Jesus is God !


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The scripture that I quoted completely demolishes your silly idea.

Jesus said that He had glory with His Father BEFORE the creation.

John 17:5 (AKJV/PCE)
(17:5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

The Word was God: John 1:1
The Word was made flesh: John 1:14

It's simple logic keypurr. Since the Word was God, John 1:14 is saying the God was made flesh.... therefore Jesus is God.

The Word was GOD and not some "spirit son".


Well-known member
Jesus' spirit is the Spirit of God the Father come as a man in the flesh.

The Holy Spirit who is God came over Mary.

Jesus received his flesh from his mother's side, but his spirit is from his Father and is of his Father.
Yep that's right, he is of his father, but he isn't the father as you seem to believe.


Well-known member
I know that is what you believe. Read what I say and don't merely repeat your beliefs.

I asked you if when you see Jesus one day will you want to see the Father, since you claim Jesus is not God and therefore not the Father.
I believe we'll see the father and Christ Jesus, both of them.


Well-known member
Marhig isn't just not comparing us to Jesus, she is comparing Jesus to one of us. No, he is not one of us. HE CAME FROM HEAVEN. His Father is God the Father. He received flesh from his mother and SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER.

Jesus was tempted IN THE DESERT, and not all day every day as marhig teaches.

Well according to Jesus his disciples continued with him in his temptations, they weren't in the wilderness with him, so how did that happen?

And if Jesus came and was like his brethren, then he would have experienced everything just like them and us, what would be the point of him coming and not going through what we go through? He came and experienced everything that we do and showed us a new and living way, showing us how to live to please God, how to obey him and live by his will.

There's no way that we will be be tempted more than Jesus, he would have gone through a lot more suffering than we do and he would have denied everything. I believe that he would have been tempted just like every human being whilst he was in this flesh, the difference is, he never ever sinned, we sin always. Making him our perfect example to follow. And now he has suffered all the temptations that we do, he is now able to strengthen us and help us to overcome this world of sin and the lusts of the flesh.

Hebrews 2

For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

God's Truth

New member
Yep that's right, he is of his father, but he isn't the father as you seem to believe.

Jesus' spirit IS the Spirit of the Father. That means that the Father came as a man's spirit.

We are our spirit.

That means Jesus is God the Father come as a man.


Well-known member
I say Jesus is God because he has the names of God and sits on God's throne.

Marhig says Jesus sits us with him on God's throne and it doesn't make us God.

NO KIDDING MARHIG; but it MAKES JESUS GOD. Only God can sit someone on the throne with him---WE CANNOT sit people with us on the throne.

I didn't say that, you need to read it again.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't say that, you need to read it again.

You did say it. You said our having the Holy Spirit doesn't make us God. You say that as a defense for your beliefs that Jesus isn't God.

You cannot compare Jesus to us and say, "See Jesus isn't God".

You need to read more and study harder. With the measure you use it will be given to you and more.

Jesus clearly shows us that he is separate from the father. Also, you say that Jesus is set in his father's throne, but Jesus says that we will set those who belong to him in his throne as he is set in his father's throne, so does that make us Christ? No it doesn't, so it doesn't make Jesus the father because he is set in his throne either.


Well-known member
Jesus' spirit IS the Spirit of the Father. That means that the Father came as a man's spirit.

We are our spirit.

That means Jesus is God the Father come as a man.
No the father didn't come as a man's spirit at all. You need to read the scriptures again, it's very clear that the father and the son are separate, and the son isn't the Father. Even John 17 shows us this clearly, how can't you see it? it's clear as day!

God's Truth

New member
Well according to Jesus his disciples continued with him in his temptations, they weren't in the wilderness with him, so how did that happen?

And if Jesus came and was like his brethren, then he would have experienced everything just like them and us, what would be the point of him coming and not going through what we go through? He came and experienced everything that we do and showed us a new and living way, showing us how to live to please God, how to obey him and live by his will.

There's no way that we will be be tempted more than Jesus, he would have gone through a lot more suffering than we do and he would have denied everything. I believe that he would have been tempted just like every human being whilst he was in this flesh, the difference is, he never ever sinned, we sin always. Making him our perfect example to follow. And now he has suffered all the temptations that we do, he is now able to strengthen us and help us to overcome this world of sin and the lusts of the flesh.

Hebrews 2

For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

Jesus was only tempted in the desert and then once more before he would be arrested and killed.

Just because you struggle all day every day with sin, as you have said before. It does NOT mean Jesus did.


Well-known member

You did say it. You said our having the Holy Spirit doesn't make us God. You say that as a defense for your beliefs that Jesus isn't God.

You cannot compare Jesus to us and say, "See Jesus isn't God".

