Bruce Jenner is a pervert


New member
Its not bigotry to conclude that the proper way to treat a mental illness doesn't include empowering it.

Nobody here is empowering anyone as far as I can see.
ALL I read are ad hominem and bigoted statements.
I don't excuse or justify his behaviour, not do I condemn or vilify him. He is already lost and can't get MORE lost.
It's like kicking somebody when they're down, instead of behaving like a Samaritan and actually helping them if we can, which is what Jesus called us to do. ALL I see is a pack of Hyenas.


New member
Ro 1:16
I must not have gotten the memo. Please provide scripture to prove God changed his mind about: murder, adultery, kidnapping, etc. 1 Ti 1:9-10

The gospel is NOT a new book of rules or laws on sin, it is the forgiveness of sin for those that confess it.

I didn't say God changed his mind about sin did I?

Paul did say this though, which maybe you should take note of?

"What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.” 1 Cor 5:12-13 (NIV)


New member
Praying for him yes, empowering and qualifying his illness, no
Prayers are wasted on him, as he doesn't want them nor think he stands in need of them. He is fully satisfied with the road he's taken, and with the LGBTQ support he receives.
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His name is Bruce. He has Y chromosomes. He is a man. Start acting like one you disgusting sexual pervert.
My wife is an RN and used to work in labor and delivery.
She said that when babies were born with both male/female genitals the obstetricians would usually "choose" the infant's sexual identity with surgical intervention.

Since those times it has been realized that letting the child determine which sex it wanted to be was much better than letting the doctor or the parents choose.

Research has shown that forcing a decision like this results in a lifetime of misery--or sometimes results in a person committing suicide.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nobody here is empowering anyone as far as I can see.
ALL I read are ad hominem and bigoted statements.
I don't excuse or justify his behaviour, not do I condemn or vilify him. He is already lost and can't get MORE lost.
It's like kicking somebody when they're down, instead of behaving like a Samaritan and actually helping them if we can, which is what Jesus called us to do. ALL I see is a pack of Hyenas.

Actually helping the lost doesnt include saying they are ok in their march to hell.


New member
Hall of Fame
Prayers are wasted on him, as he doesn't want them nor think he stands in need of them. He is fully satisfied with the road he's taken, and with the LGBTQ support he receives.

I am so happy God and others who have prayed for me, didn't give up on me.


New member
Prayers are wasted on him, as he doesn't want them nor think he stands in need of them. He is fully satisfied with the road he's taken, and with the LGBTQ support he receives.

So you're God now and reserve the right to judge and countermand what Jesus commanded us to do as His disciples?


New member
My wife is an RN and used to work in labor and delivery.
She said that when babies were born with both male/female genitals the obstetricians would usually "choose" the infant's sexual identity with surgical intervention.

Since those times it has been realized that letting the child determine which sex it wanted to be was much better than letting the doctor or the parents choose.

Research has shown that forcing a decision like this results in a lifetime of misery--or sometimes results in a person committing suicide.

The biggest problem in this scenario is that MOST parents become ostriches and DON'T proactively work at the issue.


New member
Actually helping the lost doesnt include saying they are ok in their march to hell.

Helping should always include proper admonition and instruction, but there is no qualification in Jesus' instructions to do so. Feeding the hungry should not and does not depend on their confessing Jesus.


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Hall of Fame
Fine for you, and obviously you have never participated in communal prayer. You may want to study what Jesus is teaching in Matt 18:15-20 NIV)

Nice diversion, not what i said and you know it.

In other words, i do not publically announce all whom i pray for and what i pray about.

You might want to study this:

Matthew 6:5 "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.…

You might also remove the beam from your eye, when you attempt to determine who prays and for what and for who, when you arent God to know.


New member
Nice diversion, not what i said and you know it.

In other words, i do not publically announce all whom i pray for and what i pray about.

You might want to study this:

Matthew 6:5 "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.…

You might also remove the beam from your eye, when you attempt to determine who prays and for what and for who, when you arent God to know.

I can ONL:Y go by what you say AT...I don't assume a persons intent other than by their OWN words.

Yes, Matt 6:5-6 is of course very clear, but NOT the issue here. It's about supporting others, who are compromised in sin, by praying for them and publically supporting them. Yu didn't read the scriptures I gave you did you?

Again I don't KNOW who prays what, I only go by what they say here. You maybe need to be a little less sensitive about your own short comings?


New member
Hall of Fame
I can ONL:Y go by what you say AT...I don't assume a persons intent other than by their OWN words.

Yes, Matt 6:5-6 is of course very clear, but NOT the issue here. It's about supporting others, who are compromised in sin, by praying for them and publically supporting them. Yu didn't read the scriptures I gave you did you?

Again I don't KNOW who prays what, I only go by what they say here. You maybe need to be a little less sensitive about your own short comings?

Where does the bible tell me to publicly support sin?