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  1. musterion

    House intel and foreign affairs compromised by Mohammedans working for Dems Read the whole thing but get this: Tell me one reason to believe this was not orchestrated by higher world powers. Give me one reason to trust that not one of these Leftist Democrats...
  2. musterion

    Clock Boy's fame clock just blew up CAIR will pick up the tab, no doubt. But for now, the saga of Daddy Jihad and Clock Boy fades into obscurity...until next time, when Ahmed's device probably won't be fake.
  3. musterion

    Get back in the closet
  4. musterion

    Homosexual child rape ring busted in PA
  5. musterion

    Leftist uses Nazi flag to protest Trump, neighbors get threatened into moving Interesting that the leftist with the flag is not identified. Lesson: if you oppose Mohammedan fascists coming over, Leftist fascists will use the symbology of German fascists to protest...
  6. musterion

    Pornographers protest pornography

    Not for the reason they say, though ("for the children"). The top of the article gives it away: Apparently, online self-created, self-uploaded porn is putting a dent into the bottom line of traditional...
  7. musterion

    Are you upset that Trump wants to massively deport illegals?

    If so, and if the numbers cited below are correct, were you also upset at this?
  8. musterion

    Theology Club: What's the deal with Terence McLean?

    Lots of sound teaching but comes across as terribly bitter. Seems to have an axe to grind against just about everybody, for one reason or another. Just my opinion.
  9. musterion

    Denver church welcomes sodomites

    Not to "come as you are" but to STAY as you are.
  10. musterion

    Canada to initiate Project Soylent

    In 15-20 years, at this rate.
  11. musterion

    ECT Trinitarian doctrine supported by baptism

    No, not "the baptismal formula." 1 Cor 12:13 The Holy Spirit is the one now baptizing [identifying and sealing] believers into Christ's Body, just as Christ was the one baptizing Israel with both the Holy Ghost and, in the future, with fire (Matt 3:11). These baptism are all SOLELY the...
  12. musterion

    "Campaign Excitement"

    C.R. Stam, Two Minutes With the Bible
  13. musterion

    TOL user caught on camera during inauguration

    You figure out which. Several to choose from.
  14. musterion

    The hypocrisy of socialists in one cartoon

  15. musterion

    What can be learned from the saving Gospel preached in pretense and strife?

    Philippians ch. 1 In Galatians 1, Paul made very clear God's condemnation of all who teach false gospels. Here in Philippians 1, Paul acknowledges that some were preaching Christ "of envy and strife," "of contention, not sincerely" and "in pretense," evidently in order to cause him pain. Yet...
  16. musterion

    German court: "Attempted synagogue arson? Meh, s'okay." So long, Germany. Enjoy the prayer rugs.
  17. musterion

    European bishop speaks the unvarnished truth He also blames his own church for helping cause what's coming, and he's right.
  18. musterion

    California makes it legal for children to be prostitutes
  19. musterion

    Mohammedan sings denial of Christ in welcoming Euro church