Can't say I'm surprised.yes, thanks for offering
Seek out a competent therapist.
Can't say I'm surprised.yes, thanks for offering
can you make a pedophile stop abusing children?
Are you asking for help?
yes, thanks for offering
can you help us stop pedophiles from abusing children?
and while we're at it, can you help us eliminate all gays from society?
that would be great! :thumb:
Can't say I'm surprised.
Seek out a competent therapist.
The republican party is all about giving the poor and needy as little as possible.
Pence is the real life Race Bannon!President Pence
well, no
conservatives are all about getting government out of the business of running charities
as it happens, conservatives are much more generous with their own money than liberals are:
liberals, on the other hand, are much more generous with other people's money
It’s true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives. |
You can't care for the poor by voluntary charity alone.
no, you stopped reading too soon
of course you can
and the best way to care for them is to get them jobs so they can care for themselves
No, no I didn't.
91% of all government assistance goes to he elderly, the severely handicapped or people with at least one job.
i don't get the sense that horn has all that tight a grasp on reality
Right to protest is great, but outside a private home?
That seems like it crosses over from peaceful assembly into harassment.
It'd be interesting to hear someone with legal knowledge on the topic.