People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....


Hall of Fame
Right, shame on me for providing evidence that a man you might support is a bad person to have in political office.

I haven't seen any evidence that Trump is anything other than deceitful and dishonest.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Or there are a large number of people who support his condemnation of the Mexicans or Chinese. I find that easier to believe.

You continue to throw that word around "condemnation" but, you have yet to firm up your rhetoric with fact. please post the quotes where Trump has "condemned" Mexicans or the Chinese. Calling out the state of affairs in this country as they are, truthfully & succinctly, may be painful for your sensitive liberal ears but, that is hardly condemnation of either group as human beings. The U.S. has legitimate problems with both nations that need to be addressed given our current & former leaders have been absolute cowards, and have passed the buck instead of making hard choices for the good of the nation...really, get your facts straight, you are being dishonest or at the least completely ill informed as to what the man has said concerning both groups.


New member
You continue to throw that word around "condemnation" but, you have yet to firm up your rhetoric with fact. please post the quotes where Trump has "condemned" Mexicans or the Chinese. Calling out the state of affairs in this country as they are, truthfully & succinctly, may be painful for your sensitive liberal ears but, that is hardly condemnation of either group as human beings. The U.S. has legitimate problems with both nations that need to be addressed given our current & former leaders have been absolute cowards, and have passed the buck instead of making hard choices for the good of the nation...really, get your facts straight, you are being dishonest or at the least completely ill informed as to what the man has said concerning both groups.
"...Mexican immigrants are 'bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists.' "

Let's start here.




Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
"...Mexican immigrants are 'bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists.' "

Let's start here.

That is a great place to start because they have brought all those things and more with them and just as Trump said..not all but, enough that America needs to control it's borders and deport non-citizens until they have been vetted & go through the same process as every other legal immigrant has. What is your rub with the rule of law? Just curious...


New member
OK so which statement is not simply factual?
bringing drugs? checked and verified
bringing crime? checked and verified
rapists? OK, so maybe that is questionable but surely there are a few :idunno:

Is stating fact the same as condemnation? I think not.
It is when you make a broad statement to a large group of people based on a minority. That is the very definition of prejudice.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It is when you make a broad statement to a large group of people based on a minority. That is the very definition of prejudice.

That makes a great narrative but, is simply not the case. We are talking about people that have broken the law just to attain what millions have went through the pains of being naturalized to recieve, which in and of itself is a slap in the face to them. Plain speaking about the clearly evident problem at our southern border & the people who not only break the law to be here but, many of which are criminals, drug runners, murderers, and rapists in their own country not to mention the illegal entry of non hispanics, possibly terrorists is not, and should not, be avoided just because it offends the sensibilities of liberals. It is about time somebody addresses it because it is the biggest issue facing American culture. I know all you liberals are all on board with the importation of cheap slave labor from foreign lands but, at some point it has to stop.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Here are some Statistics for you to chew on Quetzel, I know liberals hate numbers & statistics that spoil the narrative but, really Trump has enough numbers to back up his rhetoric.

Your president's immigration policy is non existent...

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have knowingly released nearly more than 165,000 criminally-convicted illegal immigrants during President Obama's tenure as chief executive, including many charged with violent crimes like robbery, kidnapping and sexual assault.

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) 2012 report revealed that illegal aliens who had been released from U.S. custody onto U.S. soil between 2008 and 2011 were subsequently charged with more than 16,000 crimes, including murders, according to the New York Times. The data is likely to cause concern regarding the recent revelation that 36,000 convicted criminal illegal immigrants, including almost 200 murderers, were released back into the U.S. by immigration officials in 2013.

What will you say when it is your loved one...

SAN FRANCISCO -- Five times, the man accused of killing former Pleasanton resident Kate Steinle was deported to Mexico. Five times he returned.

But the efforts of federal immigration officials to detain Francisco Sanchez for a sixth time failed when they turned him over to San Francisco officials, who released him in mid-April. Ten weeks later, Steinle was dead on Pier 14 and Sanchez, 45, a habitual felon, had been arrested for the shooting.

