Hi JF,
Here is more on John 8:58
here &
The issue of John 1:1 needs a full and comprehensive study to come to the best conclusions and possibilities of translation.
See previous dialogue, videos and resource links
Notice this direct passage reveals Jesus claiming that
God was his Father. This is all Jesus claimed thru-out the gospel of John,...
it was only the Jews who 'interpreted' this as Jesus making himself equal with God....its important to see this. This is the commentators 'assumption'. Jesus himself never said he was equal to 'God' or "I am God".
He revealed/reveals 'God', and that is sufficient.
Even in John 10: 31-39, the Jews again assumed Jesus was 'making himself God', but Jesus himself only declared to be the
'Son of God' (verse 36). He continues to distinguish himself from 'God'
his Father, as the one
whom God sent.
A Unitarian view of Jesus is completely sound and logical within its own context. A Trinitarian view superimposes more complications IMO, but sure, it can be 'assumed' within its own so called 'proof-texts' and context'. On the surface I see a lot of the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate as
when the message and revelation of Jesus as revealing 'God' and the goodnews of God's kingdom is what is ESSENTIAL, and the living of its principles.