Is Russia Our Enemy?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Presumably there is nothing Putin and his allies could say or do that would warrant "ok doser's" personal condemnation - that he reserves for liberals and Hillary Clinton!

if it can proven that putin authorized wmd's, then i'd be happy to see him held responsible for it :idunno:


New member
i don't call the russians "friends"

but i don't see any benefit to calling them enemies, either

We call them enemies because they attack us.

the best "friends" we have, geopolitically are the canadians and the british

and they'll only support us if it doesn't conflict with their own interests

Well, congratulations on being more nationalist that Steve Bannon. That's 1.) absurd, and 2.) the most cynical thing I've heard about international relations in the recent past.


New member
Nations naturally seek their own advantage and do not trust any other nation to do the right thing. The only thing that changes that are alliances.
There is no nation that always does as we wish they would. There are no true friends.

You and SOD are so cynical. Even Steve Bannon acknowledges that the US has friends in the world. You just think we have temporary allies and adversaries. That's...sad.

I would only label a nation an enemy if it actively weeks to harm us apart from any incidental harm incurred in the pursuit of their goals.

Russia fails to meet that definition.

Then I'd say you're wrong in both your construction of the problem and also your evaluation of your own rule. If a country dropped a bomb on us, we'd be upset regardless of their motivation. Would we accept the excuse that they're just pursuing their own interests? Of course we wouldn't. And you wouldn't accept that kind of hazy rationalization from a President you didn't like. And apart from that, Russia's goal was to create chaos and doubt, therefore the harm is not incidental.


New member
If a country dropped a bomb on us, we'd be upset regardless of their motivation. Would we accept the excuse that they're just pursuing their own interests? Of course we wouldn't. And you wouldn't accept that kind of hazy rationalization from a President you didn't like. And apart from that, Russia's goal was to create chaos and doubt, therefore the harm is not incidental.

If a country dropped a bomb on us, there is no other motivation than to harm.

The purpose of chaos and doubt is to further their national interest. We did the same thing to them. We tried to instill a desire for freedom in their populace as it would make them less dangerous to us.

We are imposing harmful sanctions on them. They desire an administration that is willing to see their occupation of Crimea in a more sympathetic light.

What they have done, is not to create chaos and doubt. They wanted to expose Hillary and the prior administration for the criminals they are because they were extremely antagonistic towards Russia.

There was no intention whatsoever to harm us or our political system. Exposing criminality does not harm a political system. If our democracy cannot withstand free flow of information then it's already dead.

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New member
Conservatives can either put their faith in America's 17 intelligence agencies or Vladimir Putin.

This week one of Putin's critics managed to fall 4 stories days before he was set to testify - another was killed on the street in a hail of bullets!

The Russian military has bombed civilians, hospitals and those fighting ISIS, using Syria as a base to expand its influence into the Mediterranean.

HELLO ! Susan Rice admitted on National TV that she electronically spied on President Trump and his team.She also UN-masked Americans caught up in the surveillance , which 3 weeks ago she said she knew NOTHING about any surveillance OF the Trump team.

How does it feel to be so wrong ?


New member
If a country dropped a bomb on us, there is no other motivation than to harm.

The purpose of chaos and doubt is to further their national interest. We did the same thing to them. We tried to instill a desire for freedom in their populace as it would make them less dangerous to us.

We are imposing harmful sanctions on them. They desire an administration that is willing to see their occupation of Crimea in a more sympathetic light.

What they have done, is not to create chaos and doubt. They wanted to expose Hillary and the prior administration for the criminals they are because they were extremely antagonistic towards Russia.

There was no intention whatsoever to harm us or our political system. Exposing criminality does not harm a political system. If our democracy cannot withstand free flow of information then it's already dead.

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Again, their motivation does not matter. Plain and simple. Those who attack us are enemies.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
If a country dropped a bomb on us, there is no other motivation than to harm.

