Mega-churches can have mega-impact.

Where does it say the church is to have assets? Does store up your treasure in heaven ring a bell to you? You can most easily have a physical presence in the community by going out into the community, not hiding in comfy pews in a sanctuary. Why does a church have to or want to become large? Once you get big how can the pastor and the members really get to know eachother and have true fellowship? Mega churches tend to be places where mega amounts of carnal christians can hide from their responsibility to go out into the world and be salt and light. It is easier to be lost in a large crowd than a small one.

Originally posted by godrulz
It is simplistic and short sighted to say renting is the only valid model. Your wooden literalism would not allow us to live in the 21st century. Apply principles since not every modern contingency is dealt with in Scripture.

The above is reasonable and not a pathological obsession with buildings. Your knowledge of ecclesiology and church history is lacking.

I didn't say renting is the only valid model. You are again attributing words to me that I did not say. Wooden literalism or following God's Holy Word? Let's see, back in the NT early church days..did they have concepts of public and private property? YES. Did they have concepts of renting spaces like at inns? YES Did they have private homes? YES.

What modern contingency relative to this discussion does the bible not deal with?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Only 1/7 churches had that indictment. Each local church has different strengths or weaknesses. What is your point? He did not negate the validity of the ministry of the Church. He desired to exhort and edify believers to greater Christlikeness.

Maybe leaving their first love was an indictment of leaving their love for spreading the Gospel to the world by hiding in a sanctuary in a mega church.


New member
Originally posted by cravescheese

Here would be a good place to meet. Meet at your local Jehovah's witness kingdom hall. That way you could witness to and convert them. If they kick you out, oh well. Or meet at a synagogue, buddhist temple, mormon temple or hindu ashram.
We use to have our bible study in the local tavern. We would put some tables together, pull out our bibles, and order a couple of pitchers and some appetizers!

Is it okay with you, godrulz, if we "tithe" to the local pub?


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

We use to have our bible study in the local tavern. We would put some tables together, pull out our bibles, and order a couple of pitchers and some appetizers!

Is it okay with you, godrulz, if we "tithe" to the local pub?

Assuming you are not being facetious, think of what a witness that would be.


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

YOU are the one who criticized the majority of the churches in America for not operating in the same fashion as your own.

In any case, the church is not a building, or an organization. It is people.

I think that is the real problem, people are all about buildings and top-down hierarchies. This goes back at least to the tower of Babel. It seems to be a big part of the sin nature.

Originally posted by Sozo
You have lost your argument in support of tithing, and this discussion has become a pointless devotion to organized religion, and not to Christ.

You have hit the nail on the head.