People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sir, are you so dishonest and disenginous as to not acknowledge that it's conservatives who's history is rich with racism?

Dishonest? not so at all... it was the democrat party that has embodied racism, slavery, segregation, and civil rights from it's inception, and the fact you don't know the history of the party that you seemingly identify with is your own ignorance not mine. What is really disingenuous is calling me out on a points of history when you haven't done your homework.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The entity known as FOXNEWS is number 1 in the media. Are they liars and manipulators too?

Absolutely, they shape the message their way just as your chosen news outlets MSNBC, CNN, & NPR do the same...Yes, I agree with you that they are guilty of manipulation on some of their shows/hosts but, I would not agree that they are liars, in fact I would say the opposite when it comes to reporting of the news.


New member
Dishonest? not so at all... it was the democrat party that has embodied racism, slavery, segregation, and civil rights from it's inception, and the fact you don't know the history of the party that you seemingly identify with is your own ignorance not mine. What is really disingenuous is calling me out on a points of history when you haven't done your homework.
That may be true of histories past, however, it does not appear to be the case now. The political alignment of the Democrats has shifted by a huge margin since the 19th century. It has since adopted more liberal ideals in regards to race and social justice. While the Republicans, on the other hand, seem to drift closer to dated, "traditional" values of the early 20th century.


New member
Dishonest? not so at all... it was the democrat party that has embodied racism, slavery, segregation, and civil rights from it's inception, and the fact you don't know the history of the party that you seemingly identify with is your own ignorance not mine. What is really disingenuous is calling me out on a points of history when you haven't done your homework.
Were they self-proclaimed Conservatives, yes or no?


New member
Absolutely, they shape the message their way just as your chosen news outlets MSNBC, CNN, & NPR do the same...Yes, I agree with you that they are guilty of manipulation on some of their shows/hosts but, I would not agree that they are liars, in fact I would say the opposite when it comes to reporting of the news.
But the other news outlets you listed are definitely liars, right?


New member
He has as much chance as Sanders or Hillary at this point....seriously! Have you not been watching the man's numbers?
The election is over a year away. Are you seriously putting stock in Trump's poll ratings at this point? Dude, there hasn't even been a debate.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I am not arguing that there isn't a problem. However, this does not warrant broad, slanderous statements that encompass an entire nationality of people.

The statements were broad brush I will admit but, slanderous? no...

Did Trump encompass an entire nationality? No, in fact he said "not all" you are engaging in hyperbole and embellishment of what the man did say.

As far as what Trump said in reference to China and their trade dealings with this country & the companies that are doing business with China he is dead on. His shot at China was not at all directed at the people as you have eluded but, at their corrupt government, same as when he called out the corrupt Mexican government which keeps a large number of it's population in abject poverty. You say that you arguing that there is a problem yet nobody is addressing a solution except Trump but, his head on approach you & most politically correct liberals find offensive. I don't believe this problem is able to be addressed or solved without offending someone honestly.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The election is over a year away. Are you seriously putting stock in Trump's poll ratings at this point? Dude, there hasn't even been a debate.

I have not picked any horse in this race, heck it has not even begun yet as you have said and if you have read my posts I have said that numerous times. What I have said however is that I like the dynamic that Trump has brought into this dog & pony show of political panderers & propagandist media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, I find the straight talk from Trump quite refreshing to hear and quite entertaining to watch the reactions to...He obviously has had the same affect a large group of Americans or he would not be polling the numbers that he is, no wonder he has got you libs in such a tizzy.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
But the other news outlets you listed are definitely liars, right?

I believe that MSNBC takes great liberty with the truth on all fronts, I find that they are a totally untrustworthy source for anything but, entertainment of liberals I guess. :idunno: CNN I believe is just like FOX, good reporting and shows/hosts that are intrigued with their own propaganda.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Were they self-proclaimed Conservatives, yes or no?

No, they were not, in fact the conservatives were the group that broke from the Whigs & formed the Republican party under Lincoln, these same conservatives were the voice against slavery, formed the abolition, and it was conservatives that granted civil rights and democrats that voted against it. It was a democrat president that reintroduced segregation into the federal government & a conservative to tear it down. Your view of history is askew and wrong... Is this some revisionist history they are teaching in public school these days?


New member
No, they were not, in fact the conservatives were the group that broke from the Whigs & formed the Republican party under Lincoln, these same conservatives were the voice against slavery, formed the abolition, and it was conservatives that granted civil rights and democrats that voted against it. It was a democrat president that reintroduced segregation into the federal government & a conservative to tear it down. Your view of history is askew and wrong... Is this some revisionist history they are teaching in public school these days?
Gotta link crediting conservatives with all that?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....

How was it not slanderous? He addressed an entire group of people as druggie rapists.

Here is a transcript of what was said by Trump in that speech, please point out the slander or the reference to an entire group of people... You are just as dishonest & disingenuous as the media sources are on this subject Q.

"When Mexico [meaning the Mexican government] sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you [pointing to the audience]. They're not sending you [pointing again]. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people. It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably from the Middle East. But we don't know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what's happening. And it's got to stop and it's got to stop fast."
