There's all kinds out there with all kinds of need.He's odd?
I didn't read him to say he would deny anyone basic sustenance....What I did read was a government that MAKES YOU provide for the Herion addict food and shelter, basically at gunpoint to the person who objects, is perfectly fine with you.
Why focus on the addict.... or is that just a general personal judgement against those unseen whom may be in need of aide?
Now why does the addict go to the government for this help? Because you bleeding heart liberals will give in to the guy, so he accepts no responsibility for his actions. None whatsoever. Whereas in private charity (i.e. Parents, family members, communities at large)will require some kind of action on his part to better himself. That you oppose for some odd ball reason.
Who ever said I was against such...on the contrary, I'm active at such. Only not at the expense of general giving via taxation in an effort to flex no more than judgmental egos.