People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....


New member
Jesus was a loser

He got himself killed

so goes the logic

woe unto them who call Good evil and Evil good

saith the Word of God

Woe unto them who call winners Losers, and losers Winners



Sanders and Trump are advancing day by day. People are responding to their integrity.


Well-known member
Sanders and Trump are advancing day by day. People are responding to their integrity.

I think Sanders is the 500 lb gorilla in the room that none of the other candidates want to acknowledge.
He's drawing larger crowds to his campaign rallies than any other candidate currently in the ring from either side of the isle.
Even heir apparent Hillary is glancing furtively over her shoulder after her last experience with being the initial frontrunner.

Trump? I dunno. I just can't take him seriously.


I think Trump will have some very interesting perspectives on the military industrial complex.


I can easily see a Democrat ticket of Sanders/Warren but who would be the VP running mate with Trump?


New member
I was leaning towards a racist... yeah, you know, perfect repub candidate.

Get over yourself! That is a typical parochial, knee-jerk progressive comment! How do you feel about all of the Democrats going to Congress and coming away millionaires? How about Billary's fees for speaking at charitable fund drives and colleges?
How about "Jabba the Hut's" (Michael Moore) multi-million dollar gated and guarded estate to keep out the hoi-polloi whilst spouting his love and concern for the poor?
I could go on....
I doubt that there is a Republican candidate who could win in
today's America wherein sleaze is the order of the day.:mmph:


New member
Get over yourself! That is a typical parochial, knee-jerk progressive comment! How do you feel about all of the Democrats going to Congress and coming away millionaires? How about Billary's fees for speaking at charitable fund drives and colleges?
How about "Jabba the Hut's" (Michael Moore) multi-million dollar gated and guarded estate to keep out the hoi-polloi whilst spouting his love and concern for the poor?
I could go on....
I doubt that there is a Republican candidate who could win in
today's America wherein sleaze is the order of the day.:mmph:
Knee jerk? He is on record making these sorts of comments. You are either stupid or blissfully ignorant, neither of which is acceptable when it comes to discussing political candidates.


New member
I just haven't seen anything from the Republican side that would even kind of sway my rational conservative friends.

Which may be motivating the massive number of candidates on the R. side right now.
Everyone seems to be looking at the current pool and thinking "Really? That's the best we've got? I could do better than that!" and then another candidate announces.

Or, as a blogger friend of mine put it:
"We've reached the point in this country at which whenever I see an old white guy's picture above or below a headline, my first thought is 'Oh God, who's running for president now?!'"

At the rate Bernie is going, he'll win the nomination and the election.
He's getting previously-apathetic voting-age citizens fired up, and the apathetics were the ones who let the Republicans regain control of Congress.