The purpose of chaos and doubt is to further their national interest. We did the same thing to them. We tried to instill a desire for freedom in their populace as it would make them less dangerous to us.

We are imposing harmful sanctions on them. They desire an administration that is willing to see their occupation of Crimea in a more sympathetic light.

What they have done, is not to create chaos and doubt. They wanted to expose Hillary and the prior administration for the criminals they are because they were extremely antagonistic towards Russia.

There was no intention whatsoever to harm us or our political system. Exposing criminality does not harm a political system. If our democracy cannot withstand free flow of information then it's already dead.

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Russia and Putin have become the "Boogeyman" to the far left Liberals. They blame Russia for everything. We need to focus on our real enemies, the Muslim Terrorists and the North Koreans. It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on China, as well.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Presumably there is nothing Putin and his allies could say or do that would warrant "ok doser's" personal condemnation - that he reserves for liberals and Hillary Clinton!

Don't you pay attention to what kinds of "Chaos" the Liberals are causing in our Nation? Oh, that's right, you're one of them.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Focusing on the Russians while looking away from our other HUGE problems isn't really a good idea. Sooner or later we're gonna have to take out North Korea's Missile sites, etc. Sooner or later we're gonna see some destruction coming from the Terrorists we're allowing in, because of the Democrats hatred for Trump.


New member
Focusing on the Russians while looking away from our other HUGE problems isn't really a good idea

There is no more urgent issue in the world right now than Russia's efforts to undermine democracy around the world and the rising tide of nationalism and fascism. And it's fascinating how you always seem to show up to distract from that.


New member
There is no more urgent issue in the world right now than Russia's efforts to undermine democracy around the world and the rising tide of nationalism and fascism. And it's fascinating how you always seem to show up to distract from that.
Nothing wrong with nationalism. True fascism is not in the rise. Sensible immigration policy is not fascism.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There is no more urgent issue in the world right now than Russia's efforts to undermine democracy around the world and the rising tide of nationalism and fascism. And it's fascinating how you always seem to show up to distract from that.

Yeah, I like to show up where logic isn't present. Where is the "Fascism" you speak of? It's certainly not on the Conservative side of the street.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Russia and Putin have become the "Boogeyman" to the far left Liberals. They blame Russia for everything. We need to focus on our real enemies, the Muslim Terrorists and the North Koreans. It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on China, as well.

Agree, yet we should work well to make the best with China. We need to keep trade open and an ally against north Korea.


New member
Nothing wrong with nationalism. True fascism is not in the rise. Sensible immigration policy is not fascism.

I don't think there are enough concrete facts in that post to really dispute on that basis. In the 20th century, nationalism lead to many major wars. I don't trust it. Fascism is essentially authoritarian nationalism, and Trump's attempts to rule by fiat seem pretty authoritarian to me, while they're explicitly and deliberately and acknowledgedly nationalist. There are other examples around the world. And his immigration policy isn't sensible in any way that I can see, apart from satisfying the desire of the new KKK for vengeance against immigrants.

I think Trump's movement is fascist, but with the knowledge that the optics of embracing that label are bad.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There is no more urgent issue in the world right now than Russia's efforts to undermine democracy around the world and the rising tide of nationalism and fascism. And it's fascinating how you always seem to show up to distract from that.

Far left Liberal Democrats like to call Conservative Republicans, Fascists. If you want to know what real Fascists looked and acted like, look to the Nazis during WW2. The Brown Shirts (Nazis) started out destroying property, breaking windows, and creating violence and Chaos. What are the far left Liberals doing on our streets today? The answer is destroying property, breaking glass, and creating violence and chaos. Now, who looks like the REAL Fascists?


New member

History, and the awareness thereof. Sure, maybe this time the fascists won't turn out to be murderous thugs, but I wouldn't like to find out.

You would have to eliminate other possibilities and show step by step in an irrefutable manner how it was indispensable to the start of those wars.

Historical example isn't subject to that kind of proof. It just can't be. That doesn't mean history doesn't have any warnings for us to heed.