How do you view God?

How do you view God?

  • I agree with Clete's description

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • I disagree with Clete's description

    Votes: 17 51.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
We gain from Christ's demonstration of The Father's Love, which cost Him His Life, after being tortured, simply to rescue us, the depiction of The Greatest Love: His Hand extended to us, who are destined to burn, as soon as this log heats up just a little bit more. He can rescue anyone who will take His Hand.


Most of your "christs" DEMONstration of love is that The Mighty Hand of God cannot even rescue a little spider off a twig...IF there were 100 spiders needing to be RESCUED how many would YOUR CHRIST save????

4, maybe 6?

go figure...


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by smaller

Most of your "christs" DEMONstration of love is that The Mighty Hand of God cannot even rescue a little spider off a twig...IF there were 100 spiders needing to be RESCUED how many would YOUR CHRIST save????

4, maybe 6?

go figure...
Isn't it about time for mommy to put you down for your nap? :rolleyes:


Isn't is about time for you to tell the TRUTH?

Oh that's right, YOU CANNOT because THE TRUTH is not IN YOU.

Almighty God, MASTER AND CREATOR OF ALL THAT THERE IS cannot RESCUE a spider unless THE SPIDER assists Him.

Without the ASSistence of THE SPIDER God is COMPELLED to BURN IT, not only til death, but IN ETERNAL WRITHING TORTURE.

What a God!


Of course NONE of you will understand this BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS NOT IN YOU.

You have been BEHEADED for your previous testimony of JESUS CHRIST.




New member
Originally posted by smaller

Most of your "christs" DEMONstration of love is that The Mighty Hand of God cannot even rescue a little spider off a twig...IF there were 100 spiders needing to be RESCUED how many would YOUR CHRIST save????

4, maybe 6?

go figure...

As many as were willing to be rescued. God wants to rescue all and he went beyond being a boy reaching out, He became a spider to show the way to the boy.


Well-known member
All whom The Father has given Him. Each and every one whose name is written in The Lamb's Book of Life. Whosoever drinks of The Water of Life. Whosoever will; but not 'every single soul,' as smaller believes.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Melody

As many as were willing to be rescued. God wants to rescue all and he went beyond being a boy reaching out, He became a spider to show the way to the boy.
Well said! :up:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I voted, "I agree with Clete's description."

Imagine that! :chuckle:

I don’t really see what in world there is there to disagree with. It obviously isn't a complete description of God but in what way could it be said to be inaccurate.

God created the universe by the power of His spoken word; if you dispute this then you aren't even a Christian so what do we care what you think about the rest of the post?

He has the power to throw your soul into hell. Again, if you disagree with this, why should anyone care what you think about the rest of what I said? When you die, you'll discover the truth.

I personally cannot do either of the above things. If you disagree with that, well, then you’re insane and once again, nobody cares about what you think.

God is the ultimate right wing conservative wacko extremist of the universe.
I really like that! It just flows nicely off the tongue! Here, let's read that again...
God is the ultimate right wing conservative wacko extremist of the universe!
Beautiful! Isn't it great to have a God that isn't anything at all like Bill Clinton!
If you disagree with this, I suggest that you read the Bible, lest you become one that the Chief Corner Stone falls upon and crushes into powder.

And finally, God doesn't like those who ride fences.
Well, there isn't really much to say on this. If you disagree, again, read the Bible! It pretty much comes right out and says that you either do things God's way or you go to Hell. There’s not really much gray area there. Like I said to Cyrus of Persia, pick a side and get on it!

Resting in Him,



The WILL of the SPIDER reigns SUPREME...

HEY! I thought I saw your "god" there for a minute....go figure...

God remains INEFFECTIVE....over the will of the SPIDER.

you guys are really SOOOO funny....

but it is kinda sad that people really believe such things about God.

So we have the 5 POINT Calvinists

and the 4 SPIDER freewillers.....or are you a SIX SPIDER freewiller?



Jesus BECAME A SPIDER and SHOWED THE WAY to the 100 spiders, unfortunately only 4-6 of them figured it out. Too bad He wasn't a better example eh?


Well-known member
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

And finally, God doesn't like those who ride fences.
I don't believe that there is a fence. I believe that the dividing line between good and evil is The Word of God, and that it is so sharp, that if anyone tries to sit on it, they get a surprise.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

You have just been a veritable fountain of good posts lately! :thumb:

Cyrus of Persia

New member
I voted "disagree".

Not because he is not getting his ideas from the Bible. Even Jehowah Witnesses and any sect gets their ideas from the Bible. There is even nothing wrong with his description of God, EXCEPT the basic mistake any sectant makes: their teaching is UNBALANCED. I could quote scriptures as much that they would fill many A4 sheets about verses that disagree with Clete's interpretations, but i will spare time and give you only one to meditate upon - 1 Cor 13.

Good luck!


New member
Originally posted by smaller

God cannot save BLIND spider either huh Melody???

What a joker you are.

And posting this made you feel better?

It obviously was not meant to enlighten me to a different viewpoint.

If you have a different idea post it and let it stand on its own merit and be proven.

But shooting down others ideas without evidence against them just makes you look petty.

And making derogatory statements against individuals just makes you look spiteful


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Clete is right, God is right, really ,,, right, far right!

As to all the fire and brimstone stuff, the idea wasn't invented by man you know... Balance and perspective is right, but the lake of fire is way more horrible than talking about it will ever be, and the broken record that “God loves you” is played a thousand times more often than “if you are not for Him, you are against Him.”


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cyrus - Clete did not suggest a full depiction of who God is. He simply focused on one aspect that people tend to ignore or disbelieve and even violate.

So you say that Clete spoke the truth about God
  • ”There is even nothing wrong with his description of God,”
yet you reject it on a basis of your own expectation that he should have spoke about other aspects of God and not just one. Where is it stated to reject a particular view of who God is if it does not explain it all?

Then you said
  • I could quote scriptures as much that they would fill many A4 sheets about verses that disagree with Clete's interpretations (which he just earlier said were biblical), but i will spare time and give you only one to meditate upon - 1 Cor 13.
The love chapter, that is a hoot. You just set all of the bible’s depictions of God that are like what Clete highlighted
  • harsh and judgmental and righteously judgmental and abhorring against evil,
  • godly love
as though the two contrasts are not in agreement, even though you said they were biblical!

Loving goodness and abhorring wickedness are both just as “good and godly”. Godly love is not autonomous. Ro 12:9 says that granting “agape” love to start with, you end up with the sin of hypocrisy if you do not abhor evil. So necessarily, and without any disagreement, a godly love abhors evil. You should not see the disagreement you think exists, it does not exist at all.