You need to read more and study harder. With the measure you use it will be given to you and more.
Jesus isn't the father GT, and trying to make him so by saying that the fathers Spirit was in him is wrong, what I mean is the fathers Spirit is in us just as it was in Christ, but Christ is not the father. He is the son and he came from the father and went back to the father. But he is not the father, that's quite clear from the scriptures. There are 3, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.

God's Truth

New member
No the father didn't come as a man's spirit at all. You need to read the scriptures again, it's very clear that the father and the son are separate, and the son isn't the Father. Even John 17 shows us this clearly, how can't you see it? it's clear as day!

Just because you deny something, it doesn't mean it is a defense for the truth.

Anyone can do what you do and say no, and read better, read better.

Jesus is NOT separate from the Father.

Jesus ONLY SAYS and ONLY DOES what the Father says and does.

JESUS SAYS that when you see him you can say, "I see the Father".


Well-known member
Jesus was only tempted in the desert and then once more before he would be arrested and killed.

Just because you struggle all day every day with sin, as you have said before. It does NOT mean Jesus did.
Well can you explain to me how his disciples were with him through his temptations then?

God's Truth

New member
Jesus isn't the father GT, and trying to make him so by saying that the fathers Spirit was in him is wrong, what I mean is the fathers Spirit is in us just as it was in Christ, but Christ is not the father. He is the son and he came from the father and went back to the father. But he is not the father, that's quite clear from the scriptures. There are 3, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus is the Father come in the flesh as a Son of man.

Maybe pops can help you with that instead of encouraging you in your falseness.


Well-known member
Just because you deny something, it doesn't mean it is a defense for the truth.

Anyone can do what you do and say no, and read better, read better.

Jesus is NOT separate from the Father.

Jesus ONLY SAYS and ONLY DOES what the Father says and does.

JESUS SAYS that when you see him you can say, "I see the Father".

Exactly Jesus only does and says what the father does, he lives by the fathers will and not his own, so he's not the father. And you see the father in Christ Jesus because the father was seen clearly in the son, because Jesus lived exactly how the father told him to live, he lived my his will, and he spoke only what the father gave him to speak, so we saw the father in him.

Jesus even says that the father is greater than he, so how can he be the father if the father is greater than him? And he is also set at the right hand of the father, so he can't be the father. Can't you see that?


Well-known member

Jesus is the Father come in the flesh as a Son of man.

Maybe pops can help you with that instead of encouraging you in your falseness.
Tell you what GT we're not getting anywhere, I believe that to be the truth, so I'll leave it there.

And I don't know why you are bringing pops into it, he hasn't said a word.

God's Truth

New member
Well can you explain to me how his disciples were with him through his temptations then?

I already explained it.

You keep telling me I need to read properly, and read again, etc.

It is you who needs to do that.

I will explain it again though, because I love talking about God's Truth.

Jesus was led in the desert TO BE TEMPTED.

The APOSTLES WERE NOT lead in the desert to be tempted as Jesus was.

We are NOT led in the desert to be tempted in the desert either.

Jesus was tempted in the desert.

He was also tempted to not obey God before he was arrested.

Jesus told his apostles to stay awake, they did not obey him because they were sleep deprived. Jesus knew that Peter would fail and deny him three times because of fear of torture, pain and death. Jesus most likely experienced temptation of not going through with being arrested, tortured, and put to death.

You say that you are tempted to sin every day is just kind of strange to me. I know Jesus did not suffer temptations every day all day as you claim you do. Stop insisting Jesus was tempted all day as you are.

God's Truth

New member
Tell you what GT we're not getting anywhere, I believe that to be the truth, so I'll leave it there.

And I don't know why you are bringing pops into it, he hasn't said a word.

Don't tell me where I am not getting.

I understand you don't know a lot. Maybe it will come to you, and about pops too.


Well-known member
I already explained it.

You keep telling me I need to read properly, and read again, etc.

It is you who needs to do that.

I will explain it again though, because I love talking about God's Truth.

Jesus was led in the desert TO BE TEMPTED.

The APOSTLES WERE NOT lead in the desert to be tempted as Jesus was.

We are NOT led in the desert to be tempted in the desert either.

Jesus was tempted in the desert.

He was also tempted to not obey God before he was arrested.

Jesus told his apostles to stay awake, they did not obey him because they were sleep deprived. Jesus knew that Peter would fail and deny him three times because of fear of torture, pain and death. Jesus most likely experienced temptation of not going through with being arrested, tortured, and put to death.

You say that you are tempted to sin every day is just kind of strange to me. I know Jesus did not suffer temptations every day all day as you claim you do.
No GT, Jesus said that the disciples CONTINUED with him through HIS temptations, not theirs. So Jesus was tempted whilst he was with his disciples not only in the wilderness because he didn't have his disciples with him in the wilderness. But you just can't see it.

Anyway, this will just go on and on and I have to go and cook, speak soon.