How do you view God?

How do you view God?

  • I agree with Clete's description

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • I disagree with Clete's description

    Votes: 17 51.5%

  • Total voters

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Cyrus - You said So in your view, God was wrong for making homosexuality a capitol offense. Homosexuality is harmful and promotes death by denying procreation (the creation of new life) and greatly advancing early death. Not to mention that it is immoral and sinful and evil.

I think God was right, so does Clete. You should learn to become loving instead of being a sinful hypocrite.
  • Ro 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
You have one option, abhor what is evil and cling to what is good, or be a leaven promoting hypocrite by defending the evil of homosexuality.

One way,

You are either not read what i have wrote SO MUCH about homosexuality in different threads, or you are just ignoring my words.

1. God was not wrong, but His law against homos was bound in certain time in certain place, because it violated fertility principle.

2. You have still to come up with facts what say that homosexuality is more harmful than heterosexual sex. BTW, i'm sure you know that we live in times of demographical explosion, so talking about feritility in our world today is not an argument against homosexualism.

3. If i act like Jesus who did not promoted death for anybody, but called sinners to recieve new life, am is sinful hypocrite? I do not see Jesus ANYWHERE going around and wishing homos to be dead as i see Clete and his disciple Poly, and their spiritual son Dread Helm doing in those boards.

So maybe you think once again before you try to insult me about hypocricy. People with such mentality mock Gospel of Jesus what called people to recieve God's grace, and not to be killed by handing because someones sin happens to be SO SPECIAL.

The fact that your country is struggling with homo marriages now does not justify your hatred against homos. EVERY MAN is sinful and needs repentance, and homos are NO DIFFERENT.

If you reply in polite manner, i might bother to discuss this theme with you. If not, i will not let satan to take me over into same hatred, insult, and unpoliteness what is as big sin as any sexual sins.


New member
I agree with Clete's description

Hi Cyrus you said"1. God was not wrong, but His law against homos was bound in certain time in certain place, because it violated fertility principle."

Where did you get this from?When did God repeal his law against homos?

Then you said"2. You have still to come up with facts what say that homosexuality is more harmful than heterosexual sex."

The facts are in,homos die way younger than straight people.If you care about homos you'll warn them to turn from their wicked ways.

"EVERY MAN is sinful and needs repentance"

I agree,but"the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ"and you want to do away with the law.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cyrus – (Smackdab –) When God said that homosexuality is an unnatural sexually immoral abomination deserving harsh condemnation on the order of fire and brimstone for the self destructive dogs, yet somehow we should translate all that as meaning homosexuality is only wrong if the world needs more population. Like as though only having a million people worldwide represents a moral dilemma or something.

The fact is that homosexuality is sexual immorality, it is gross sin and allows for no support, only opposition. The way I see it, the only issue of reasonable contention is whether or not the law against it has been repealed. But on that note, should murder be legitimized too since the world does have a much larger population? Rhetorical question, murder and homosexuality should remain illegal.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cyrus - Even if homosexuality was a capitol offense instead of being a high society social status issue, my first response for dealing with a suspected homo would not be to seek their death, but to warn them that if they are worthy of death, to repent before it’s too late. Wanting to save someone is not to be confused with a lust to see them die.

Eze 33:11 "Say to them: ‘[As] I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’

So your accusations to the contrary are only false, God and those who promote His ways seek life and having it more fully, that is why we oppose wickedness, because we care.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Smackdab

When did God repeal his law against homos?
I'm guessing it's when He started realizing He had an attitude problem. He took some anger management classes. He got some counceling and is in group therapy with those Christians who are "nice" enough to point out where He had been wrong in the Old Testament. He finally realized this and took back everything He said.

But it makes you wonder how much trust you can put in a God who was wrong in His attitude?


New member
"yet somehow we should translate all that as meaning homosexuality is only wrong if the world needs more population. Like as though only having a million people worldwide represents a moral dilemma or something."

So true,and not only that but God wasn't worried about the population when he flooded the world destroying everyone except for the eight
on Noah's ark.

"should murder be legitimized too since the world does have a much larger population?"

Thats exactly what Baby killers do, using the myth of overpopulation to further their agenda.


New member
"I'm guessing it's when He started realizing He had an attitude problem. He took some anger management classes. He got some counceling and is in group therapy with those Christians who are "nice" enough to point out where He had been wrong in the Old Testament. He finally realized this and took back everything He said."

Ahh yes i forgot about that.
But the counseling obviously didn't take because Jesus said" But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me."
The new testament is where Jesus sends the majority of all people who ever lived to the lake of fire.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Smackdab

Ahh yes i forgot about that.
But the counseling obviously didn't take because Jesus said" But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me."



