How do you view God?

How do you view God?

  • I agree with Clete's description

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • I disagree with Clete's description

    Votes: 17 51.5%

  • Total voters

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer


You are truly being an idiot. And I say that as a point of fact, not simply to be insulting.

Do you really think that I am apposed to giving the Gospel message to anyone who is lost, including homos? If so you are wrong and have not gotten that from anything that I have posted.
I do think that homos should be executed through due process of law just as I believe that murderers should be and rapist and child molesters and abortionists (oh wait I already listed murderers) and whomever else is guilty of what the Bible clearly teaches is a capital crime.
I also do not believe that anyone guilty of such crimes should be welcomed in our churches. The church is not the only place the gospel is preached you know. And if someone repents and is able to demonstrate that he has repented then he would be welcome in the church by any and all means but such a person needs a great deal of accountability as I'm sure you would agree, as would he if he were truly repentant.

So please get off you high horse and give me a break. All I want is for the criminal to be brought to justice. Not simply for justice sake but also for the sake of the criminal as well. There is, after all, nothing like an impending execution to get a criminal to think about God.

Resting in Him,

You state it as "fact", not as insult that i am idiot? Oh, is it another "fact" among those "facts" you bring up to justify your hatred toward homos? Is this "fact" been taught to you by your Christian Reconstructivist morons? Oh, you are just violent crap to waste my times and nerves.

If you think that you are better than Jesus who would welcomed gays to Church (i mean buiding, btw, not congregation if you are still too silly to understand the difference), so they could hear the gospel even there, then good for YOU.

I have nothing to do with your reconstructivist christianity. thanks and byebye

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by smaller

So Inquisitors Clete and 1Way would do WHAT to "unbelieving sinners???"

Preach the GOOD NEWS to them and those who do not "repent" are then "promptly and swiftly executed???"

and they say CoP is a little "unbalanced?"

Seems that they want to do that yes. That's why it's pretty pointless to argue with them, because seems that they know SO MUCH about God and His will BY THEIR OWN TWISTED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIBLE, that using the word "discussion" with such fundies is the same as banging the head against wall :bang:

You cannot argue with people who are not open for different interpretation, because they think their violent intentions are actually from God. But let the blind lead the blind, i will wash my hand from such pointless and unjustified hate, and talk better with people who got some brains :kookoo:


IF we ran a survey of how many gay people are born of christian fundamentalists it would show that christian fundamentalists are the SUPERIOR SPAWNERS of gays.

Perhaps God is trying to tell them something????


If you can't love your neighbors or your enemies TRY THIS


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cyrus - You are being a hypocrite. If Clete is wrong because he called you an idiot but gave a just cause and was reasonable in answering your questions and false charges against him, and your treatment of Clete is that he is a spiritual moron, only you withhold using that title, but lavish in substantiating the same claim, so you do what you say should not be done.

Clete showed how you were wrong in making so many charges against him, the “fact” that you chose to ignore his righteous defense only to slander him the more, shows where your heart is all the more. If you were being objective about all this, you should have been happy to see Clete does not teach as you falsifyingly charged he did.

So Clete wants the gospel to be spread to everyone, he wants all to have the best opportunity to come to Christ, but you think that he is still worthy of your personal contempt, because he is catching you being a false accuser and ill willed.

Jesus would never lead a homosexual to church, he would minister the truth and if it was not accepted, off to the gallows it would be. Stop promoting evil, stop opposing God’s minister for wrath executing vengeance upon the criminal for the sake of righteousness and goodness. It is foolish to oppose what you claim you support. Or are you not a Chrisian? If so, I suggest you find better grounds for dismissing a bible teaching than socio-cultural differentiation and arguments from negation. As stated, Jesus did not repeal the death penalty according to NT sources.


New member
Originally posted by smaller

IF we ran a survey of how many gay people are born of christian fundamentalists it would show that christian fundamentalists are the SUPERIOR SPAWNERS of gays.

Wouldn't it be better to actually do the survey before you proclaim the "answer"? :bang: This is just spurious garbage smaller.

