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  1. musterion

    A racist's sad Trump video

    Okay, have to admit...even tho he's clearly racist (only racists support Trump), he makes a very good point. This may make you Trumpians cry.
  2. musterion

    One person's opinion on Trump

    Dead wrong on his traditional lift from 2 Chr but some good points. I suspect he'll be proven correct. David Cloud,
  3. musterion

    One person's opinion on Trump

    This thread repealed and replaced.
  4. musterion

    Trump forces black family from home!

  5. musterion

    A sign of things to come

    Nevermind. Too gross.
  6. musterion

    Dave Chappelle must now be destroyed

    He dared speak from his own mind, something the Left will not tolerate. Now the Cosbyfication of Chappelle will as his past is suddenly exhumed for public criticism and his reputation is systematically destroyed...NOT because of whatever he may (or may not) have done but ONLY...
  7. musterion

    Do you hate and fear guns? Then vote appropriately!

    Gun and ammo makers have long reported Obama is the best gun salesman they ever had. Now there's another surge in the face of an almost certain Clinton [stolen] victory. So if you've been told to be afraid of guns, your choice couldn't be more clear. Stop gun sale surges. Vote Trump.
  8. musterion

    Glenn Beck starts his jump to the Left

    Some of us knew the fraudclown would pull this move if he ever fell out of favor, and here it is.
  9. musterion

    "The Dark Art of Political Intimidation"

    Show this to your kids.
  10. musterion

    ECT If MAD is false, what is true?

    This is for the frauds and the socially autistic who keep posting redundant thread after thread against MAD. Put up or shut up. Don't just attack MAD. Name a positive alternative. Don't be vague. Be specific. Identify by name (because they all have names or can be otherwise classified...
  11. musterion

    Evil pervert judge destroys family, forces child to be raised as wrong gender

    At least that's how AB and a few others here will read it.
  12. musterion

    An opinion on Christian political involvement

    [/LEFT] [/FONT] A.E. Knoch writing in the 1960s at latest
  13. musterion

    General question for all TOL religious people

    If there is a living human on earth who you believe has spiritual authority* over you, who is that person? *meaning it's God's will for you to somehow be under them or answerable to them; they likewise will ultimately answer to God for how they exercised their authority over you.
  14. musterion

    Good News in the Bible =/= one Good News

    E.W. Bullinger (1837-1913)
  15. musterion

    Euro judiciary now officially in favor of sex with 10 year olds

    At least when Mohammedans do it. That it was a 10 year old, the court apparently finds beside the point. The logic seems to be, if you can convince a court that a child...
  16. musterion

    Clinton agrees with 95% of TOL users on this religious point She spoke the truth -- Methodists believe that just as strongly as Catholics. So do most professing protestants and evangelicals. Trump likely believes something...
  17. musterion

    Obama: "We got Democrats in charge of the machines."

    He said that 8 years ago. It's now Winner Takes All. It's going to happen in November, on a scale too big to contemplate.
  18. musterion

    UK homosexual dissolves another man in acid, blames religion Nothing to see here, heteros dissolve people in acid every day, bigotry, etc