Such a business man does not accumulate his riches in a vacuum. As a related saying goes..."it takes a village..."
Said business mogul has a duty to the society which labors, protects, consumes and maintains his golden pathways to the bank.
Your words and your actions tell different stories.
I never claimed that reasoned, equitable arguments are cutting edge. Strange that you deem them as such.My apologies Quip....I guess it was....
You see Quip, I have read the book. You are making the same old tired arguments she did in her book "It takes a Village"
Indeed!Nothing new is coming from you.
Wrong question. Envy is the wrong emotion. I don't begrudge the successful, rather I have a disdain for blatant it sole-minded profiteering or small-minded, servile groveling at its methods. Concerning the (and others here) especially come to mind.Are you envious of successful people? Just a question.
Why do you feel entitled to other people's stuff Quip?
Well, no. I've been consistent where it comes to my cynicism where it comes to politics from any side of the spectrum. You, on the other hand, just seem to want to label anyone who has a bad word to say about Trump as a "Marxist" or some garbage.
Show me your posts criticizing anyone on the left. I've never read a single post of yours that does that.
Your condemnation of me is pretty funny because I'd have to have been calling myself a ""Marxist" or some garbage" as I have criticized some of Trump's moves. I have pointed out where he has used the same deceitful algorithms for reporting economic numbers that Obama and the Democrats used. I have also spoken to how fragile our national economy is in reality when Trump has been saying how wonderful it is. A lot of the economic information I've pointed to has demonstrated the reality rather than the hype Trump uses, including the PCR interview that you called garbage because PCR has a stance on WWII and the Nazis that you don't like. You ignored all that truth because of your bias and prejudice. Your statement here proves you didn't even listen to the interview. You just condemned it out of hand. And then because you have done that with all the videos on economic subjects I've posted you say I never criticize Trump. Your bias and prejudice lie fully exposed.
The really ironic part of your condemnation of PCR is that the BBC is one of the largest antisemitic organizations on planet earth. Their biased and deceitful treatment of Israel and the BBC's blatant lying support of terrorists attacking Israel is incredible. If the Irish organizations like Sinn Fein had committed anywhere near the amount of terrorist acts against England that the Palestinian terrorists have against Israel you Brits would have wiped the entire nation of Ireland off the map. And I don't say that lightly but come from the point of view of the long history of Britain's criminal abuse of the Irish. Maybe you ought to read Leon Uris's Trinity series as his deeply researched Trinity series on the "Irish problem" is a great documentation of just how prejudiced you Brits really are.
I don't.
Any other questions?
Why do you feel entitled to other people's stuff Quip?
I don't.
You aren't one, so why would I take advice from you concerning this? Read::chuckle: speaking of which: Jesus's words didn't work in Seattle so....that's good enough for you. :carryon:
What a pretentious load....
But you're correct in one regard, we've had this discussion before and you're still only a self-appointed Christian... in name only.
Love his heart. The one's who don't are the first to cast stones in their [un]righteous indignation. It makes no sense.
Forced? :think: To whoever somebody else believes it should be bestowed? :think:Oh dear ....Thievery! :chuckle:
"Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others." Timothy 6:18
."Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others." Timothy 6:18
Well, given your self-serving approach to the issue it only makes sense that you would assume the same with mine. :idunno:Your posts says otherwise.
"generous to those in need"
"ready to share with others"
silly quip thinks that means the government :chuckle:
Forced? :think: To whoever somebody else believes it should be bestowed? :think:
There are people living in tents at the park downtown. The foodbank where I've worked and help, travel there and give them hot meals, clothes, and whatever other help they can afford. The majority of these travel to the street corners with cardboard signs, many say they are 'hungry' when I just got through feeding them.
Point: There are true needs, and feigned needs. There are people who think that saying 'no' even just once isn't loving.
So? Who are you to judge who's worthy or not; or in what manner your efforts may be appreciated or respected ...if at all? All your efforts may only help but one...unseen and that is a task well done.. It's only your ego which desires accolades. Get over yourself.
I don't think that was his motivation. I'm pretty sure Lon realizes that Jesus didn't say "help those who deserve it", but instead told us to help those who need it.
And I'd be very surprised if he was unaware that Jesus said those who get accolades for helping others, have already gotten their reward.
I often disagree with Lon,but I think he has this one right. BTW, I had situation like that, recently, and I missed it:
Mrs. B and I were at a fried chicken place, eating lunch. There was this very seedy-looking character just sitting there, two tables away. He was young, in his 20s, small and skinny, dirty with dirty and ragged clothes, nursing a coke.
I didn't finish my meal, and was going to toss one piece of chicken, when he said, "if you aren't going to eat that, can I have it?"
He looked awful enough that I put off going to the restroom because I didn't want Mrs. B there without me. I handed him the plate and said "Sure. Take it."
Caught me off guard. Driving away, I realized that I should have gone back and bought him a meal. Maybe he didn't deserve it, and just begged when he could be working. But I realized that Jesus didn't say "feed the hungry, if they deserve it."
I just missed it that time.
So? Who are you to judge who's worthy or not; or in what manner your efforts may be appreciated or respected ...if at all? All your efforts may only help but one...unseen and that is a task well done.. It's only your ego which desires accolades. Get over yourself.
:nono: Not accolades and not bragging. I'm simply applying where the rubber meets the roads. The action is the thing and I'm a hypocrite if I don't share it, at least by the vision of the other such that the comment, while losing my proverbial crown, is not about the accolade at all. It is about a standard I expect of myself. The crown? At this point, I'm not concerned about "well done good and faithful servant" as I am about the doing of the thing: Meeting an actual need of another human being. Sentiment is fine, voting conscience is what we do, but where the rubber meets the road is always in the doing of the thing. I simply have to state, openly, I'm not a hypocrite. My money and sacrifice are indeed where my mouth is. If I get grief for seemingly 'bragging' or God opposed me for my pride, it is still a necessary evil. We simply don't talk about our charity because it seems to cheapen it, but I'd like to see more than ice buckets over the head on Facebook.
There comes a time, and I think appropriately in this thread (and others) where talk is cheap and so, bragging (not the intent, ever) or rather where action is taking place, I think needs to be talked about. In that, I know what I do with $ and I know what churches and organizations I support do to help as well.
Do you really think that because we have a great deal more murderers living in the United States, which is why we can't be on average as happy as countries who are blessed with fewer murderers, that somehow Americans are responsible for that? You hold it against Americans, that we have more murderers living here? You think that's our fault, that we deserve to not be as happy as those who live near the arctic circle? How is having more murderers our fault? Which box did I tick to cause more murder in the US than in many other liberal democracies? Why is this because of Americans?...taxes are high, but they get what they pay for: Nordic Countries Continue To Rank High In Happiness, While America Falls