How woulld you feel if I concluded from my survey of 1, that all universalists are morons?



New member
I Way said:
Shunning the sexually immoral is the godly response, yet you judge against Clete for his goodness in obey God.
So you assert.

Was not this also the response Jesus had to answer in Mark 9:4?
Matthew 9:10-11 Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, "Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?"

Then you quote:
Pr 6:18 These six [things] the LORD hates, Yes, seven [are] an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

First, if what you mean by quoting this verse is that I, by disagreeing with Clete Phipher, have sown discord among the brethren. Then I would say that we need to apply this verse equitably and without bias.

If what you mean by this verse is that anytime anyone who is a Christian disagrees with someone else who is a Christian, that is tantamount to sowing discord among the brethren, then you should beg Knight to shut down all debate on TOL between Christians and use the forums previously used for healthy debate for posting apologies, since every Christian who has ever disagreed with another Christian is guilty, according to your interpretation of this verse, of sowing discord among the brethren. And a cursory look at the interchanges between you and Freak show that you aren't exempt from this.

If this isn’t what you mean, but rather you are operating under the assumption that you are absolutely right in your assessment of the treatment of all homosexuals, and then, based upon your conclusion, feel as it if is your duty to straighten a brother out using Proverbs 6:19 as the rod, then you must be consistent and admit that if it is you who are incorrect, in your interpretation of the verse you are about to use as a proof text, then it is you who are sowing discord among the brethren.

Se before we start using proverbs 6:16 as a billy-club, why don’t we engage in some healthy discussion regarding your proof text.
1Co 5:11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner——not even to eat with such a person.
Don’t be nicer than God. Shun sexual immorality, abhor evil, cling to what is good.
Notice that this verse has a qualifier.

First, it says do not keep company with any brother who is sexually immoral. Lets take add a little context, shall we?

I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. (1 Corinthians 5:9-10, NIV)

Paul says he did not mean that we are to shun the immoral people of this world completely for then we would have to go out of the world. He is saying that for those who claim to be brothers, but who are in willful rebellion to the standards of Christian behavior regarding sexuality, they should not be included in the fellowship of the believers.

It is quite possible, and likely in my opinion due to verse 7, that what Paul is saying isn’t, don’t “you ever be eatin’ in the same room with no homo’s!” But rather, that the customary meal that followed the gatherings of the saints is in view (verse 7), during which the Lord’s Supper was practices. This supper should not be accompanied by believers who practice homosexual behavior. Which makes sense to me, Paul didn’t want the outside world to be confused on where Christians stand on issues of moral purity. But that is a point of interpretation.

However, what is not a point of interpretation was Paul’s admonition about judging those outside the church?
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges.

So if Clete meant that he only refused to associate with a homosexual who claim to be Christian who, despite the admonition of fellow brothers for him to reconsider his behavior, persists in homosexual behavior. Then Clete is totally in the right to disassociate with such a person and exclude him from the Lord’s Supper, and possibly, to refuse to be around him at all.

If that is what Clete mean't, then I have misunderstood his point, and applogize for that misunderstanding.

But based on his statement:
All I can do is post on this web site and shun as many homos as I come in contact with.
It doesn't appear as if I have misunderstood him.

It appears that Clete is passing judgment on all homosexuals, even those outside the church. If that is the case, then he, or you since you have taken up the cause of defending him, needs to explain why Paul clearly doesn't as is evident by verse 10 and verse 13.
Finally, I would ask that you not count your chicken before they are hatched and refrain from using Proverbs 6:19 as a judgement text against others until you can remove all doubt that you have not overshot the aim of 1 Corinthians 5:11, and find that it is pointed at you.

Grace and Peace
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

You state it as "fact", not as insult that i am idiot?

Actually, what I said was...
You are truly being an idiot. And I say that as a point of fact, not simply to be insulting."

I meant it to be both. It is, after all, difficult to call someone an idiot without insulting them. In fact, the "point of fact" remark did very little except to make it even more insulting. I suppose that this post has also had a similar effect.