+OL remote satellite affiliate
Freak - God is not wacko as in unwise, as in nuts, but of course that is not the context of the use intended. God isn't sin, and God doesn't even tempt to sin, yet God said that concerning all the sins of the word, He “became” sin (for us), and He hardened Pharaoh’s heart which was a figure of his sinful rebellion against God. I do not believe that God "actually became sin", He paid the price for sin “for us” (substitution), and I’m sure God would have been happy if Pharaoh’s heart would have yielded to miracles and demands to let Israel go.

God is a big time activist, subverting evil plans even on a national scale. You say
  • “God is not a wacko, He is the wise King of kings, Lord of lords”
but He had no problem calling Himself a heart hardener (as though He directly caused Pharaoh to rebel against God) and that “He became sin” (for us) making it sound as though He became the most sin-filled person ever. So given the context of the idea, “the ultimate right wing conservative wacko extremist” seems mild in comparison. God was wise and Lord of lords when He took on these and other similar distinctions in the bible.

I would agree that “wacko” has negative connotations that would not normally be fitting to what it means to be God. Yet “becoming sin” and “hardening a hard heart against God”, also seems a stretch too. God is healthy and has a good reputation, He can handle a little irony and hyperbole now and then.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I do not fear homos and yet I readily except the label 'homophobe' and do so proudly.

I characterize myself, and those who know me characterize me as a careful and thoughtful person and yet at the same time I am pleased when someone calls me a fanatic.

Many people on TOL and elsewhere consider me to be a nutcase because of the positions I hold too, and yet no one would ACTUALLY try to have me institutionalized as a mental patient.

God is a wacko in the same sense that I am a homophobic fanatic nutcase. The homos consider me a homophobe and evil people (homos in particular) think that God is a wacko. I can guarantee you that God wears the Wacko of the Universe badge very proudly, as it is good thing when evil people hate you.
As Jesus said repeatedly...

Jhn 7:7b (The world) hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.

Jhn 15:18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Resting in Him,


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Excellent stuff Clete, relationships matter greatly. He is the rock of offense, and also, the cornerstone of our faith. You can either stand securely on the rock, or get destroyed by it. God not only can handle the use of relational irony attached to Himself, He nearly seems to promote it. It’s like He’s daring us to understand Him rightly and deeply instead of superficially and wrongly.
  • Pr 25:2 [It is] the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings [is] to search out a matter.

    Pr 12:23 A prudent man conceals knowledge, But the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.

    Pr 2:1 My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, 2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; 3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, 4 If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures;
    5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Hey, Smackdab!

Originally posted by Smackdab

Hi Cyrus you said"1. God was not wrong, but His law against homos was bound in certain time in certain place, because it violated fertility principle."

Where did you get this from?When did God repeal his law against homos?

If you look carefully you see some differences between what laws are commanded to keep even under NT, and what not. For example NT Christians are not commanded to aviod eating certain animals. Also you see nowhere in NT where someone justifies death penalty for homos like it was in OT Law. Of course homosexualism continues to be sin even in NT times (fertility was still important matter and you know how much cultural traditions lead our reasonings even after some norms have ceased to be imperative). But have you ever wondered if there was change between OT and NT due to socio-cultural changes, then what makes us to think that no more changes will be during 2k years after NT was written?

Then you said"2. You have still to come up with facts what say that homosexuality is more harmful than heterosexual sex."

The facts are in,homos die way younger than straight people.If you care about homos you'll warn them to turn from their wicked ways.

Please link some scientifical data, so i can check it out. And hopefully this data links early death directly with homosexual activity. And if you give links, i mean honest scientifical study, not what some preacher has said.

"EVERY MAN is sinful and needs repentance"

I agree,but"the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ"and you want to do away with the law.

My sentence was made to defend the position that homosexuals should not be dealt differently than other sinners. If you pick on homos only and want them to be killed instead of preaching them Gospel of grace like you do with all other people, then your behaviour becomes sinful.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by 1Way

Cyrus - Even if homosexuality was a capitol offense instead of being a high society social status issue, my first response for dealing with a suspected homo would not be to seek their death, but to warn them that if they are worthy of death, to repent before it’s too late. Wanting to save someone is not to be confused with a lust to see them die.

Eze 33:11 "Say to them: ‘[As] I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’

So your accusations to the contrary are only false, God and those who promote His ways seek life and having it more fully, that is why we oppose wickedness, because we care.


seems that besides of utter lack of seeing my other posts about homosexuality, you havent read Clete's posts either. He supports the idea that homos should not let into the church, but they need to be put into death instead.

I'm arguing that everyone needs Gospel, so they can repent. And all sins are equally worthy of death in the eyes of God.

Care to do some study into Clete's posts next time before you reply? You would save our time. Thanks.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Smackdab

The new testament is where Jesus sends the majority of all people who ever lived to the lake of fire.

Yeah, and He does it without preaching His gospel of grace first. He just takes homos and kills them first, because he cannot be nicer than Clete.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

You are truly being an idiot. And I say that as a point of fact, not simply to be insulting.

