Delmar's political predictions for the next 12 years.


Well-known member
As a nation we're utterly paranoid about stranger danger,

That's a bad thing? If you had kids you'd understand. I'm so glad you do not.

sex offender lists, and the like.

They're a bad thing too? I now loathe you more than I ever though I could.

How anyone with a straight face can say we're close to normalizing pedophilia is beyond me, because it's simply demented.

Pedophilia cannot be truly "normalized" any more than sodomite "marriage" can be. But the perception of it can be altered, and will be. With some possible variation, here's what the basic process will look like:

1. The conversation will be started up in the media under the guise of "just asking question." And it will keep coming up as "just asking questions."

2. Then it will progress to "Maybe it's time to have this national discussion."

3. Around this time, a very well-crafted film or two will come out which directly or indirectly broach this "sensitive and timely" subject, featuring a pretty, very sympathetically written pedo as a main character. All just to get people thinking and talking about it, whether they sympathize or not.

4. Eventually, select "child-lovers" [change agents] will publicly "come out" to engender sympathy [to put a real human face on the propaganda]. Some will be hetero to help flack for the real people behind it, the homos. Some will be brothers and sisters[this one has already taken place]. A few may well be beloved celebrities.The country will be forced to endure wall to wall coverage of their heart-rending testimonies of always knowing their love was different but living in fear of never being accepted.

5. Eventually, some will admit that they were "loved" as children but that it was a GOOD thing for them, a "gift" that they wouldn't trade for the world and which they now want THE RIGHT to share with others.

Then the agitation will begin in earnest.

It will follow the exact same formula the homosexual movement did:

1. Plead for Acceptance

2. Demand Advocacy

3. Annihilate All Opposition.

Don't believe this is possible? I couldn't care less. But it's the exact same formula homosexuals have followed. It's taken over 40 years but it has largely worked. Now that that foundation has been laid, pedophiles will make progress much more rapidly.

If I end up wrong, and we and TOL are still here, you are free to rub my nose in it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'd like to add another that I posted yesterday. Within 10 years, probably less, we will see the reunification of NAMBLA with the larger homosexual movement. The faux purging of queer child molesters has served its political purpose and is a charade no longer necessary to maintain.

That's just unfounded paranoia. If you knew anything about the subject and the laws regarding paedophilia you'd know that the stringency of protecting children from abuse has demonstrably increased, as I believe TH would tell you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As a nation we're utterly paranoid about stranger danger, sex offender lists, and the like. How anyone with a straight face can say we're close to normalizing pedophilia is beyond me, because it's simply demented.

Ignorance and paranoia often go hand in hand...


Well-known member
Found elsewhere:

The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan

1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is broached by a respected expert in a respected forum.

2. At first the public is shocked, then outraged.

3. But the very fact that such a thing could be publicly debated BECOMES THE SUBJECT OF THE DEBATE.

4. In the debate, sheer repetition of the shocking subject gradually dulls its effect.

5. People then are no longer shocked or outraged.

6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extremes. in other words: having finally accepted the originally outrageous premise "is here to stay," people will now discuss the pros and cons of achieving the goal that was the whole point of publicly introducing the outrage way back in step 1.
Sound vaguely familiar? Granite will say nope, never heard of it. Anyone else?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's a bad thing? If you had kids you'd understand. I'm so glad you do not.

They're a bad thing too? I now loathe you more than I ever though I could.

Pedophilia cannot be truly "normalized" any more than sodomite "marriage" can be. But the perception of it can be altered, and will be. With some possible variation, here's what the basic process will look like:

1. The conversation will be started up in the media under the guise of "just asking question." And it will keep coming up as "just asking questions."

2. Then it will progress to "Maybe it's time to have this national discussion."

3. Around this time, a very well-crafted film or two will come out which directly or indirectly broach this "sensitive and timely" subject, featuring a pretty, very sympathetically written pedo as a main character. All just to get people thinking and talking about it, whether they sympathize or not.

4. Eventually, select "child-lovers" [change agents] will publicly "come out" to engender sympathy [to put a real human face on the propaganda]. Some will be hetero to help flack for the real people behind it, the homos. Some will be brothers and sisters[this one has already taken place]. A few may well be beloved celebrities.The country will be forced to endure wall to wall coverage of their heart-rending testimonies of always knowing their love was different but living in fear of never being accepted.

5. Eventually, some will admit that they were "loved" as children but that it was a GOOD thing for them, a "gift" that they wouldn't trade for the world and which they now want THE RIGHT to share with others.

Then the agitation will begin in earnest.

It will follow the exact same formula the homosexual movement did:

1. Plead for Acceptance

2. Demand Advocacy

3. Annihilate All Opposition.

Don't believe this is possible? I couldn't care less. But it's the exact same formula homosexuals have followed. It's taken over 40 years but it has largely worked. Now that that foundation has been laid, pedophiles will make progress much more rapidly.

If I end up wrong, and we and TOL are still here, you are free to rub my nose in it.

This is just ridiculous. You do realize that it wasn't that long back where kids had no voice at all? That there was no such thing as organizations that were there for kids suffering from abuse or child labour laws that stopped children being shot up chimneys etc? So now, just because society recognises that consenting gays and bisexuals should be allowed to have relations it would open the floodgates for child molesting to be the norm?



New member
Hall of Fame
That's a bad thing? If you had kids you'd understand. I'm so glad you do not.

Didn't say it was. It's just the way things are. Which kinda works against your assurance that pedophilia's normalization is right around the corner. It's a good sign, in other words, since you missed it the first time.

They're a bad thing too? I now loathe you more than I ever though I could.

Didn't say that either, you schmuck.

1. The conversation will be started up in the media under the guise of "just asking question." And it will keep coming up as "just asking questions."

If anyone's crazy enough to go there this conversation won't last long.

2. Then it will progress to "Maybe it's time to have this national discussion."

See above.

3. Around this time, a very well-crafted film or two will come out which directly or indirectly broach this "sensitive and timely" subject, featuring a pretty, very sympathetically written pedo as a main character. All just to get people thinking and talking about it, whether they sympathize or not.

I can think of one fairly recently--The Woodsman--that featured Kevin Bacon as an outcast, pariah, and tragic figure, but certainly didn't try to absolve him of any guilt. (Nor did his character try, either.)

4. Eventually, select "child-lovers" [change agents] will publicly "come out" to engender sympathy [to put a real human face on the propaganda].

If there's any group less sympathetic than child abusers, name it--Muslims, maybe. (Maybe.) We protect and mollycoddle kids more than ever before--parents can get arrested for letting them play outside, for crying out loud. I don't see a generation of helicopter parents abandoning their posts.

5. Eventually, some will admit that they were "loved" as children but that it was a GOOD thing for them, a "gift" that they wouldn't trade for the world and which they now want THE RIGHT to share with others.

And the backlash if this hard-to-imagine scenario occurs would be instantaneously and enormously negative. Death threats, pickets, boycotts, the works. We make a sport out of catching predators. That isn't going to change.

Don't believe this is possible? I couldn't care less.



New member
Hall of Fame
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

You definitely nailed this.

The Barbarian

We agree it will happen, I just don't agree that it is a good thing.How much does that matter?

Seeing as Trump has often advocated a single-payer system, I can see him trying to sabotage Obamacare, and then implementing single payer as an emergency fix.