Resting in Him,


New member
God is the best that can be. It is what each of us wants to be someday. We aspire to flourish and to have ultimate influence. Over time this aspiration has led to feelings of guilt, because humans realize that their lifes are fleeting and they won't always have influence. So in hopes to extend this influence, they have concieved of eternal gods which also possess their aspirations. These God concepts have developed with communities and Become representations of the moral code of a tribe, society, nation, etc.

This is all that can be known about god through speculation. You will say that your God has been revealed. This may be so, but to me that is only speculation. Until God reveals God to me in a way that I can understand, It will not be a revelation to me. Only heresay. You are free to pray for me that God would reveal God to me in a way I can understand. Maybe he already has and I just havne't realized it yet, so there is hope, i suppose.

As for this thread, perhaps our mistake is taking the Bible to be the Word of God...hmmm.

I'm not trying to flame here, but I think that everyone is using not the bible as their moral absolute, but their own moral code? How else does everyone come to such discordant thoughts?

Now you will say that what "I think" doesn't really matter. The bible matters. No actually, you think the Bible matters. I think it's just a tool to satisfy what your moral compass has already set its sights on. You will tell me I am wrong. I say that you are only telling me that you think I am wrong. you will say I'm a relativist.

I will say this about myself and what I believe: I hope that a good exists and that I may live it...but I have no idea what this means and maybe I just hope that I will exist so that I may experience what is good. Of course I may not have a choice in the matter and find myself chained in hell when I die, but if I do, I will do my best to get the hell out of there. If I know one thing, it's that burning sucks.


Well thanks for PAYING ATTENTION Lightson. I am not inclined to do the reasearch but would expect that someone already has. Perhaps beanieboy KNOWs such things...

Those "fundies" who DO have "gay" children MIGHT be inclined to "change" their minds on this particular issue eh? I know many fundie brothers and sisters of "gay" people who LIGHTENED up on this issue when it was DROPPED into their LAPS...

We'll also NEVER KNOW the real answer to the supposed "survey" 'cause every MaN is a liar in his own behalf...

I'd also bet that there are more GAY in the Catholic Clergy than in all other clergy in all other denominations combined....wanna bet?

Anyway WHILE you bothered to READ the post DID the observation go WITHOUT NOTICE???

That a FIRST HAND experience with such "issues" forces changes usually to the LIBERAL side???

I'd like to see more "christians" take a little dip in the Lake know...give 'em a taste of their own "medicine."

I have always been of the opinion that if I was TOO opinionated against something that it could possibly come home to rest upon me as well...just for good measure.

therefore I try to tread LIGHTly...




New member
therefore I try to tread LIGHTly...

This is appreciated, and for a Bible Only kind of guy - you do well in your interpretation of the closed canon of Christian Scripture.

You do not suffer the nerousis of other Christians who have to somehow deal with the God of the Hell Fire and Brimstone eternal flesh searing painful - and I mean painful hurt people who do not hold to the same apologetics as the fundies do - how do they deal with that? - well you don't have to have your psychie disturbed by such lunacy - lucky you, and you do not defame the Good and Holy Name of the Father... again lucky you... and blessed are those who hear the Good News from you.

With Christ's Love



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by prufrock
Now you will say that what "I think" doesn't really matter. The bible matters. No actually, you think the Bible matters. I think it's just a tool to satisfy what your moral compass has already set its sights on. You will tell me I am wrong. I say that you are only telling me that you think I am wrong.

Actually, you are wrong, but not for the reason you suggest.
The fact is that the Bible either matters or it is completely total worthless insanity. Your wishy-washy in the middle crap is not an option.
The entire Bible from front to back is about Jesus Christ who said things like you have to forsake you mother and father and follow me. He was a man who claimed to be God. The Bible reports that Jesus was murdered and then He rose from the dead and ascended to the Father to sit at His right hand. These things and several others leave no middle ground for you to stand upon. They are either true or they are not. If these things are not true then Jesus was a liar and a lunatic and needs very much to be forgotten. If, on the other hand, they are true then you are in fact hell bound, the lunatic ranting of smaller not withstanding and I can assure you that Hell does a lot more than suck. How does burning forever in solitary confinement strike you?
Oh, and as for trying to get out, one of your fellow unbelievers once rightly observed…
(Hell) “…is programmed to receive;
You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.”

