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  1. musterion

    "My Beautiful Woman" ad campaign

    These are said to be Thai ads for something, not sure what. Three back to back...
  2. musterion

    Why the media ignores Trump admin's many child sex trafficking busts

    Interesting. Simpler reason is just because it would make Trump look good, therefore the media ignores it. Conspiratorial reason is that they secretly favor raping children...
  3. musterion

    Two completely atypical homosexuals arrested

    They repeatedly drugged and raped a child, which no REAL homo would EVER do (so we are told).
  4. musterion

    How to be offended in three easy steps

    This satirist is nowhere near as frighteningly absurd as TOL's self-righteous offendee brigade.
  5. musterion

    Amazing example of liberal hypocrisy re: "refugees"

    They want refugees to come to the U.S. but...
  6. musterion

    ECT Hypothetical: adultery

    Poll Q for the married, mainly. You discover that your increasingly distant Christian spouse has been unfaithful. Confronted, they do not deny it but aren't particularly contrite either -- instead blaming the admittedly imperfect* marriage for "forcing" them to the arms of another while still...
  7. musterion

    ECT TOL's gnostics

    From Robertson's Word Pictures on John 1:1.
  8. musterion

    Liberals: is this racist?
  9. musterion

    Who's the pope of that dump?

    A Jesuit leftist, mixing lies with truth. Obey him, Catholics, as you would Christ Himself.
  10. musterion

    Which Adam are you in?

    Man is identified by God either in Adam in his falleness, or Christ in His righteousness. There is no third option and no middle ground. It's one or the other. The life of Adam is of dust, flesh and death. The eternal life of Christ is of God and Spirit (1 Cor 15:45). It is not a remade...
  11. musterion

    Atheist Brit goes off on multiculturalism, Islam, the Left, etc

    First half perfectly describes the situation. Second half is typical atheistic wishful thinking, that democracy will prevail and fix the problem. I strongly suspect he knows most of European government is far too corrupted, and too much of its populace too brainwashed, neutered and dissipated...
  12. musterion

    ECT Q for those who believe in salvation by grace thru faith in Christ w/o works

    Is being willing to clean up one's life, to turn from sin, or to stop sinning a required part of getting saved?
  13. musterion

    Jehovah's Witness Bible proves that Christ is God

    Hebrews 1:8 That's the Watchtower's New World translation. KJ:
  14. musterion

    Sessions is racist?

  15. musterion

    Bernie Sanders, callous covetous fool

    Asked a simple question, which he ignored twice, but gives an honest commie answer.
  16. musterion

    Something I learned in skoo yesterday (a dispatch from a suburb of Sodom)

    As I mentioned in another post, I had the opportunity to visit a school yesterday. While I was there, an acquaintance told me of a female student who had made a request via a guidance counselor that, instead of being called by her actual name, he be called by a male name and referred to with...
  17. musterion

    ECT Sad sight at a local school

    Had the opportunity to be in the 6th grade hall of a local middle school and snapped this picture. Some of it's true but negated by the false. Sad, because the content is likely what this child was told by parents who didn't know any better, or it's what they actually believe.