Do you really think that I am apposed to giving the Gospel message to anyone who is lost, including homos? If so you are wrong and have not gotten that from anything that I have posted.
I do think that homos should be executed through due process of law just as I believe that murderers should be and rapist and child molesters and abortionists (oh wait I already listed murderers) and whomever else is guilty of what the Bible clearly teaches is a capital crime.
I also do not believe that anyone guilty of such crimes should be welcomed in our churches. The church is not the only place the gospel is preached you know. And if someone repents and is able to demonstrate that he has repented then he would be welcome in the church by any and all means but such a person needs a great deal of accountability as I'm sure you would agree, as would he if he were truly repentant.

So please get off you high horse and give me a break. All I want is for the criminal to be brought to justice. Not simply for justice sake but also for the sake of the criminal as well. There is, after all, nothing like an impending execution to get a criminal to think about God.

Resting in Him,


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cyrus – Right, I have not read other posts and threads despite your general and somewhat unrealistic expectation and request that I should. I prefer getting a solid understanding from God prior to making my views known. The most important issue is to find out the truth from God’s word on the matter and submit to it.

As to me getting Clete’s posts wrong, I don’t think so. You said

seems that besides of utter lack of seeing my other posts about homosexuality, you havent read Clete's posts either. He supports the idea that homos should not let into the church, but they need to be put into death instead.
Supposed homosexuals should be confirmed that they are sexually immoral, and then excommunicated because of it (given no laws against homosexuality like in the USA). The bible does not lend an exception to prompt excommunication for the case of homosexuality.

So I agree with the shorthand version of Clete’s view, but not at the expense of the redemptive message imparted by saying why they are being excommunicated. And I don’t believe Clete is suggesting such a thing. Before or at the same time as excommunication the reason is given for it and most likely the purpose as well, to buffet the sinner unto repentance for future acceptance back into the church. The way you are reacting to Clete’s views, I think you have it wrong, also, and ask Clete if he agrees or not, I bet he does. During the course of implementing new laws, you do not create a new law secretly and then the first person caught doing it gets put to death, you inform the people of the land of the new law(s) so that the nation legal notice of what is no longer legal. But after fair notice is given, offenders should be promptly executed.

The desire is not to catch and kill the first ignorant homo, it is to dissuade all such capitol offenses in a godly and redemptive way. Just as the death penalty is at the heart of the gospel, so to is the death penalty at the heart of a godly justice system. As speedy execution of criminal punishment is the best deterrence of criminal activity and protects people from lawlessness and promotes righteousness and morality instead.

The NT says that as the governing authorities are God’s ministers of wrath, executing vengeance against the evil doer, not holding the sword in vein. Jesus affirms putting the son or daughter to death upon parental assault (Matt 15), and Paul affirms it (Acts 25:11), the pro-Jesus thief on the cross who rightly said they (the two thieves/murderers) deserved to be put to death while Jesus did not, Jesus did not correct this assumed righteous statement, and instead said he was saved. The adulterous woman who Jesus let go without stoning was a demonstration of repealing the death penalty as shown by the examples that He still supports it, God alone can forgive on an individual basis (David for example) and Israel had no authority to execute based upon their own laws, they might be committing murder in the eyes of Rome, so that case is no support against the death penalty. The point is that the NT teaches the death penalty, it does not do otherwise.

The death penalty execution is to be carried out by the authority of the government, not the church or family or individual. This is life giving and redemptive both for the one deserving to die because there will never be a better time for him or her to repent and get right with God. As they say, there are no atheists in foxholes, many men find God is their deepest darkest hour. And for those who might otherwise think they should try it out, the righteous execution would send a clear message that homosexuality is an abomination to God and should never be practiced.

God says that a swift execution of punishment against criminals including a swift death penalty is a deterrent.
  • Ec 8:11 Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
As to your response to smackdab about the supposed shift between the OT and NT, I see no such shift at all. As for arguing from the negative, you are being ridiculous. What then? Since God has not restated the love teachings in the last 2000 years, they are supposedly nullified because the times are more evil now? You need to give a clear indication that the law did change, and I submit that you will not find it because it did not change, even despite your socio-cultural expectations that it somehow must have.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Clete - Great timing(!), I was just saying that I did not think you simply want death to all homos first and foremost. The gospel should be preached, and the law should convict and swiftly execute all capitol offenders, which is redemptive in “and of” itself.

If Cirus seems uneasy or "unbalanced" shall we say, such may be expected while opposing God and the truth of a matter in such an important issue. Maybe he will be able to come up with something a bit more substantial than socio-cultural norms and arguments from negation, but I seriously doubt it.


So Inquisitors Clete and 1Way would do WHAT to "unbelieving sinners???"

Preach the GOOD NEWS to them and those who do not "repent" are then "promptly and swiftly executed???"

and they say CoP is a little "unbalanced?"