LGBT dance party outside Mike Pences home - like Sodom and Gomorrah


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Hall of Fame
Rules like blocking the streets and blaring loud music?

Blocking streets can get you in trouble, you are not allowed to impede traffic flow. Load music may be acceptable during parts of the day but can get you in trouble during the nighttime hours. Some allowances are made for protests but there are certain rules that must be observed. It seems that most of what will be allowed is left up to the discretion of local law enforcement.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It seems that most of what will be allowed is left up to the discretion of local law enforcement.

it's pernicious that they allow more discretion to perverts flaunting their perversity than Christians attempting to prevent the slaughter of children


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
it's pernicious that they are more discrete with perverts flaunting their perversity than Christians attempting to do God's work

The protest in front of Mike's house lasted how long? A night? The protests in front of the doctors house went on for months. In both cases, the authorities honored the constitution and allowed the free speech and social disobedience to take place. That is what the police are supposed to do. They are not allowed to favor one over the other regardless of their personal views. They are charged with upholding the laws of their locality and that is all. We may not always like it, but it is the right thing for them to do.


New member
Its legal as long as the protesters stay off private property.

That's interesting.

While researching busking I came across information that businesses have control over the sidewalk immediately in front of their businesses to the extent they can require people who are loitering to move along. I take it that is only true of businesses and not private residences?

I'm as equally troubled by the idea that someone could camp outside of an abortion providers private residence and harass them. Free speech is great. We need to be able to publicly say what we believe. Delivering it at the home of someone, though, takes it from free speech to coerced hearing.

Would it be legal for a protester to shadow someone 24/7 protesting? Would there be any legal remedy for me should someone decide to, say, follow me to work every morning, then wait outside my workplace to follow me home each night, declaring their opinion of me?

Years ago my wife and I woke up to some sort of party that had landed on the street where we live. The sidewalks were crammed with people and there were cars crawling up and down the street blaring music.

After a little while the police arrived.

Where we live, you can only park along one side of the street (alternating each night) to allow for snow plowing. The police went down one side of the street and ticketed every parked car. As far as I could tell, that's about all they did, but it did break up the obnoxious gathering.


New member
The Horn;4912911]I say , GOOD FOR THEM !!! Mike Pence is one of the most vicious anti-gay bigots in America
You are an idiot.
The perverts believe anyone that disagrees with their nastiness is a bigot. So what is new ?


and blocking traffic and "twerking" in public is progress? :freak:

No, those are simply the necessary means by which said progress becomes apparent to the otherwise obtuse and insensible.

Seems to be working, yes?


Speaking of the doctor in Colorado:

Laws differ according to zones. In a residential zone, there is a common law of 'keeping the peace' which is why protestors tend to just stay out of residential areas.

Their actions were either exaggerated or wherever the doctor lives just has a biased police department.