Is Russia Our Enemy?


New member
well good, because the whole point of her series of lectures is a refutation of the concept

I think the US got a little overexhuberated with the defeat of the Soviet system and the fall of communism in places. It was a real turning point in history, but history is vast and deep and there's always another chapter, including many reversals. Sometimes progress is made in a good direction, and sometimes it's reversed. To believe that history has an end is to invite the calamity that results from complacency.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
russian expansionism has always been a worry

see: poland

otoh, there's not a militaristic germany or france to provoke her need for a buffer


New member
russian expansionism has always been a worry

see: poland

otoh, there's not a militaristic germany or france to provoke her need for a buffer

And that right there is the risk of the resurrgence of nationalism. If nations are jockeying for territory, and rejecting peaceful coexistence and economic integration, we could have a repeat of WWII, but with nukes. Russia seems to see these movements as in their favor at the moment.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
that's why i'd rather not see them characterized as "enemies"

let them be competitors, friends even, until Germany perfects carbon-free energy and sells it to all of eastern and central Europe

then russia can be our enemy

when we don't need her natural gas :)


New member
that's why i'd rather not see them characterized as "enemies"

let them be competitors, friends even, until Germany perfects carbon-free energy and sells it to all of eastern and central Europe

then russia can be our enemy

when we don't need her natural gas :)

They're enemies because of the stance they take toward us and vice versa.


New member
Have your own Russian sources, do you?

I think he's following the principle that if he doesn't literally see it, it doesn't happen. I posted a link to the story of a political prisoner, who happens to be held in a prison thst was part of the Gulag system. So both literally and figuratively, he's just not paying attention saying that.


The media has discovered yet another 2 Russian connections with Trump surrogates tonight alone!

1. Carter Page
- Victor Podobnyy, one of three men charged in connection with a Cold War-style Russian spy ring, tried to recruit Carter Page, an energy consultant working in New York at the time. Page served as a foreign policy adviser to Trump's campaign and admits meeting with the Russian ambassador at the Republican National Convention.

2. Erik Prince - Prince is the brother of Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education in the Trump Administration and founder of Blackwater, the private security firm notorious for its killing of civilians in Iraq. Prince is also closely linked with Steve Bannon and Breitbart News and served as a back-water emissary in January for President-elect Trump for meetings with Russians in the Seychelles.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Would you call someone who sees disrupting you a friend?

i don't call the russians "friends"

but i don't see any benefit to calling them enemies, either

the best "friends" we have, geopolitically are the canadians and the british

and they'll only support us if it doesn't conflict with their own interests


New member
i don't call the russians "friends"

but i don't see any benefit to calling them enemies, either

the best "friends" we have, geopolitically are the canadians and the british

and they'll only support us if it doesn't conflict with their own interests
Nations naturally seek their own advantage and do not trust any other nation to do the right thing. The only thing that changes that are alliances.
There is no nation that always does as we wish they would. There are no true friends. I would only label a nation an enemy if it actively weeks to harm us apart from any incidental harm incurred in the pursuit of their goals.

Russia fails to meet that definition.

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Is Russia Our Enemy?

Once again the Russians and Syrians have deliberately targeted civilians with nerve gas - do we really want to include them among our friends?

True to form, Trump held the former Obama Administration responsible - no mention of the Russians and the Syrians!
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Once again the Russians and Syrians have deliberately targeted civilians with nerve gas

they should stop doing that :idunno:

and as for "friends" - does it have to be one or the other?

for example - what is china?


they should stop doing that :idunno:

and as for "friends" - does it have to be one or the other?

for example - what is china?
Presumably there is nothing Putin and his allies could say or do that would warrant "ok doser's" personal condemnation - that he reserves for liberals and Hillary Clinton!