People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....


New member
Bernie Sanders will win the democrats nomination and Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination.

Mainstream media hasn't yet realized that it is irrelevant in the 2016 election. People who actually vote are going to respond to the honesty of Trump and Sanders. b.

these people are NOT honest. You have been deceived.

the Bible says something to the effect that "Let all men be liars, but [something about how God is the only one you can believe...]"

that said, obvoiusly some people are more trustworthy than others



OK, so I made this thread in July and now its "show time"! Trump will romp and Bernie will squeak out a surprising win over Hillary. :)


Well-known member
Well I was clearly wrong about Trump romping home. Bernie did manage to get almost a tie. New Hampshire looms large for both.
If Sanders can tie in Iowa, he'll win in New Hampshire. His rallies are drawing huge crowds, he's a lot bigger threat to Hillary than people realize. Even if the democratic machine has already crowned her 'president in waiting'.

Trump, on the other hand, is just a bad joke that's getting really old. He's too bizarre to vote for, even as an "anger candidate". Cruz is just a limp-wristed version of Trump, so he may get the nod, but I seriously doubt he can win. And the rest of the pack are either crazy, or absurdly ignorant political glad-handers. But who knows, maybe the republicans have gerrymandered and rigged enough voting machines by now that they can get anyone elected. Democracy is dead in this country, anyway.


Bernie Sanders will win the democrats nomination and Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination.

Mainstream media hasn't yet realized that it is irrelevant in the 2016 election. People who actually vote are going to respond to the honesty of Trump and Sanders. And that's a good thing. Why? Well because those 2 actually mean what they say. The rest of the candidates are trying to say whatever will get them elected. They will fail because this is the election where social media will expose hypocrisy each and every time a candidate postures falsely for a vote grab.

Please note that I wrote this thread last July 1st. I stand by it.

patrick jane

Barely. I think it is more likely that she will withdraw.
Nope, not if you're thinking legal problems. She won't be found guilty of a crime and definitely will NOT see jail time or any punishment. She will continue and she will be the Dem nominee. It's all but guaranteed.


Please take note that I started this thread last July. At that time few believed Trump had a chance.

As of this moment polls indicate Hillary will win the Presidency. They are wrong. She won't even be on the ticket in November.