Delmar's political predictions for the next 12 years.


Active member
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

Why would reading some portions on the Bible be outlawed as a hate crime? Free speech laws have become ever stronger lately with rulings such as citizens united, KKK rallies being allowed, neo-nazi rallies being allowed, Westburo Baptist Church soldier funeral protests being allowed, plus many, many others.

What will happen is that other people with free speech rights will ridicule such individuals as they rightly should be ridiculed for quoting these passages. It won't have anything to do with it being criminal, however.

Regarding the economy, are you putting your money where your mouth is? In other words, are you positioning yourself to become incredibly wealthy should the U.S. economy become worse than it is today 12 years from now? This wouldn't be too hard to accomplish a successful investment strategy based on this prediction being accurate.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Why would reading some portions on the Bible be outlawed as a hate crime? Free speech laws have become ever stronger lately with rulings such as citizens united, KKK rallies being allowed, neo-nazi rallies being allowed, Westburo Baptist Church soldier funeral protests being allowed, plus many, many others.

What will happen is that other people with free speech rights will ridicule such individuals as they rightly should be ridiculed for quoting these passages. It won't have anything to do with it being criminal, however.
Ridicule I can handle.
Regarding the economy, are you putting your money where your mouth is? In other words, are you positioning yourself to become incredibly wealthy should the U.S. economy become worse than it is today 12 years from now? This wouldn't be too hard to accomplish a successful investment strategy based on this prediction being accurate.

I think I'm right. I don't know I am right. The investment strategy you suggest would have dire consequences if I am wrong.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

I started this thread a year ago. How do you think I'm doing?


Active member
I started this thread a year ago. How do you think I'm doing?

Thought I'd give an update to this:

You are on track to being right about homosexual marriage, and thank goodness for that.

Single payer healthcare couldn't be further from reality. It recently failed spectacularly in Vermont, one of the most die-hard liberal states:

Last week, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin (D.) announced that he was pulling the plug on his four-year quest to impose single-payer, government-run health care on the residents of his state. “In my judgment,” said Shumlin at a press conference, “the potential economic disruption and risks would be too great to small businesses, working families, and the state’s economy.” The key reasons for Shumlin’s reversal are important to understand. They explain why the dream of single-payer health care in the U.S. is dead for the foreseeable future—but also why Obamacare will be difficult to repeal.

The US economy is doing quote well compared to when you made the prediction. Oil prices are hitting 6 year lows. Job growth is the best it has been since the recovery began in 2009. The US economy grew 5% in the third quarter, the fastest pace in a long time. The deficit is down substantially. It is on track to be much better than you predicted, although 12 years is a long time.

So far, there have been zero arrests for reading any part of the bible on the radio or the TV.

There have been no material changes in gun ownership rights in any of the 50 states.

You are 2 out of 5 - meaning that a monkey throwing darts would've probably been just as accurate.


Well-known member
Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.
And no one will even notice except the gay-haters.
Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.
I doubt it will, but I hope and pray that you're prediction manifests. It would be a huge boon for the economy and for the general peace and well-being of every citizen in the nation.
12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.
Twelve years is about six economic lifetimes. It's impossible to predict that far out.
Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.
That's just silly hyperbole, of course.
Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.
Well, unless …. someone starts shooting the gun lobbyists.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

Good post Del!


Well-known member
Except the ones that get aborted.
That's as true now as it would be with universal health care. So it's a separate issue. Unless you want to suggest that we let the poor and unemployed among us suffer from lack of health care because abortion is legal.


Well-known member
Natives are getting a good chuckle out of the country being made into one big Res, the pyramid scheme is starting to crumble, which was never about free spirits, it always about deceived men with bound spirits serving those at the top who deceived them from birth to grave.

The legal name is that deception, and Mark in plain site, poo poo it at your own peril, it is testable and easy to prove to yourself how much faith vs fear will come over you by not having the ability to buy and sell, that name has you in bondage to Babylon.

Creation takes care of its own till the twinkle of the eye, that you are not ready for, and that religious hope is void while you are still patronizing Babylon, foolish virgins with false wishes and fake lights.


Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.
Gay marriage is currently legal in states that contain 70% of America's population. Twelve years from now people will wonder why there was a controversy.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.
Americans were paying more for healthcare, on a per capita basis, than any other nation in the world - and yet 50 million remained uninsured!

The life expectancy of the average American is 3 years less than his/her Canadian counterparts!

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.
With majorities in both the House and Senate, the GOP had better hope that the US economy will improve on "their watch!"
Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.
The OP is indulging in exaggeration - the only reason to sanction a "religious" message is if it preaches and/or spreads "hate!"
It will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.
Canadians do not have access to handguns and automatic weapons, but there are no lineups on the borders seeking to trade their Canadian freedoms for American ones.