Resting in Him,


Well Clete, you SINLESS GOD ACTIVATORS have nothing to be concerned about eh?

The trouble is you should be able to stand up to your own ridiculous doctrines...fortunately you CANNOT.

Were I to even try to HONESTLY use you "SINLESS GOD ACTIVATORS" doctrines honesty could force me to acknowledge that ALL PEOPLE are going to burn in hell forever and YOU would be the FIRST in line.

go figure....

Yet you cling to what logically destroys ALL. Doctrines of devils for SURE...

double figures...


New member
Originally posted by smaller

.... you SINLESS GOD ACTIVATORS have nothing to be concerned about eh?

Our hope is built on nothing less,
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

In Christ and Him alone is life eternal. I pray that someday you will stop trampling on Jesus' finished work to save us.


Trampling Jesus' finished work???

Who's leg are you pulling?

How many people have you damned to eternal punishment TODAY in your HEAD or HEART? You don't think He did a THING except for you and a "few" in the "pew" IF they happened to agree with you. (fat chance)

Face up to the TRUTH light(is darkness)son. Your "god" is only as good as YOU are.

and HEY, don't forget to condemn me to eternal torture Mr. Chicken. If you're gonna "live" in your junk doctrines THEN own up to them.


Over 750 post club
Profruck -
God is the best that can be. It is what each of us wants to be someday. We aspire to flourish and to have ultimate influence. Over time this aspiration has led to feelings of guilt, because humans realize that their lifes are fleeting and they won't always have influence. So in hopes to extend this influence, they have concieved of eternal gods which also possess their aspirations. These God concepts have developed with communities and Become representations of the moral code of a tribe, society, nation, etc.

This is all that can be known about god through speculation. You will say that your God has been revealed. This may be so, but to me that is only speculation. Until God reveals God to me in a way that I can understand, It will not be a revelation to me. Only heresay. You are free to pray for me that God would reveal God to me in a way I can understand. Maybe he already has and I just havne't realized it yet, so there is hope, i suppose.

As for this thread, perhaps our mistake is taking the Bible to be the Word of God...hmmm.

I'm not trying to flame here, but I think that everyone is using not the bible as their moral absolute, but their own moral code? How else does everyone come to such discordant thoughts?

Now you will say that what "I think" doesn't really matter. The bible matters. No actually, you think the Bible matters. I think it's just a tool to satisfy what your moral compass has already set its sights on. You will tell me I am wrong. I say that you are only telling me that you think I am wrong. you will say I'm a relativist.

I will say this about myself and what I believe: I hope that a good exists and that I may live it...but I have no idea what this means and maybe I just hope that I will exist so that I may experience what is good. Of course I may not have a choice in the matter and find myself chained in hell when I die, but if I do, I will do my best to get the hell out of there. If I know one thing, it's that burning sucks.

Yes, I do the same myself when I read the Bible. I find what I expect to find based on my preconceptions of what the Book has to say. The Bible is like those, wudduya -call-em, ink blots that psychologists use. What you see when you look at it is largely a matter of temperment.


New member
Well, I actually like reading some C.S. Lewis. His thoughts on pride seem to have more sense to them than much of the bible, which goes in one direction for a book and then changes it's mind in the next. However, his Lord, Liar, Lunatic trilemma is not complete. For instance, what about misrepresentation? could he not have been a great teacher whose teachings were manipulated and deified by some dissatisfied Jews? It is possible.

Oh and thanks for the veiled threat wishing to do away with me forever in hell. I'm glad you are not God. Of course I don't believe it as you do, what with the torture pits and fire. If there are souls, they will have to go somewhere, but it's purely conjecture as far as I'm concerned to describe such a place.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Homosexuality is a sin. And sin is sin. It doesn't matter what time period, or what the birth rate is. It is a sick, disgusting, vile, putrid, perverted [I could go on for a long time] act. And God has called it exactly what it is, an abomination! That's the bottom line. And I agree that those who commit abominations deserve to die for such acts, but I also know that repentance can save them. All they have to do is accept the grace God has given. If they do not, it is their funeral.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BChristianK – You quoted me saying
Shunning the sexually immoral is the godly response, yet you judge against Clete for his goodness in obeying God.
and you responded saying
So you assert.

