Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist


He's odd?

I didn't read him to say he would deny anyone basic sustenance....What I did read was a government that MAKES YOU provide for the Herion addict food and shelter, basically at gunpoint to the person who objects, is perfectly fine with you.
There's all kinds out there with all kinds of need.
Why focus on the addict.... or is that just a general personal judgement against those unseen whom may be in need of aide?

Now why does the addict go to the government for this help? Because you bleeding heart liberals will give in to the guy, so he accepts no responsibility for his actions. None whatsoever. Whereas in private charity (i.e. Parents, family members, communities at large)will require some kind of action on his part to better himself. That you oppose for some odd ball reason.

Who ever said I was against such...on the contrary, I'm active at such. Only not at the expense of general giving via taxation in an effort to flex no more than judgmental egos.



[JESUS]“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went.Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise.And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’“So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner,saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’[/JESUS] - Matthew 20:1-15

Equality, sans condition?
That's exactly what the ilk around here stand AGAINST! They'd rather use their volition to assert judgmental condition i.e. pay those loafers less.

Keep up the good work. :up:


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Equality, sans condition?


No equality. Only freedom.

That's exactly what the ilk around here

I'd like to remind you that we are on a mainline Christian board.

stand AGAINST! They'd rather use their volition to assert judgmental condition i.e. pay those loafers less.

Keep up the good work. :up:

It's not surprising that a thief, and a dishonest one at that, wants the money of others through "equality" when he has done nothing to earn that money.

God says a man has the right to determine the amount that he pays his employees, and to pay them the amount agreed upon. If that means that some people get paid less for the same job, so be it. You, a thief, don't have the right to his money simply because you think people should be equal, and the last verse in the passage I quoted should tell you that.

Is your eye evil because what Jesus said is good?


Well-known member
There's all kinds out there with all kinds of need.
Why focus on the addict.... or is that just a general personal judgement against those unseen whom may be in need of aide?

Not focusing on the addict. It was called an example. Pick any scenario you still is not the obligation of government to care for whatever example you want to give.


Not focusing on the addict. It was called an example.
Nonetheless, such agenda-based examples tend to spin one extreme over another. Yours was no exception.

Pick any scenario you still is not the obligation of government to care for whatever example you want to give.

No, why's that? Do the citizens of this prosperous country have the right to general protection; pursuit of personal happiness - which necessitates the procurement of basic needs? If not, who draws the standard, Christian's, conservatives, liberals or some admixture of all?



No equality. Only freedom.
Yes, temper that freedom with compassion and you'll be on to something here.

I'd like to remind you that we are on a mainline Christian board.
Ya don't say? :chuckle:

It's not surprising that a thief, and a dishonest one at that, wants the money of others through "equality" when he has done nothing to earn that money.

God says a man has the right to determine the amount that he pays his employees, and to pay them the amount agreed upon. If that means that some people get paid less for the same job, so be it. You, a thief, don't have the right to his money simply because you think people should be equal, and the last verse in the passage I quoted should tell you that.

Is your eye evil because what Jesus said is good?
Such a business man does not accumulate his riches in a vacuum. As a related saying goes..."it takes a village..."
Said business mogul has a duty to the society which labors, protects, consumes and maintains his golden pathways to the bank.


Not with any ATTITUDE!!!!! Including yours which you think you have a right to other people's stuff just for being a citizen...

Yes, the rich have a responsibility to the society through which they've prospered. I'll reiterate what you've seem to be ignoring:
Such a business man does not accumulate his riches in a vacuum. As a related saying goes..."it takes a village..."
Said business mogul has a duty to the society which labors, protects, consumes and maintains his golden pathways to the bank.


Well-known member
Yes, the rich have a responsibility to the society through which they've prospered. I'll reiterate what you've seem to be ignoring:
Such a business man does not accumulate his riches in a vacuum. As a related saying goes..."it takes a village..."
Said business mogul has a duty to the society which labors, protects, consumes and maintains his golden pathways to the bank.

Ok Hillary Clinton....


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Yes, the rich have a responsibility to the society through which they've prospered. I'll reiterate what you've seem to be ignoring:
Such a business man does not accumulate his riches in a vacuum. As a related saying goes..."it takes a village..."
Said business mogul has a duty to the society which labors, protects, consumes and maintains his golden pathways to the bank.
"it takes a village"?



Well-known member
:rolleyes: Doubling down?!
I guess my faith in you was mistaken.

My apologies Quip....I guess it was....

You see Quip, I have read the book. You are making the same old tired arguments she did in her book "It takes a Village"

Nothing new is coming from you.

Are you envious of successful people? Just a question.

Why do you feel entitled to other people's stuff Quip?


This space intentionally left blank
You've proven to be no more than an a waste of time.

Only you can waste your time. You, just now, wasted more of your time by bothering to create another post in purely emotive reaction to what I've posted, without your even trying to answer the questions I've asked you, and without your even trying to defend your stupidities and hypocrisies against the truth I've leveled against them.

So, my options are to post ....or not to post. :plain:
Brilliant deduction there django...ya nailed this one on the head!

Your options:
  • to stonewall against these questions by reacting to them with further posts (as you've done thus far),
  • to stonewall against these questions by not reacting to them with further posts (as you've yet to try).

You crack me up. You, a Buddhist who, being incapable of answering these questions, nevertheless cannot bring yourself to choosing to be silent--the latter of your two options.

You know your options, and you know as well as I know that neither of them is for you to not stonewall against my questions. So here, yet again, are the questions against which you must stonewall:

How is it you imagine your avowed willingness to be a thief comports in the least with your pretense of having an "attitude of giving and generosity"?

If you "don't care" what Jesus said/did, then why bother quoting Him, and what the Bible records about Him?


Well-known member
From Doug Casey

Incidentally, the idea of democracy is an anachronism, at best. The US has mutated into a domestic multicultural empire. The average person has been propagandized into believing that it’s patriotic to do as he’s told. “We need libraries of regulations, and I’m happy to pay my taxes. It’s the price we pay for civilization.” No, that’s just the opposite of the fact. Those things are signs that civilization is degrading, that the members of society are becoming less individually responsible. And therefore that the country has to be held together by force.

It’s all about control. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The type of people that gravitate to government like to control other people. Contrary to what we’re told to think, that’s why the worst people – not the best – want to get into government.