1) Keeping a sex slave for 18 months: POLICE in the US have arrested an illegal immigrant who allegedly imprisoned a 27-year-old woman as a sex slave in his booby-trapped home for 18 months…The New York Daily News reports that Oscar Ayala-Arizmendi, 36, has been charged with multiple rape, assault and drug possession charges after the woman escaped from his house outside Buhl, Idaho, and told authorities she had been repeatedly raped and abused.
The case is reminiscent of the notorious Cleveland House of Horrors case, in which Ariel Castro kept three women in vile conditions for years…Unlike Castro and his victims, the relationship between Ayala-Arizmendi and the unnamed woman appears to have started on a consensual basis, with her moving in to his house two years ago — however within six months the situation had degenerated to such an extent that he was locking her in his bedroom and forcing her to use a wastepaper basket as a toilet.

2) The illegal alien serial rapist: On Wednesday, U.S. Marshals brought Baltazar Gabriel Delgado-Ros, 28, back to Palm Beach County (Fla.) where he was wanted for the rape of five women.
DNA evidence has linked Delgado-Ros to all five rapes, according to investigators.

All the incidents took place between April 2009 through September 2011.

All of the rape victims were beaten and even bitten.

3) ) The illegal alien who murdered a woman driving him to the hospital: Meet 27-year-old Julio Miguel Blanco-Garcia. An illegal alien from Guatemala, he has lived and worked in Fairfax County, Va., for at least 11 years. The region is a notorious “sanctuary” for immigration law-breakers where elected officials and big business look the other way for cheap labor and cheap votes.
When he wasn’t working illegally as a construction worker in the government-fueled Boomtown ‘burb or getting himself high on drugs, Blanco-Garcia was building up a lengthy rap sheet.

...But it was too late for 19-year-old college freshman Vanessa Pham. In July 2010, the bubbly art student’s decision to be a Good Samaritan to open-borders beneficiary Blanco-Garcia cost her life. After getting her nails done at a Fairfax Plaza salon, she encountered the illegal alien and his infant daughter in the parking lot. Blanco-Garcia was strung out on $400 worth of PCP.

According to prosecutors, he asked Pham to take him to the hospital. She let the man and his baby into her car. When Pham took a wrong turn, Blanco-Garcia turned on her — stabbing her more than a dozen times with a knife he was carrying. She veered into a ditch; he coldly wiped her blood off of his hands with a baby wipe and clambered out of the sunroof with the child.

4) An illegal alien who molested a child and was paid 4 million dollars by Orange County, CA: On April 17, 2009, the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed to pay $3.75 million, plus an additional $900,000 in medical expenses to an illegal alien who was severely beaten by other inmates in the Orange County Central Jail. The Mexican national filed a lawsuit shortly after the incident.
Fernando Ramirez, 24, was in jail after being charged with molesting a 6-year-old girl at a local park. He eventually pled guilty to the lesser charge of battery against a child.

5) An illegal immigrant rapist who had been deported 9 times: In this case a Mexican national with an extensive criminal record and nine deportation orders raped a woman in Edmonds, a picturesque waterfront town famous for its views of the Olympic Mountains rising above Puget Sound. The illegal immigrant (Jose Lopez Madrigal) was first deported in California more than two decades ago and has since been convicted of a multitude of violent crimes, including armed theft, sexual assault and drug-related offenses.
The crimes were committed in different states—California and Colorado among them—and Madrigal had a staggering number of encounters with law enforcement in the last two decades, according to the local news report that broke the story of his multiple deportations. When he got arrested this last time, it took authorities longer than usual to learn his real identity because he had well over two dozen aliases.

The level of incompetence among federal immigration authorities in this case would be comical if Madrigal’s crimes weren’t so heinous. After the first deportation in 1989 for using a firearm to commit theft, Madrigal got deported several more times in the next few years. In 1999 he was deported three times in a four-month period after drug-related arrests. After a similar offense in 2000 he got deported yet again and in 2002 he got deported after pleading guilty to sexual assault in Denver. In 2003 Madrigal got deported three more times.

It would seem like a huge joke if the illegal immigrant didn’t brutally rape a woman last week.

6) The illegal immigrant terrorist who planned to blow up Jewish synagogues: A Moroccan national (in the country illegally) who plotted to blow up Manhattan synagogues was sentenced to five years in prison Friday.
Mohamed Mamdouh, 22, copped to three crimes under state terror laws on Feb. 28 in exchange for a five year prison sentence, plus three years of post-release supervision.

Prosecutors said Mamdouh and "mastermind" Ahmed Ferhani -- busted on May 11, 2011 -- discussed dressing as observant Jews to infiltrate synagogues and tried to buy weapons to arm themselves for "the cause."

