Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist


Well-known member
Some have asked for more verification that students are becoming socialists:

One student from Indiana University, Daniel Di Martino, seeing the socialism of his fellow students, addressed them:

"It is really surprising that it is 70 percent of young people supporting a system like this - the one that I had to flee my country from," Di Martino said.

He said Millennials and Gen Z's need to understand that free things have a cost.

"Their cost is our freedom. In Venezuela, the cost is through shortages and high inflation," he explained.

He says one reason for the "astonishing" poll results [is] a lack of truthful education (and one where the professors and hiring board are socialist with socialism agendas, rarely discussed or realized).

"It is unacceptable that one in ten Millennials or one in ten Gen Zers - people who are even younger than Millennials - think that Donald Trump has committed more human rights violations than Hitler or Stalin," Di Martino explained. "That means schools are not teaching about the Holocaust and are not teaching about the starvation in the Soviet Union..."

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Some have asked for more verification that students are becoming socialists:

One student from Indiana University, Daniel Di Martino, seeing the socialism of his fellow students, addressed them:

"It is really surprising that it is 70 percent of young people supporting a system like this - the one that I had to flee my country from," Di Martino said.

Di Martino is from Venezuela. I seriously doubt that Millennials/Gen Z admire the socialism of Maduro all that much. If they do, they are woefully uninformed. I suspect that it is more the democratic socialism of Nordic countries that they support.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Di Martino is from Venezuela. I seriously doubt that Millennials/Gen Z admire the socialism of Maduro all that much. If they do, they are woefully uninformed. I suspect that it is more the democratic socialism of Nordic countries that they support.
Interesting wiki article. Did you read it, though? I'm staring down these quotes and trying to reconcile them with your post...

The Nordic model is underpinned by a free market capitalist economic system that features high degrees of private ownership.

In a speech at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen addressed the American misconception that the Nordic model is a form of socialism, stating: "I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy"

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Interesting wiki article. Did you read it, though? I'm staring down these quotes and trying to reconcile them with your post...

That's why I tried to distinguish the economies of Scandinavian countries from the economic model of Venezuela by using terms like "democratic socialism" and "Nordic model." "Virtually all democratic socialists have distanced themselves from the economic model long synonymous with socialism (i.e., a nonmarket, centrally planned economy) [...] Some have endorsed the concept of market socialism, a postcapitalist economy that retains market competition but socializes the means of production and, in some versions, extends democracy to the workplace."

"The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice." --


New member
'I don't buy into "the whole hog" as you put it in any way but there's no reasoning with someone who laps up "infowars" as a reputable source of news."

Here on TOL opinion dominates fact, and history.

It is a fact of history that the Patriot-Populist-Alternative Media Movement in 2016 that got Trump elected had roots through guys like Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart to the Patriot-Populist Short Wave Broadcasters of the nineties, who were Jeff Baker, Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke, Linda Thompson, Larry Nichols, Steve Quayle, and a young Alex Jones. They would not have been the beginning of the Patriot-Populist Movement on the Internet which existed in 2016 had it not been for the Bill and Hillary Marxist and Mafia Regime and the Waco Event. Alex Jones and Infowars represent the Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement which is a fact of history.

Since they broadcasted on short wave, they were an alternative media in the nineties. Some of them like Steve Quayle, sold food supplements, herbs and survival foods. And so the "Right Wing" Media even back in the late 20th century was into the Alternative Health Care movement. Paul Joseph Watson has referred to the 2016-2019 Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement as a "Counterculture."
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The real danger comes in millennials assuming that Trump represents capitalism. If that's not corrected, expect a socialist America in a couple of decades.
Youngsters do not understand imo liberalism, and think that liberal means left /Neomarxist. Liberal means that pre-political, basic, fundamental human rights are the highest values, and that all laws should be made that acknowledge, recognize, and protect these rights, and that infringing, abridging, and disregarding them is morally wrong.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
is there anything wrong with being a nationalist?

are you proud of America and what she's done?

are you proud to be an American?
The proudest. There's nothing wrong at all with being a nationalist when your nation is a true liberal democracy like ours. And ours is the original liberal democracy. Not leftist, liberal.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The 1% which controls the levers of power in America want a "government" that's big enough to protect their privileged position, but not big enough to protect the average American from their predatory practices!
A textbook leftist /Neomarxist distraction. What matters is human rights, not class warfare and demonizing the rich. When we fight to defend inalienable, sacred, and inviolable human rights above all else, is when humankind does best.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I have never felt more certain that he is the greatest president we've had since Kennedy anyway, and maybe going all the way back to Lincoln.
He is extremely colloquial.

Man, you are really drowning in Trump's cool aid! I didn't realize there was anyone out there who was deluded enough to actually believe it!

The Barbarian

Youngsters do not understand imo liberalism, and think that liberal means left /Neomarxist. Liberal means that pre-political, basic, fundamental human rights are the highest values, and that all laws should be made that acknowledge, recognize, and protect these rights, and that infringing, abridging, and disregarding them is morally wrong.

That's the classic liberalism. LIberals have become increasingly like conservatives, in their inclination to use government, last few decades. You're right, but hardly anyone thinks like that, anymore.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Man, you are really drowning in Trump's cool aid! I didn't realize there was anyone out there who was deluded enough to actually believe it!

I suppose it depends on what you want a president to do.

I want a president who is interested in letting America be great again, who removes the barriers to that greatness, who puts the business of America first


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I suppose it depends on what you want a president to do.

I want a president who is interested in letting America be great again, who removes the barriers to that greatness, who puts the business of America first
I also don't mind a president who is careful to pressure a new head of state, of a known politically corrupt state, who ran a campaign to begin cleaning up the political corruption in his state, to follow through on the promises that he made in his campaign, before handing over United States taxpayer money to this same state.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I also don't mind a president who is careful to pressure a new head of state, of a known politically corrupt state, who ran a campaign to begin cleaning up the political corruption in his state, to follow through on the promises that he made in his campaign, before handing over United States taxpayer money to this same state.

that's the story that needs to be publicized more, that the MSM will refuse to tell

it's part of the bigger story of corruption in the Obama white house, with a whole chapter titled "VPOTUS Joe Biden accepted a three million dollar bribe from Ukraine and laundered it through his crackhead son"

The Barbarian

I also don't mind a president who is careful to pressure a new head of state, of a known politically corrupt state, who ran a campaign to begin cleaning up the political corruption in his state, to follow through on the promises that he made in his campaign, before handing over United States taxpayer money to this same state.

I don't think that Zelensky promised to work for the Trump campaign, and I'm sure he was puzzled when Trump wanted him to help out with the effort to get dirt on Biden.