Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist

The Barbarian

Grammar National Socialists


Well-known member
I saw the following in an article today....I need to find it...

Taxation, by definition, requires violence against someone who chooses not to pay the tax, a peaceful act that violates no one’s rights.


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What? :chuckle:
I'm gone a few hours and I see nothing but brilliant gems like django's here.

I must have hit the motherload. :idea:

It stands to be reiterated... tenfold:
Given the attitude of giving and generosity shown here....there seems to be no other recourse.

As usual, you are forced to do nothing other than either to write no further posts (which is obviously not a palatable option for pompous windbags like yourself), or to write further posts (like the one you just wrote--#115) in which you concede that you can't justify the stupidities you've already written. Either way, you are forced to stonewall against the questions I've asked you.

Why do you consider theft (which every rational person knows to be evil) a good thing?

Why do you refuse to stop thinking enviously, as a thief, and to, instead, start thinking and acting in an attitude of giving and generosity? Answer: Because you're a hypocrite--which fact you will necessarily reiterate with every further post you write in which you stonewall against the questions I've asked you:

Here, you've admitted your willingness to steal wealth from its owners--your willingness to be a thief. How is it you imagine your avowed willingness to be a thief comports in the least with your pretense of having an "attitude of giving and generosity"?

If you "don't care" what Jesus said/did, then why bother quoting Him, and what the Bible records about Him?


Millennials and their children are more likely to vote for communists and socialists and prefer them over capitalism's 'evils.'

Who would have thought that Kentucky and Virginia would turn out to be a den of socialists and communists - is nothing sacred!


Well-known member
Who would have thought that Kentucky and Virginia would turn out to be a den of socialists and communists - is nothing sacred!

Hmm, in Kentucky, every other position of office in that election went Republican. Only the governors race went Democratic. Clearly the libertarian candidate hurt the incumbent.

BTW, you might learn something if you read my signature....


Hmm, in Kentucky, every other position of office in that election went Republican. Only the governors race went Democratic. Clearly the libertarian candidate hurt the incumbent.

BTW, you might learn something if you read my signature....
This Governor had the support of the President who had won Kentucky by 30 points in 2016 and 2 Kentucky Senate "heavyweights," GOP Majority Leader McConnell and Ran Paul!

With that kind of GOP political "prestige" on the line, it was a clear rebuke by the Kentucky electorate that the "coattails" of such prominent Republicans wasn't even enough to eek out a narrow victory!

This is a President who hates being associated with "losers" - the last thing that a Commander and Chief who is currently the subject of impeachment hearings needs is to be expending whatever political capital he has left on lost causes!


As usual, you are forced to do nothing other than either to write no further posts (which is obviously not a palatable option for pompous windbags like yourself), or to write further posts (like the one you just wrote--#115) in which you concede that you can't justify the stupidities you've already written. Either way, you are forced to stonewall against the questions I've asked you.

So, my options are to post ....or not to post. :plain:
Brilliant deduction there django...ya nailed this one on the head!

Why do you consider theft (which every rational person knows to be evil) a good thing?

Wow! What moronically loaded attempts at argumentation. Rather puerile if you ask me. Do you actually think before you post. I surely hope not.

Why do you refuse to stop thinking enviously, as a thief, and to, instead, start thinking and acting in an attitude of giving and generosity? Answer: Because you're a hypocrite--which fact you will necessarily reiterate with every further post you write in which you stonewall against the questions I've asked you:

You've proven to be no more than an a waste of time.


Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is still theft.

You're a thief.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Oh dear ....Thievery! :chuckle:

On an alternate note...I didn't realize parsimony was so highly a touted "Christian" virtue.

Some would differ though:
."Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others." Timothy 6:18


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Oh dear ....Thievery! :chuckle:

On an alternate note...I didn't realize parsimony was so highly a touted "Christian" virtue.

Some would differ though:
."Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others." Timothy 6:18

I can't use my money to do good if the money I want to set aside for doing so is being taken from me by the government, or from people like you.


Well-known member
I can't use my money to do good if the money I want to set aside for doing so is being taken from me by the government, or from people like you.
He doesn't understand basic principles...

I'm guessing he thinks like most that some societal contract exists and everyone should pay to be part of said non existent contract.

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I can't use my money to do good if the money I want to set aside for doing so is being taken from me by the government, or from people like you.

A separation of purse and state. That's all this really boils down to....correct?

Death and know the drill. :idunno:

There's always off-the-grid for you. (I can only wish.)

Gary K

New member
quip sees government as a god. A god that is to control the conscience of every man.

He has no understanding of the Christian concepts of conscience and discipleship. and who is to be in first place in our lives. No one but God is to be allowed to set our priorities and guide our conscience. He also has no understanding of why God laid the personal responsibility of charity upon us.

Government cannot be the one to set our moral for charity or be the ruling moral guide in our lives for if it becomes that for us we have broken the first commandment. We have placed another god before God. What he advocates is idolatry. And that is what socialism is in reality. It places government and it's standards in God's place and will use the government's gun to enforce acceptance of it's own moral standards which are often in direct conflict with God's moral standards.

The idea that charity is taxes is ludicrous. It separates a person from those who need our help. It places the government as the only one capable of determining who needs the help. That once again is government setting our moral standards for it is saying it has the right to tell us how many of our resources we need to dedicate to charity. Besides that there is no real charity in government. It uses it's financial resources to exert it's ability to control people, not for true charity.

To accept that paying our taxes is charity is to accept the idea that when we've paid our taxes we have fulfilled all we need to do to help our fellow man. It's a satanic device to separate us from God and His standards and to keep us from following Him by the temptation to tell ourselves that an impersonal tax payment is actually loving our neighbor. That is a major fallacy and a dangerous one for it separates us from God.