"His case has been about bringing to justice two men, angry at what they perceived as the unjust treatment of Muslims in the world, who spoke of their hatred for Jews, and plotted to attack synagogues in New York City using explosives," prosecutor Gary Galperin said at Mamdouh's sentencing.

"Their intent was to create chaos and to intimidate and coerce Jews living in New York City, and thereby send a message far beyond New York," he added. Ferhani at one point said he wanted to attack 10 synagogues.

7) A 13-year-old gang raped by illegal immigrants: A little 13 year old girl was gang raped by a bunch of illegal immigrants. She had run away from the Settlement Home For Children, only to find herself in a car with this gang of thugs who shouldn’t have been in our country in the first place. What ensued is horrific.
The teen victim tells police she was taken inside an apartment, where Ortega forced himself on her as the other men cheered him on, recording the assault on their cell phones. All the men took turns having sex with her against her will. A forensic exam revealed injuries consistent with her claims.

“It’s sad that we can’t even let our children go outside…or have them carry pepper spray or knives, at 13, that’s sad,” said Leticia Rodriguez, another resident at Avalon Palms, which has no security on site or functioning security cameras.

Rodriguez said, “They don’t even give us a note or something and say oh, this happened, please be careful with your kids and not let them go out. They don’t tell us nothing.”

The affidavit states the assault lasted until early into the morning of June 30, then the victim was driven to a nearby neighborhood and told to “find somewhere to go.”

...Only two of the men have been arrested, and are now reportedly being held on immigration detainers.

Yes, they are all just people here to make a better life...hogwash! They are lawbreakers who's first act coming to this country is to break our laws some of which are heinous criminals. If they want citizenship then let them get in line behind those that are doing it legally & correctly. I know, I more cheap slave labor for liberal entrepreneurs if that happens, & no uneducated voters for the democrat party to woo with free stuff on the back of taxpayers if that happens.


New member
That makes a great narrative but, is simply not the case. We are talking about people that have broken the law just to attain what millions have went through the pains of being naturalized to recieve, which in and of itself is a slap in the face to them. Plain speaking about the clearly evident problem at our southern border & the people who not only break the law to be here but, many of which are criminals, drug runners, murderers, and rapists in their own country not to mention the illegal entry of non hispanics, possibly terrorists is not, and should not, be avoided just because it offends the sensibilities of liberals. It is about time somebody addresses it because it is the biggest issue facing American culture. I know all you liberals are all on board with the importation of cheap slave labor from foreign lands but, at some point it has to stop.
I am not arguing that there isn't a problem. However, this does not warrant broad, slanderous statements that encompass an entire nationality of people.


New member
I am not arguing that there isn't a problem. However, this does not warrant broad, slanderous statements that encompass an entire nationality of people.

There are civil ways to state one's case. I believe Mr. Trump betrayed a lack of gentlemanly behavior.


New member
There are civil ways to state one's case. I believe Mr. Trump betrayed a lack of gentlemanly behavior.
That may be fair and he may have good ideas to assist with this issue. However, this is all that he has given, so that is all I can use.


New member
You know Eeset I have to say that I agree with your assessment, I believe people are finally ignoring the media, people see that they are liars & manipulators. As this election cycle unfolds I believe you will see some surprises that is for sure but, the big surprise I believe will be the rejection of mainstream candidates....Jeb & Hillary.
The entity known as FOXNEWS is number 1 in the media. Are they liars and manipulators too?


New member
I hope Bernie wins. He is an awesome guy. I had lunch with him some years ago. Not only is he honest but also smart and genuinely a friendly, nice man. He took time to sit with me and on a Vermont town common and talk, talking with someone who was not important in any political sense, not even one of his constituents. (I live in New Hampshire.)


New member
So, you are now so color blind that you did not notice that the democrat president for the past 6.5 years is black? Interesting...:think: Do you think that not acknowledging Mr Obama's race somehow erases the legacy of racism that has been the hallmark of the democrat party? Your so enlightened & naive/ignorant... I also see you are not a student of history because if you were you would know the history of the party that you serve. Do you also believe that people of color (other than Caucasian) are not also racists
themselves? or is that not possible...
Sir, are you so dishonest and disenginous as to not acknowledge that it's conservatives who's history is rich with racism?