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  1. musterion

    Jill Stein: last ditch Clinton surrogate? Moneymaking scam? Both?

    You gotta see this.
  2. musterion

    Funding "kill switch" in place for "sanctuary city" LE federal funding

    Funding "kill switch" in place for "sanctuary city" LE federal funding Day One: Pull the switch. Well if a majority of Americans agree on, say, by 2 million... then it must be the right thing to do and we should do it...
  3. musterion

    It isn't just Trump that has the Left terrified

    There's also this.
  4. musterion

    Recent comments re: rural bigots

    In case that "rural" label suprised you as it did me (not so much that it was made as who made it), it's a thing on the Left now. That explains the poster in question's repeated derision of "rural" Americans (whether you actually are or not). If it sounded like a supercilious urban leftist is...
  5. musterion

    NYT completely twisted Trump's take on climate change

    Too much to quote, you'll just have to read the whole transcript linked below before you buy the Left's hyperspin. This is only the first of many such "reports" from...
  6. musterion

    Interesting email from 2004

    Not posting excerpts because it's a short blog post. The blogger applies it to the present day...agree? Disagree?
  7. musterion

    A safe place for the Left

  8. musterion

    How stupid is George Takei?

    This stupid.
  9. musterion

    Parents vote Trump, their son threatens to murder them

    But the Right is where the hate and violence are.
  10. musterion

    Fund drive for needy children

  11. musterion

    Another faked hate crime (which itself is a hate crime) She's a Mohammedan. Someone on TOL last week insisted this case would prove to be true.
  12. musterion

    NBC: Jobs already returning to the U.S.

    Old news
  13. musterion

    Just when you thought it couldn't get worse for Democrats Of course leftists are always made to see the light or else, and so will toe the party line sooner or later. And they shanked and bought off...
  14. musterion

    CNN mystified why many Latinos voted Trump Answer is simple. Only racists vote for racists. So they're racists.
  15. musterion

    Sometimes pics are worth a thousand words

    There's so much going on here that I would caption this simply, "America, 2016."
  16. musterion

    More rioting and beatings by violent Trump bigotards, this time in a public school

    I mean really. Have these conservatives no self-respect? No self-control?
  17. musterion

    Republican mother kicks 8 year old son out of house for mock Clinton vote

    How sick and evil can this get?
  18. musterion

    Racist Trump got more minority votes than liberal Romney Proves two things. 1. Minorities can be racists. 2. Minorities can be racists.
  19. musterion

    Muslim breaks into water plant, then is allowed to vanish Bet there will be an increase in incidents like this, now that there will no longer be a Muslim in office.
  20. musterion

    What scares the Left most about Trump?

    Answer: that he'll govern exactly as Obama does and Clinton would have done. Captured perfectly in one tweet...