Was not this also the response Jesus had to answer in Mark 9:4?
Matthew 9:10-11 Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, "Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?"
It’s what the bible says, I hardly call that an assertion like a claim, I call in an observation or fact. If you disagree that it is a godly response to obey what God teaches according to my reference, then please say why instead of just raising attention to some other teaching. My citation is most suitable for was those who self profess to be within the body of Christ yet are grossly immoral. Your example is assumed to be among unsaved people. You need to consider the context better, the differences matter.

Then you quote me quoting the Proverbs passage where God explains what He hates, you say
First, (1) if what you mean by quoting this verse is that I, by disagreeing with Clete Phipher, have sown discord among the brethren. Then I would say that we need to apply this verse equitably and without bias.

(2) If what you mean by this verse is that anytime anyone who is a Christian disagrees with someone else who is a Christian, that is tantamount to sowing discord among the brethren, then you should beg Knight to shut down all debate on TOL between Christians and use the forums previously used for healthy debate for posting apologies, since every Christian who has ever disagreed with another Christian is guilty, according to your interpretation of this verse, of sowing discord among the brethren. And a cursory look at the interchanges between you and Freak show that you aren't exempt from this.

(3) If this isn’t what you mean, but rather you are operating under the assumption that you are absolutely right in your assessment of the treatment of all homosexuals, and then, based upon your conclusion, feel as it if is your duty to straighten a brother out using Proverbs 6:19 as the rod, then you must be consistent and admit that if it is you who are incorrect, in your interpretation of the verse you are about to use as a proof text, then it is you who are sowing discord among the brethren.

(4) Se before we start using proverbs 6:16 as a billy-club, why don’t we engage in some healthy discussion regarding your proof text.

(1) No, it’s because of disagreeing with God and or the truth of a matter that I would site causing strife and such. You tried to contradict the excommunication passage by referencing the “Jesus ate with the sinners and tax collectors” passage. But God’s word does not contradict itself, both passages are true for their own separate reasons. Yes, we should be consistent with our judgments, as well as be right with them too.

(2) That is just ridiculous. You are dragging the conversation below reasonable and intellectual levels.

(3) That is an unreasonable assumption. The tenor of this debate from both sides of the discussion is that God’s word is right and authoritative and as such invokes the reasonable assumption that both parties are (to some extent) adherents thereof. So I am simply addressing the grossly immoral who include themselves as having a righteous belief in the word of God (believers in God) and needs to be excommunicated because of it.

(4) No, I used it as God intended, as one who is offering the truth from God. As for proof texting, I dispatched your false notion of trying to contradict my reference with another. You have no standing to charge me with proof texting, I accept the entire word of God as being His word and that it does not have problem texts. As such, I am simply offering God’s word, no proof texting need apply. Your misuse of God’s word fairly evident in that tried to void the meaning of the excommunication teaching by the “Jesus ate with sinners” teaching. You are the one who needs to stand corrected for mishandling what you think is a proof text for you view, but was not.

You sited the following
1Co 5:9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
and then you said:
(5) It is quite possible, and likely in my opinion due to verse 7, that what Paul is saying isn’t, don’t “you ever be eatin’ in the same room with no homo’s!” But rather, that the customary meal that followed the gatherings of the saints is in view (verse 7), during which the Lord’s Supper was practices. This supper should not be accompanied by believers who practice homosexual behavior. Which makes sense to me, (6) Paul didn’t want the outside world to be confused on where Christians stand on issues of moral purity. But that is a point of interpretation.

(5) I wouldn’t insert homosexuality or any other capitol offense in there. God is clear to put them to death, so shunning would not apply to the homo. Shunning only applies if you do not have the option of capitol offense.

