People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I never hear dems refer to the President by virtue of his race.

Your observations seem a bit oxymoronic when you 1) claim dems to be racist and 2) credit them with electing a "black president".

So, you are now so color blind that you did not notice that the democrat president for the past 6.5 years is black? Interesting...:think: Do you think that not acknowledging Mr Obama's race somehow erases the legacy of racism that has been the hallmark of the democrat party? Your so enlightened & naive/ignorant... I also see you are not a student of history because if you were you would know the history of the party that you serve. Do you also believe that people of color (other than Caucasian) are not also racists
themselves? or is that not possible...


Well-known member
So, you are now so color blind that you did not notice that the democrat president for the past 6.5 years is black? Interesting...:think: Do you think that not acknowledging Mr Obama's race somehow erases the legacy of racism that has been the hallmark of the democrat party? Your so enlightened & naive/ignorant... I also see you are not a student of history because if you were you would know the history of the party that you serve. Do you also believe that people of color (other than Caucasian) are not also racists
themselves? or is that not possible...

What? Like this "history"? I hear some are trying to claim Wallace was a Republican. Talk about rewriting history. :chuckle:

On January 14, 1963, George Wallace is inaugurated as the governor of Alabama, promising his followers, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”​


Well-known member
So, you are now so color blind that you did not notice that the democrat president for the past 6.5 years is black? Interesting...:think: Do you think that not acknowledging Mr Obama's race somehow erases the legacy of racism that has been the hallmark of the democrat party? Your so enlightened & naive/ignorant... I also see you are not a student of history because if you were you would know the history of the party that you serve. Do you also believe that people of color (other than Caucasian) are not also racists
themselves? or is that not possible...
I remember the southern democrats like Wallace and his ilk. I also remember the wholesale succession away from the democratic party by those racist southern democrats when the party rejected the dems over the Kennedy's support of civil rights issues straight into the open arms of the Republican party where they are alive and well today.
I was a republican until the hate invasion from the south.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I remember the southern democrats like Wallace and his ilk.

Oh you have to dig deeper than that, How about President Woodrow Wilson who was the former Gov. of New Jersey the man who has universities, bridges, & public buildings holding his namesake that segregated the federal government (blacks in particular) from government service alongside whites as was established by a republican (Lincoln/Grant) after the civil war. How about Al Gore Senior U.S. Senator who voted against civil rights, Lyndon Johnson? It is a long distinguished list...Wallace was one of many up until recent times when the democrats sought to try to reinvent the brand and then they went with a black racist...Obama. Yes, he is every bit as big of a racist & race baiter that ever did come down the pike and has thrust our nation into a new era of division not seen since the last century.

I also remember the wholesale succession away from the democratic party by those racist southern democrats when the party rejected the dems over the Kennedy's support of civil rights issues straight into the open arms of the Republican party where they are alive and well today.
I was a republican until the hate invasion from the south.

Wow you really have deluded yourself with the lie. Well when you do your homework on the party you serve, you will find nothing but, racism & division from it's inception right to the present day if you were intellectually honest with yourself on the subject.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What? Like this "history"? I hear some are trying to claim Wallace was a Republican. Talk about rewriting history. :chuckle:

On January 14, 1963, George Wallace is inaugurated as the governor of Alabama, promising his followers, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”​

Just like his mentors Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Senators Al Gore Sr. & Robert Byrd...birds of a feather...


Well-known member
Ya know, the thing is, it really doesn't matter how you or I choose to characterize history. In the final analysis, what really matters is how the republican and democratic parties alike, are viewed in the context of current reality by some several million Hispanic and/or other minorities voters that are quite capable of evaluating the rhetoric for what it is and are becoming more vocal about feeling distanced from reps daily.

Personally, if the conditions are right, I may well vote for "Thuh Don" in the primaries. Knowing as I do the value of wedge issues in the general election.

I don't see any rep candidate that is more assured to shave voters away from or energize voters against the republican party than he.

Sanders presents a platform that most closely represents the Eisenhower Republican platform that got America back on it's feet after WWII.

Eisenhower was the last Republican Pres. before the southern take over of the Republican party (remember Nixon's sweep of the south?). When it WAS the party that you can only pretend it to be today.


Well-known member
Just like his mentors Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Senators Al Gore Sr. & Robert Byrd...birds of a feather...

Oh, I see the trick here...only liberals are allowed to change their mind or heart about an issue. Do you ever change your mind? is there anything (politically speaking) where you have had a change of mind or heart Rusha? Just curious.

