Faith, Not Works, Justifies the Ungodly, Romans 4:5.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I can see where it clarifies things to show some corrections of leaders so that future generations of the church can be completely sure about what they are being asked to teach. It helps, rather than hurts, to have Peter a bit off track or James a bit off and then corrected.

I don't think James is at fault in the letter (he is just showing that a body has to be active to be alive). But he is named in Gal 2.

I am sure that at a later date James came into a full knowledge of the Gospel and justification by faith.

The book of James is one of the very first books that was written in the New Testament.

There were many that could not turn lose of the law and live by faith.

James also had a problem with uncircumsized Gentiles in Acts 15:1-35.

Cross Reference

New member
So, its all about you.

You have been born again.

You have made a confession of faith.

And now because YOU have done those things, YOU think that YOU are saved.

I am saved. I didn't say I saved myself.

I didn't do my own born again event either.

The only thing I did was make a confession of my faith in Jesus Christ.

What part of those three things escapes you for you say I did them all?

Are you saved? Have you been born again? Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ for what He did FOR you, that you couldn't do for yourself?

What saved you since you questioned my salvation?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I am saved. I didn't say I saved myself.

I didn't do my own born again event either.

The only thing I did was make a confession of my faith in Jesus Christ.

What part of those three things escapes you for you say I did them all?

Are you saved? Have you been born again? Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ for what He did FOR you, that you couldn't do for yourself?

What saved you since you questioned my salvation?

I have been saved by the doing and the dying of Jesus.

Jesus, in my name and on my behalf, offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to his Holy Law.

It was his life that was lived for my justification, Romans 3:26.

That was not enough, "For he has MADE him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be MADE the righteousness of God in him, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

It is all about being "In Christ" God sees us in Christ and gives us his Holy Spirit.
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Well-known member
I have been saved by the doing and the dying of Jesus.

Jesus, in my name and on my behalf, offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to his Holy Law.

It was his life that was lived for my justification, Romans 3:26.

That was no enough, "For he has MADE him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be MADE the righteousness of God in him, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

It is all about being "In Christ" God sees us in Christ and gives us his Holy Spirit.

You teach that millions for whom Christ Lived and died for end up in hell for their sins in unbelief !

What happen to them if they as you had the doing and dying of Jesus Christ for them also ?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You mean you were redeemed. But, by His life and death, Jesus redeemed everyone. You do believe that, right?

Jesus has provided salvation for all, Hebrews 2:9.

God is at peace with world because he sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.

That does not mean everyone is saved.

We must individually receive Christ as our savior, John 1:12.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You teach that millions for whom Christ Lived and died for end up in hell for their sins in unbelief !

What happen to them if they as you had the doing and dying of Jesus Christ for them also ?

There are many like you, that have never called on Christ to save them. Like you they are lost.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You teach that millions for whom Christ Lived and died for end up in hell for their sins in unbelief !

What happen to them if they as you had the doing and dying of Jesus Christ for them also ?

Wow! This must be the first time in the history of TOL that you have a positive rep.


Well-known member
Jesus has provided salvation for all, Hebrews 2:9.

God is at peace with world because he sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.

That does not mean everyone is saved.

We must individually receive Christ as our savior, John 1:12.

Invalid comments not supported by scripture!

Cross Reference

New member
Jesus has provided salvation for all, Hebrews 2:9.

Provided, absolutely! But, receiving His salvation is by the faith of Abraham, there was gift of faith given him, believing Who He is and what did, i.e., by redeeming them. That is the evangelical message.

God is at peace with world because he sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.

That is commentary, not Bible. If God was at peace with the world the world would not under judgment. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with it except to come quickly before there is no flesh left to be saved.

That does not mean everyone is saved.

Read my above.

We must individually receive Christ as our savior, John 1:12.

Yes. I have. He is also my Lord. Do you know Him as such?


New member
The Bible is a truthful book. It does not hide the sins or the mistakes of God's people.

Did God really say.... Is what you said, albeit not verbatim but in spirit.

Considering that the letter of James is God's direct Scripture and word of God as spoken through the Holy Spirit through James.

Did God really say, is what you are saying.


New member
I can see where it clarifies things to show some corrections of leaders so that future generations of the church can be completely sure about what they are being asked to teach. It helps, rather than hurts, to have Peter a bit off track or James a bit off and then corrected.

I don't think James is at fault in the letter (he is just showing that a body has to be active to be alive). But he is named in Gal 2.

Named in Galatians 2:12, yes, but not said that James was part of the people doing what Peter did, only that they men came from, ie were sent by, James. Peter was the one rebuked, not James.

And the letter of James is the word and instruction of God as carried along by the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures isn't a pick and choose event. It's all or nothing. Also as someone pointed out earlier in this thread even Paul agrees with James. And so do the early church fathers Ante-Nicene.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Provided, absolutely! But, receiving His salvation is by the faith of Abraham, there was gift of faith given him, believing Who He is and what did, i.e., by redeeming them. That is the evangelical message.

That is commentary, not Bible. If God was at peace with the world the world would not under judgment. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with it except to come quickly before there is no flesh left to be saved.

Read my above.

Yes. I have. He is also my Lord. Do you know Him as such?

"And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile ALL THINGS unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in the earth or things in heaven" Colossians 1:20.

Thats commentary all right. Paul's commentary.

Everyone is born with the ability to believe and have faith. To say that God only gives some faith, is to say that God is unjust.


New member
I am sure that at a later date James came into a full knowledge of the Gospel and justification by faith.

The book of James is one of the very first books that was written in the New Testament.

There were many that could not turn lose of the law and live by faith.

James also had a problem with uncircumsized Gentiles in Acts 15:1-35.

Actually James did not have a problem with uncircumcised Gentiles, see vs 19. Also note 20,21. Or read the full passage where James speak which is 13-21.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Did God really say.... Is what you said, albeit not verbatim but in spirit.

Considering that the letter of James is God's direct Scripture and word of God as spoken through the Holy Spirit through James.

Did God really say, is what you are saying.

God is not responsible for James or Peters mistakes.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually James did not have a problem with uncircumcised Gentiles, see vs 19. Also note 20,21. Or read the full passage where James speak which is 13-21.

We have to remember that there were many problems in the early church because they could not turn loose of the old Jewish customs and laws.