(6) God, not just Paul, wanted everyone, not just the outside world to not be confused about absolute right and wrong. Everything is a point of interpretation if you can place any doubt about the truth of a matter.

You go on to say
However, what is not a point of interpretation was Paul’s admonition about judging those outside the church?
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges.
So if Clete meant that he only refused to associate with a homosexual who claim to be Christian who, despite the admonition of fellow brothers for him to reconsider his behavior, persists in homosexual behavior. Then Clete is totally in the right to disassociate with such a person and exclude him from the Lord’s Supper, and possibly, to refuse to be around him at all.

If that is what Clete mean't, then I have misunderstood his point, and applogize for that misunderstanding.

But based on his statement:
All I can do is post on this web site and shun as many homos as I come in contact with.
It doesn't appear as if I have misunderstood him.

It appears that Clete is passing judgment on all homosexuals, even those outside the church. If that is the case, then he, or you since you have taken up the cause of defending him, needs to explain why Paul clearly doesn't as is evident by verse 10 and verse 13.
Finally, I would ask that you not count your chicken before they are hatched and refrain from using Proverbs 6:19 as a judgement text against others until you can remove all doubt that you have not overshot the aim of 1 Corinthians 5:11, and find that it is pointed at you.
Misjudging God’s word again. All capitol offenders are to be rejected and excommunicated, they are worse than just being sexually immoral, in fact, they are supposed to be excommunicated from life for good.

Secondly, God’s word is teaching through the writings of Paul by drawing a distinction over what issue? It’s over who to accept as being a professing believer, and it is concerning that issue that Paul eliminates the rest of the world from this type of personal judgment because they are not “accountable” to the brethren for their morality in the same way that fellow believers are, the unsaved world is accountable just as everyone ultimately is, to God. But believers have an extra layer of accountability, which is the issue at hand, not otherwise.

There are many of other teachings that do not impose restrictions upon believers in Christ to righteously judge against the world. In fact, that is step one for a righteous evangelization of the lost, the message of God’s condemnation against them unless they repent and get saved, and that you as a personal representative of God also judge against them that they should go to hell unless they repent and get saved.

God is the ultimate judge, yet God thought it wise and good to delegate all judgment unto Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ and the Word of God says that the saints will judge the world and that if you are spiritual, you judge all things.
  • Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn [who are] registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,

    Joh 5:22 "For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,

    1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

    1Co 2:15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is [rightly] judged by no one.

    Joh 7:24 "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
Again we see in 1Co that God is teaching a teaching for how to judge within the brethren, yet this time, as part of the reasoning for why we should do so within ourselves, God teaches that it is partly because the unbelieving world is so bad off, that they should be disqualified to judge such matters, after all, we will be judging them and the angels, and how much more so Christians should be judging the things in this life. So by taking in a wider context, it is plain that believers are to judge “everything” with righteous judgment, but when it comes to gross immorality, we hold “professing believers” to an unique accountability that the rest of the world does not share between Christians.

Christians, nor anyone who assumes or grants the name of Jesus for righteousness (i.e. trust in the scriptures for righteousness) are not islands unto themselves who can do and say whatever they please, we are subject to each other in terms of moral accountability. At the same time, we are to judge against sin and evil and wickedness and immorality, those are matters of absolute right and wrong, everyone is included.
  1. Shunning is challenged in favor of acceptance and a call to repent//shunning is right to the extent that the immoral one assumes faith or righteousness in God
  2. Homosexuality should be assumed in the excommunication teaching//it should be assumed as a capitol offense
  3. You suggested that believers are only supposed to judge against (excommunicate) other believers//but you who are spiritual are to judge all things with righteous judgment, we will judge the unsaved world and the angels, so how much more we should be judging things in this life.
I agree that not all homo’s should be treated the same. If you are a homo that is a self professing believer in God (site God and His word for righteousness), you should be personally rejected for such wickedness. If you are a homo and you commit sodomy or promote that abomination of a lifestyle where two of the same sex should engage in sexual intimacy that is supposed to be between man and woman, then that is a capitol offense according to God, they “should” be put to death.