Is Russia Our Enemy?


To see Russia as some insidious enemy is to be steeped in paranoid propaganda that, ironically, liberals speak against.

I'm done with these backward affairs, seriously.

Everyone has become full blown retarded.
"ManOfMayhem" can characterize Russia any way he wishes , but the fact remains that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it hacked the DNC and tried to influence the 2016 Election!

Foreign involvement in another nation's political institutions can hardly be considered a "friendly" act!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"ManOfMayhem" can characterize Russia any way he wishes , but the fact remains that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it hacked the DNC and tried to influence the 2016 Election!

if that came from the top, it's a problem

Foreign involvement in another nation's political institutions can hardly be considered a "friendly" act!

you mean like bammy wiretapping angela merkel?


Conservatives can either put their faith in America's 17 intelligence agencies or Vladimir Putin.

This week one of Putin's critics managed to fall 4 stories days before he was set to testify - another was killed on the street in a hail of bullets!

The Russian military has bombed civilians, hospitals and those fighting ISIS, using Syria as a base to expand its influence into the Mediterranean.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Conservatives can either put their faith in America's 17 intelligence agencies or Vladimir Putin.

i'm willing to believe us intelligence agencies :idunno:

This week one of Putin's critics managed to fall 4 stories days before he was set to testify - another was killed on the street in a hail of bullets!

so what?

were they US citizens?

The Russian military has bombed civilians, hospitals and those fighting ISIS, using Syria as a base to expand its influence into the Mediterranean.

all the more reason to coordinate geo-political strategy with them

and why shouldn't they have influence in the med?

it's their backyard, not ours
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As previously stated, what does Russia produce that has made its way onto American retail shelves?

look in the auto parts stores :idunno:

otherwise, why does it have to be retail?

any particular reason we can't be buying raw materials or unfinished products from them?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
on last night's Ideas with Paul Kennedy on the cbc:

if that doesn't work, link from here:

The 2016 CBC Massey Lectures: The Return of Cold War 1:20
Listen to Full Episode 53:59

In his 1989 essay The End of History? American thinker Francis Fukuyama suggested that Western liberal democracy was the endpoint of our political evolution, the best and final system to emerge after thousands of years of trial and error. Fukuyama seems to have been wrong: our recent history -- filled with terrorism and war, rising inequity and the mass flight of populations -- suggests that we've failed to create any sort of global formula for lasting peace and social equity. In the 2016 CBC Massey Lectures, Jennifer Welsh explores how pronouncements about the "end of history" may have been premature. **This episode originally aired November 3, 2016.

"On the afternoon of February 22, 2014, in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, you could smell the scent of revolution. Earlier that day, the country's parliament had voted to eject its reigning President, Viktor Yanukovych from power, following three months of protests and clashes ... Meanwhile, protesters rode atop trucks in the central avenues and squares of the city...celebrating what they believed would be the dawn of a new era in Ukraine's political future. Only a few hours later, however, in a city roughly 500 miles away, more fateful decisions were underway which would lead Ukraine down a more uncertain and violent path."

Fukuyama's essay was inspired by the apparent collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980's. But the Soviet Union -- or the idea of it, the muscle behind it -- is back. The Cold War, a kind of standoff between two superpowers, is not unique in human history, but today's version of the Cold War is triggering a domino effect -- instability in Ukraine and the Middle East, the return of a threat to liberal democracy.

Jennifer Welsh is Professor and Chair in International Relations at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) and a Fellow of Somerville College, University of Oxford. From 2013 until 2016, she was the Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General on the Responsibility to Protect. She co-founded the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, and has taught international relations at the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the Central European University (Prague). Welsh is the author, co-author, and editor of several books and articles on international relations, the changing character of war, and Canadian foreign policy. She was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, and is of Metis descent. She now lives in Italy, with her husband and two children.

go to 31:15 for a cogent analysis of current conflict
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I say no - they're a trading partner, europe is dependent on their energy supplies, and as long as they aren't expansionist (crimea doesn't count), they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy, and they need to play an integrated role in destroying islam

Hell yes they're the enemy

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New member
I say no - they're a trading partner, europe is dependent on their energy supplies, and as long as they aren't expansionist (crimea doesn't count), they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy, and they need to play an integrated role in destroying islam

Russia is not.

Its' so called "governing"

Gorbachev has long since longer.


New member
Wasn't so long ago conservatives were saying that Russia was the greatest threat to the US. Now, they seem to see an intersection of interests with Putin against liberals in their own countries. Hard to see winning this war when your own countrymen betray you.


New member
Wasn't so long ago conservatives were saying that Russia was the greatest threat to the US. Now, they seem to see an intersection of interests with Putin against liberals in their own countries. Hard to see winning this war when your own countrymen betray you.
People of your mindset should all live in California and then secede from the US. You can fight Putin to your heart's extent then. I don't feel like you're kind are my countrymen. You have destroyed this country from its founders intention. Get the hell out and move to California.

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New member
People of your mindset should all live in California and then secede from the US. You can fight Putin to your heart's extent then. I don't feel like you're kind are my countrymen. You have destroyed this country from its founders intention. Get the hell out and move to California.

Conservatives like you like to pretend that they own this country's entire legacy. They don't. This is as much my country as yours. There have always been fundamental conflicts like the current left-right divide. But rarely has it split the country. The Federalists were discredited for betraying the country. And that's where you've turned your back on the principles of the American revolution: Even when the Founders disagreed, they were on the same side in the end. They didn't betray each other. Now, we seem to be in a situation where one of the major parties has largely embraced a foreign power for the sake of partisan gain.

patrick jane

Meantime, the demoncrat liberals embrace ILLEGAL immigration and no vetting from 6 dangerous countries. They disgrace America by not approving Gorsuch wich will cause the nuclear option.


New member
Hall of Fame
How is it a disgrace to resist Gorsuch, but not a disgrace to not even give Merrick Garland a hearing?
I definitely agree with the Garland situation being a disgrace but I struggle with the Dems not putting Gorsuch through. Not because I think the Dems should ideologically agree with Gorsuch but because of the practical effects. What will they actually accomplish? Nothing. The options seem to be either the Republicans change the rules and force him through anyway or maybe even end up nominating someone even worse from the liberal perspective and shove them through.

I also don't want the Republicans to do the nuclear option and think it would be very short-sighted to do so. But is there anyone that Trump could nominate that the Dems will like? Revenge over the Garland debacle won't do anyone good.