Oh, I see the trick here...only Republicans are allowed to change their mind or heart about an issue.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Ya know, the thing is, it really doesn't matter how you or I choose to characterize history.

You should not be characterizing history...history stands alone as the testament of what was, it is immovable, concrete, & unchangeable.

In the final analysis, what really matters is how the republican and democratic parties alike, are viewed in the context of current reality by some several million Hispanic and/or other minorities voters that are quite capable of evaluating the rhetoric for what it is and are becoming more vocal about feeling distanced from reps daily.

And that is all it is...rhetoric from a party that is bankrupt of leadership. When you speak of hispanics do you speak of those that are Americans? Or are you another that feels that any person that comes over that border should get a free ride, support, or be allowed citizenship upon entry? That my friend is cultural suicide. Not one candidate has disrespected the American hispanic, many however have taken a stand against the illegal entry of non-citizens putting an already strained social support network into dire straights. I live in California and I have many hispanic friends & coworkers and even they know that this ongoing problem with illegal immigration has to be stopped. It is the issue of our time and it needs to be addressed...not everyone that comes can or should be granted citizenship. In fact if we were good neighbors we would be pressuring our southern neighbors to politically change so their citizens don't have or want to leave.

Personally, if the conditions are right, I may well vote for "Thuh Don" in the primaries. Knowing as I do the value of wedge issues in the general election.

You just do show em. How this point I don't think you are old enough to understand politics at all, much less a "wedge issue". Sheesh grow up!

I don't see any rep candidate that is more assured to shave voters away from or energize voters against the republican party than he.

Well for someone that cannot see you should open your eyes because Trump has been taking the popularity polls by storm. If the voters are energized against him than your theory is bogus or maybe you just hope that is what will happen...not the case so far.

Sanders presents a platform that most closely represents the Eisenhower Republican platform that got America back on it's feet after WWII.

How so? elaborate on the similarities for us.

Eisenhower was the last Republican Pres. before the southern take over of the Republican party (remember Nixon's sweep of the south?). When it WAS the party that you can only pretend it to be today.

You obviously forgot Reagan (from California) by landslide twice (including many democrats) & Bill Clinton twice from the south, carried the south, and also quite the southern racist from way back....oh I know he plays it off he's not a "good ole boy" but, his rhetoric has given him away too many times in the past. Where did you get all this southern takeover tripe anyway, one of your professors?


New member
Obviously you are not watching the numbers and are listening to the press' pathetic narrative which is mockery, yet Trump has climbed to number two behind Bush, by the numbers. Majority of people are done with political correctness & media bias...they just are not buying it.
Second place on the losing team isn't worth anything.


New member
What comments? which comments are not truthful or accurate? You may not like the unvarnished delivery but, which comments are not dead on accurate?

Yet liberal democrats such as yourself want to remain stupid & blissfully ignorant when it comes to talking about the antics of your front runner Hillary, a stone cold liar, deceiver, and political hack.
I have never voiced support for Hillary, thanks for playing.


New member
When has condemned them? He has said he does business there, says he has friends in both countries & that this country should not allow them an unfair trading advantage. Now how is that condemnation? What is your rub with having a leader that actually understands international trade, and will not allow other countries to bully the American worker by flooding our shores with cheap goods produced by cheap slave labor in third world countries? What kind of liberal are you? Do you condone slave labor? Do you also condone the offshoring of American jobs by American companies to sell out this country for a buck? Do you approve of the importation of cheap labor from foreign countries into the U.S. to further set back the American worker? I don't think your listening to Trumps message at all, you just parrot the media instead of listening & thinking for yourself...very lazy.

Should I go on?


New member
Knee jerk? He is on record making these sorts of comments. You are either stupid or blissfully ignorant, neither of which is acceptable when it comes to discussing political candidates.

I would put myself somewhere in the middle of your tirade ....


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trumps poll numbers keep climbing. Why? Because he is not condemning Mexicans but rather pointing out how absurd US policies have been.

Pretty much the deal Eeset...What has got liberals & RINO's (one in the same) in such a fluff is that he says it like it is, in the most politically incorrect way. I find his candor quite refreshing, Americans are sick & tired of political correctness and it is about time that someone tear that facade down, and Trump is doing just that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trumps poll numbers keep climbing. Why? Because he is not condemning Mexicans but rather pointing out how absurd US policies have been.

are you promoting trump because he is the only one sanders can beat?


New member
Trumps poll numbers keep climbing. Why? Because he is not condemning Mexicans but rather pointing out how absurd US policies have been.
Or there are a large number of people who support his condemnation of the Mexicans or Chinese. I find that easier to believe.