Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist


Do you really think that because we have a great deal more murderers living in the United States, which is why we can't be on average as happy as countries who are blessed with fewer murderers, that somehow Americans are responsible for that? You hold it against Americans, that we have more murderers living here? You think that's our fault, that we deserve to not be as happy as those who live near the arctic circle? How is having more murderers our fault? Which box did I tick to cause more murder in the US than in many other liberal democracies? Why is this because of Americans?

Who else could it possibly be?

The Berean

Well-known member
I saw the following in an article today....I need to find it...

Taxation, by definition, requires violence against someone who chooses not to pay the tax, a peaceful act that violates no one’s rights.

The one type of tax I completely loathe and despise the most is the property tax. Why do I have to pay a tax on my own property?! I own it. Not the fricking state. What am I? A serf?!

The Barbarian

The one type of tax I completely loathe and despise the most is the property tax. Why do I have to pay a tax on my own property?! I own it. Not the fricking state. What am I? A serf?!

It always comes down to "who pays for the sewers, the police, the fire department, etc.?"

Thing is, municipalities have started charging fees for things like sewer and trash removal. Maybe they ought to expand that, and add fees for fire and police protection, just like a water bill, adjusted for the size of the property to be protected, covering every government service in place of property taxes.

I suspect the price would be higher, but at least you'd be paying according to use. When this country was young, fire protection was optional; you could subscribe for a fee to have your buildings protected.

In Rome, I'm told that there were commercial fire fighters, who would show up at your burning house and offer to buy it at a steep discount. If you sold, they'd put the tire out. The original fire sale.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The murderers.

what the nordic countries don't have:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
To keep on topic, I'm sure you meant AMERICAN murderers.
So to further keep on topic, why should Americans be blamed for American murderers who live in America, and not in Scandinavia, and who prevent Americans from being as happy on average as people who live with far fewer murderers? Do you think that countries with more murderers than other countries could possibly be as happy as countries with fewer murderers? I don't see how that could be possible. To me it seems impossible, unless a country has a greater proportion of sociopaths also. Along with murderers. I could see a country with both more murderers and more sociopaths being measured as happier than you would expect, given more murderers, but not without more sociopaths, since people who aren't sociopaths would be unavoidably less happy living with more murder, than people living with less murder. I'm sure you're understanding that the relationship between murder and happiness is inversely proportional, with the more the murder, the less the happiness. And so Scandinavians who don't suffer with as many murderers as the United States does, has an obvious advantage in how happy they are on average, all things considered.


Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist

1) By American standards, virtually all of her allies would be considered communist/socialist - Canada with which the US shares 5250 miles of common border has universal healthcare and a much more comprehensive system of social programs to reduce the inequality that exists within a capitalist economic systems!

2) In the last 4 decades, starting with the Reagan Administration, the naked "greed" of America's 1% hasn't done the public acceptance of the "capitalist" system any favors as it undermined the middle class, sent millions of manufacturing jobs offshore and mismanaged the economy with subprime loans that triggered the 2008 Recession!

3) The warning bells are already sounding with millenials that if "capitalism" expects to retain its special status as America's economic system of choice, it is essential that it lead by example, produce far more "winners" than "losers" and redistribute the private wealth of the nation in a more equitable manner!

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist

1) By American standards, virtually all of her allies would be considered communist/socialist - Canada with which the US shares 5250 miles of common border has universal healthcare and a much more comprehensive system of social programs to reduce the inequality that exists within a capitalist economic systems!

2) In the last 4 decades, starting with the Reagan Administration, the naked "greed" of America's 1% hasn't done the public acceptance of the "capitalist" system any favors as it undermined the middle class, sent millions of manufacturing jobs offshore and mismanaged the economy with subprime loans that triggered the 2008 Recession!

3) The warning bells are already sounding with millenials that if "capitalism" expects to retain its special status as America's economic system of choice, it is essential that it lead by example, produce far more "winners" than "losers" and redistribute the private wealth of the nation in a more equitable manner!
Idealism is dying. People are realizing that the government doesn't have to be 100% capitalist or 100% socialist with nothing in between. The government can allow free markets in some places, restrict other markets, or even own/control some markets, on a case-by-case basis. It has been doing so for years, it's just a matter of figuring out where the government is a help, and where it is a hindrance.


Well-known member
"....It is about a standard I expect of myself.."

Is this standard of yours comprised of qualifying expectation from the recipient?

In the sense that any of us put our $$$ where our mouth is? Yes. Talk, and sentiment aren't worth anything, really. Just time-wasting dialogue unless the rubber hits the road, It'd be hypocritical otherwise, for all of us.

The Barbarian

Idealism is dying. People are realizing that the government doesn't have to be 100% capitalist or 100% socialist with nothing in between. The government can allow free markets in some places, restrict other markets, or even own/control some markets, on a case-by-case basis. It has been doing so for years, it's just a matter of figuring out where the government is a help, and where it is a hindrance.

The real danger comes in millennials assuming that Trump represents capitalism. If that's not corrected, expect a socialist America in a couple of decades.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
The real danger comes in millennials assuming that Trump represents capitalism. If that's not corrected, expect a socialist America in a couple of decades.
Trump likes to frame himself as a capitalist, but in reality he represents nationalism. That's the pillar upon which he stands, and was elected. If there was another candidate who took up nationalist interests as an issue, and was even halfway normal, people would leave Trump to flock there in droves. Regardless of party.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
is there anything wrong with being a nationalist?
Nationalism is a good thing when used in moderation. It's healthy and necessary for nations to compete for resources. Nationalism can become unhealthy when one side decides that rather than competing for resources, they will just eliminate the competition, which inevitably leads to war.

I presently have no issues with the nationalist stance taken by Mr. Trump. I am a big fan of ending free trade agreements. I see tariffs on foreign imports as a necessary measure that governments use to protect the interests of their constituents.

On the other hand, I have many issues with Mr. Trump in other areas. Basically every time he opens his mouth.

I wish their was a(nother) candidate that represented my interests, without being such a tool.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I presently have no issues with the nationalist stance taken by Mr. Trump. I am a big fan of ending free trade agreements. I see tariffs on foreign imports as a necessary measure that governments use to protect the interests of their constituents.

me too - I was wondering if I was misreading you

On the other hand, I have many issues with Mr. Trump in other areas. Basically every time he opens his mouth.

well, he is from New York City - they're not known for thinking before speaking

or voting, as evidenced by my Governor and our 30 year old idiot Congresswoman


Idealism is dying. People are realizing that the government doesn't have to be 100% capitalist or 100% socialist with nothing in between. The government can allow free markets in some places, restrict other markets, or even own/control some markets, on a case-by-case basis. It has been doing so for years, it's just a matter of figuring out where the government is a help, and where it is a hindrance.
"Pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares no one. The challenge that is already with us is the temptation to accept as true freedom what in reality is only a new form of slavery."
- Pope John Paul II

The 1% which controls the levers of power in America want a "government" that's big enough to protect their privileged position, but not big enough to protect the average American from their predatory practices!