LGBT dance party outside Mike Pences home - like Sodom and Gomorrah

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
can you make a pedophile stop abusing children?

Are you asking for help?

yes, thanks for offering

can you help us stop pedophiles from abusing children?

and while we're at it, can you help us eliminate all gays from society?

that would be great! :thumb:

Can't say I'm surprised.

Seek out a competent therapist.

no, you stopped reading too soon

i'm seeking your help in stopping pedophiles from molesting children

or don't you want to stop pedophiles from molesting children?



But it's what they fought so hard for- it's their cherished work.
Behold libs, the fruits of your noble deeds have blossomed, and all the world's problems are solved :BRAVO:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The republican party is all about giving the poor and needy as little as possible.

well, no

conservatives are all about getting government out of the business of running charities

as it happens, conservatives are much more generous with their own money than liberals are:


liberals, on the other hand, are much more generous with other people's money

The Horn

You can easily google everything I have said about Mike Pence yourself . It's all common knowledge . This is why I and other liberals are horrified about the possibility f Pence becoming President if Trump is impeached and removed from office .
Trump is bad enough , but the thought of Pence as President is enough to make any decent, sane and informed person want to vomit !
Mike Pence is one of the Ayatollahs of the Christian Taliban !


Well-known member
well, no

conservatives are all about getting government out of the business of running charities

as it happens, conservatives are much more generous with their own money than liberals are:

liberals, on the other hand, are much more generous with other people's money

Actually it's more complicated than that.

It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives.


So conservatism as a philosophy is stingy, Christianity should not be. But the underlying problem is this. You can't care for the poor by voluntary charity alone. There are too many people that need help. How do I know? Before the social safety net existed, private charities could not keep up.

Why so many people need assistance has many causes and is made worse by conservative policies.
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New member
of course you can

and the best way to care for them is to get them jobs so they can care for themselves

91% of all government assistance goes to he elderly, the severely handicapped or people with at least one job. And of the remaining 9% of the people on public assistance receive it through unemployment, Social Security survivors benefits and early retirees.


Liberals are not generous, they are by far stingier than conservatives :chuckle:

Liberal policies are largely self-serving. It is not really some noble goal they are trying to accomplish, if you're a white man you're at the end of the line of those policies.

It's all racial and gendered, and they try to make it seem as if they are all victims of white men.

They're no different than the Jews, who think everyone ought to pander to them while they think their selves in some way superior.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, no I didn't.

yes, yes you did

you were in such a hurry to try and imply that i am a pedophile you didn't realize i was asking you if you were willing to help stop pedophiles from molesting children

this is the fourth post you've avoided answering that question :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
91% of all government assistance goes to he elderly, the severely handicapped or people with at least one job.

i spose it depends on your definition of "government assistance"

:think: big ice storm up here this morning in nny - i followed a ***government*** plow/sander in most of the way

thank goodness for that "government assistance"! :thumb:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Horn is no longer allowed to post on this thread. The Mods removed him for saying such salacious things about our Vice-President. Pence is a Christian man that The Horn seems to hate.


New member
Right to protest is great, but outside a private home?

That seems like it crosses over from peaceful assembly into harassment.

It'd be interesting to hear someone with legal knowledge on the topic.


i don't get the sense that horn has all that tight a grasp on reality

The Horn doesn't have a mind of his own. He simply spews super-liberal propaganda and platitudes.

-Gay sex is natural
-There would be more abortion without clinics
-Trump is literally Hitler
-You're a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic bigot because you disagree with me on something
-Say hello to a liberal woman = sexual harassment. Verbally thrashing a conservative woman = freedom of speech
-:bow: Hillary Clinton :bow:

I basically just skip right over his posts now :rolleyes:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Right to protest is great, but outside a private home?

That seems like it crosses over from peaceful assembly into harassment.

It'd be interesting to hear someone with legal knowledge on the topic.

Its legal as long as the protesters stay off private property. They can display pretty much any material they want to and they are protected. I know this because the Colorado Right to Life were staked out in front of the house of a doctor who did abortions for a significant period of time. Their presence was challenged by the doctor and the neighbors and legally, as long as the protestors followed the rules, they could not be removed no matter how harassing they were.