Bruce Jenner is a pervert


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Now who's being equivocal?

Verses please, that say we must publicly support someone in sin as we pray for them.

Your opinion is irrelevant on this issue without biblical backing, tell me also what scripture supports your judgment about who prays and for what when you have no idea.


New member
Verses please, that say we must publicly support someone in sin as we pray for them.
Your opinion is irrelevant on this issue without biblical backing, tell me also what scripture supports your judgment about who prays and for what when you have no idea.

I don't answer questions that result from equivocation or prevarication.
If you WANT honesty, BE honest.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't answer questions that result from equivocation or prevarication.
If you WANT honesty, BE honest.

I support what i say with scripture, where is yours?

Please back this judgement you made with scripture (assuming you know what people pray for and for who and assuming about my prayer life):

Yes, but I see not one offer to pray here, do you?

Fine for you, and obviously you have never participated in communal prayer. You may want to study what Jesus is teaching in Matt 18:15-20 NIV)

do tell how you know what i have and havent participated in when you dont know me personally and ive never shared that information with you?


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I'm not the one prevaricating about what others say AT, YOU are.

Yes, i am objecting to your pretense that anyone answers to you about what they pray about and who they pray for and how they do it.

I am also objecting to your false assertion that we should publicly support sin.


New member
Yes, i am objecting to your pretense that anyone answers to you about what they pray about and who they pray for and how they do it.
I am also objecting to your false assertion that we should publicly support sin.

and hence your prevarication, because I NEVER said this, YOU did. That is called prevarication. IMO it is deliberate on your part.


New member
Hall of Fame
and hence your prevarication, because I NEVER said this, YOU did. That is called prevarication. IMO it is deliberate on your part.

I can ONL:Y go by what you say AT...I don't assume a persons intent other than by their OWN words.

Yes, Matt 6:5-6 is of course very clear, but NOT the issue here. It's about supporting others, who are compromised in sin, by praying for them and publically supporting them. Yu didn't read the scriptures I gave you did you?

Again I don't KNOW who prays what, I only go by what they say here. You maybe need to be a little less sensitive about your own short comings?
then i asked you for scripture to back your claim that we are to publicly support those in sin and you refused.

Where does the bible tell me to publicly support sin?

Now who's being equivocal?

Verses please, that say we must publicly support someone in sin as we pray for them.

Your opinion is irrelevant on this issue without biblical backing, tell me also what scripture supports your judgment about who prays and for what when you have no idea.

I don't answer questions that result from equivocation or prevarication.
If you WANT honesty, BE honest.

I support what i say with scripture, where is yours?

Please back this judgement you made with scripture (assuming you know what people pray for and for who and assuming about my prayer life):

do tell how you know what i have and havent participated in when you dont know me personally and ive never shared that information with you?


New member
then i asked you for scripture to back your claim that we are to publicly support those in sin and you refused.

because I never said supporting sin AT, you did. I said based on Matt 6, supporting those who are in sin, NOT their sin. You seem to not differentiate between a sinner and their sin. I guess that means you have a big beam in your own eye.


Well-known member
Helping should always include proper admonition and instruction, but there is no qualification in Jesus' instructions to do so. Feeding the hungry should not and does not depend on their confessing Jesus.
Matthew 15:26 Galatians 6:9-10 Luke 6:27

"No qualification" doesn't seem accurate to me. I agree with the rest of the post, but there is an order to concern.


New member
Matthew 15:26 Galatians 6:9-10 Luke 6:27

"No qualification" doesn't seem accurate to me. I agree with the rest of the post, but there is an order to concern.

I don't see a qualification in any of these verses Lon so what ORDER are you referring to?


New member
Hall of Fame
Where does the bible tell me to publicly support sin?

Now who's being equivocal?

Verses please, that say we must publicly support someone in sin as we pray for them.

Your opinion is irrelevant on this issue without biblical backing, tell me also what scripture supports your judgment about who prays and for what when you have no idea.

I don't answer questions that result from equivocation or prevarication.
If you WANT honesty, BE honest.

because I never said supporting sin AT, you did. I said based on Matt 6, supporting those who are in sin, NOT their sin. You seem to not differentiate between a sinner and their sin. I guess that means you have a big beam in your own eye.

Then you added that we should also be publically supporting them while they are in sin.

We are not to publicly support anything like that. We should be rebuking open sin before all. Jenner is openly sinning against God. It is perversion, and i dont care what you call it, God calls it abomination.

You can call me a bigot about it till Jesus comes back and keep pretending you know what i pray about and how too. I dont cave to false worldly guilt.


New member
Then you added that we should also be publically supporting them while they are in sin.
We are not to publicly support anything like that. We should be rebuking open sin before all. Jenner is openly sinning against God. It is perversion, and i dont care what you call it, God calls it abomination.

Repeating what I posted doesn't really help you change the facts. I never said we should support sin, YOU said I did. That's called prevarication.


New member
Hall of Fame
Repeating what I posted doesn't really help you change the facts. I never said we should support sin, YOU said I did. That's called prevarication.

I do not support Jenner's perversion and never will. Hes an attention seeking pervert. I hope he comes to repentance and pray that people like you who want to hold his hand in his perversion will stop empowering his illness.


New member
I do not support Jenner's perversion and never will. Hes an attention seeking pervert. I hope he comes to repentance and pray that people like you who want to hold his hand in his perversion will stop empowering his illness.

and my whole point has been just that. Don't support it, but don't vilify HIM. ALL Christians should accept that, but we tend to combine ALL aberrant sexuality into one big melting pot of condemnation.
Did Jesus ever condemn Mary Magdalene?


Well-known member
I don't see a qualification in any of these verses Lon so what ORDER are you referring to?
I'm referring to blanket statements. Jesus made both statements about doing good to enemies and loving them and He ALSO said it wasn't right to give 'what belongs to the children' to others.

Paul says this too: First to the family of God.

There is a priority to that structure. My point? I agreed with a bit of what you said BUT disagreed with "with no qualifications." I believe there ARE qualifications and we should be aware of them... John W covered that a bit on page 2 (good job John).
