ECT Scriptures against the false pre-tribulation rapture doctrine


Then, just after Heb. 9:26’s “once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself,”

See my post above to STP

If the two of you can't see that the KJV has it wrong with "world" in lieu of "ages", then there isn't much hope for either of you.

Here is the correct translation:

(Heb 9:26 NIV) ....But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages....


the Millennial Kingdom

There is no such thing as a "Millennial Kingdom" in the Bible.

This is standard Dispensational propaganda that you have been brainwashed with.

The Bible specifically says the Saints reign with Christ a thousand years.


Well-known member
This is where KJVO messes you up.

It's supposed to be "ends of the ages".

"ends of the world" makes no sense.

The KJV took the Greek word "αἰών" which means "ages" and translated it "world", whereas the Greek word for "world" is "cosmos"

The book of Matthew proves the KJV is wrong. Matthew uses both Greek words to differentiate between "world" and "ages".

For example:

(Matt 24:3 KJV) And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

Here is the correct translation:

(Matt 24:3 NIV) As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Even if we use your Futuristic eschatology, "end of the world" makes no sense.

Look who doesn't ignore Greek when he agrees with it.

Beyond stupid. Evil.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as a "Millennial Kingdom" in the Bible.

This is standard Dispensational propaganda that you have been brainwashed with.

The Bible specifically says the Saints reign with Christ a thousand years.

What is the distinction between some reigning with Christ for a thousand years and some reigning for ever and ever?

Rev_20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Rev_22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.


What is the distinction between some reigning with Christ for a thousand years and some reigning for ever and ever?


Satan is bound during the thousand years, then released when the thousand years is over.

To the best of my understanding, Satan has been thrown into the lake of fire, and no longer exists in chp 22

Also, they can't be the same because Rev 20 tells us the thousand years ends.


Cannot believe how stupid.

(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

What was "obsolete and outdated" (the old covenant) disappeared for good in 70AD.

Hebrews was written a few years before 70AD, which is why the writer of Hebrews said it would "SOON" disappear.

You have to make the word "SOON" mean 1,900+ years and still counting, in order to make Darby's eschatology work out.
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Well-known member
Give it your best shot:

(1 Cor 10:11) These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

God was still dealing with Jews as Jews (miracles, etc), not yet as no different fron heathens. There was apparently still a hope in Paul's heart that Israel might yet be jealously provoked to repent. Had she done so, the culmination -- all that would come upon her repentance -- would have followed.

Israel never repented.

Hence we are now in the unprophesied dispensation of grace, not of culmination. This is not the storm, this is the quiet before the storm. Reconciliation to God is open to all without distinction; the door of the Ark is still open but someday will slam shut.


How many worlds, how many ends?

This is what you do when you can't answer a question.

The literal world doesn't end, it lasts forever.

What ended was the old covenant in 70AD. That was the end of the ages. That is what Paul is speaking of.

You can't have that because it causes a big problem for your Dispensationalism.


There was apparently still a hope in Paul's heart that Israel might yet be jealously provoked to repent. Had she done so, the culmination -- all that would come upon her repentance -- would have followed.

Israel never repented.

Nope, your "Plan B" theory is not an explanation for what the Apostle Paul said.

Jesus made it clear the temple would be destroyed before the generation of His contemporaries passed away. Yet you think that if Paul would have convinced enough Jews to repent, all of Jesus' prophecies wouldn't have happened.

There is no "secret parenthetical dispensation". Darby made that up.


Well-known member
Nope, your "Plan B" theory is not an explanation for what the Apostle Paul said.

There is no plan B. It was plan A all along. God just didn't tell anyone.

Jesus made it clear the temple would be destroyed before the generation of His contemporaries passed away. Yet you think that if Paul would have convinced enough Jews to repent, all of Jesus' prophecies wouldn't have happened.

Christ said a lot of things you've already rejected because they don't fit in your tiny doctrinal box. But the burden is on you to explain why things in your Kingdom have gotten gradually worse and worse and worse over 2,000 years and the rot shows no sign of stopping.

If this is the literal, culminated Kingdom of Christ, then He is a failure. I suspect you realize that and secretly are okay with it.


Hence we are now in the unprophesied dispensation of grace, not of culmination.

No, we are now fully in the New Covenant.

This is not the storm, this is the quiet before the storm.


The tribulation that was prophesied on Jacob happened from 66AD - 70AD.

Reconciliation to God is open to all without distinction;

That is correct. That is what the New Covenant is, there is no longer a distinction between Jew & Gentile. All who have faith in Christ Jesus are the children of Abraham.

the door of the Ark is still open but someday will slam shut.

That is wrong.


Well-known member
Also, genius, tell us (a) when Christ appeared and (b) when all believers appeared with Him in glory (Col 3:4). Paul wrote that it was yet to happen and he was looking forward to it. But if all has culminated already, when did that happen?


There is no plan B. It was plan A all along. God just didn't tell anyone.

You guys think that if Paul, Peter, and other Disciples/Apostles could have gotten enough Jews to repent, Jesus would have returned, and there wouldn't be your "secret parenthetical dispensation".

That's called "Plan B"

Christ said a lot of things you've already rejected because they don't fit in your tiny doctrinal box.

You got that backwards.

I believe everything Jesus said. You guys don't believe what He said in Matt 24:34, Matt 16:28, etc.

But the burden is on you to explain why things in your Kingdom have gotten gradually worse and worse and worse over 2,000 years and the rot shows no sign of stopping.

It's your opinion that they have gotten worse.

Were they better when slavery was legal in almost every country 300-400 years ago?

Were they better when there were virtually no Christians in the USSR, China, and other communist countries?

If there are more Christians today on planet earth than at any other time in human history, how does that make today "worse and worse"?

If this is the literal, culminated Kingdom of Christ, then He is a failure. I suspect you realize that and secretly are okay with it.

It isn't, the kingdom of God is not of this world.

Every human has a sin nature, sin is everywhere. We live in a fallen world. However, we have a Savior, and when we place our faith in Him, our citizenship is in Heaven, we become ambassadors in this fallen sinful world.