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  1. musterion

    Sixty attempts to repeal

    That's what Reuters says. Sixty. 60. I have to wonder how many of those the Rs designed not to work, assuming they even passed veto, which they would never do under Obama? I'm guessing the answer is zero. The simplest explanation to all of this is probably the correct one. And that is, the...
  2. musterion

    Real evidence of election hacking involving Clinton

    Cue Town and the Tiny Fists of Rage Bunch...
  3. musterion

    Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"

    Facts: •When Meshak first arrived on TOL, "she" immediately started charging all trinitarians with being secret sex perverts and lovers of divorce •Meshak also said God does not like the military, military people or anyone who supports the military •Meshak draws a clear line between "herself"...
  4. musterion

    Donna Brazile cracks, proves Clinton lied :think:
  5. musterion

    Christian teacher wanted for abduction of teen student [COLOR=#222222][FONT='inherit']
  6. musterion

    ECT For MADs: if Scofield was right...

    ...when he said (paraphrasing) that the identity, position, walk and destiny of the Body of Christ is found ONLY in Paul's epistles...and if we take 2 Cor 5:16 and related verses to mean what they seem to mean...then apart from "transdispensational truths" found throughout the Bible, the...
  7. musterion

    CNN's token Mohammedan eats human brains for "news" It's causing an outrage even on the Left. This stupid, loathsome leftist (who wished grave evil on Robert Spencer and others for merely reading what Mohammad...
  8. musterion

    Fake news song

    Dead on brilliant. Leftists will want to play it at 1/2 speed with subtitles.
  9. musterion

    ECT Christendomists being suckered en masse by "The Shack"

    1,000 "faith leaders" endorse Shack movie
  10. musterion

    What info database was Maxine Waters referring to?

    Yes, this is old news. Yes, she's a low IQ racist apparatchik with possible early onset dementia, but she seemed dead serious about whatever it is she was getting at here. She was referring to something very specific that the Left already had in place. What is it? A collation of "private" FBI...
  11. musterion

    Teacher under fire for free speech, said laws should be enforced

    Note the inaccurate title chosen by the reporter: Albuquerque High teacher under fire for comments about immigrants
  12. musterion

    Trump chumps Planned Parenthood, makes them show they're all about child murder

    And yet...
  13. musterion

    Face eating murderer says he doesn't deserve death penalty

    Personally, I disagree. He killed a man and wife and injured their neighbor. Cops have photos of him with chunks of the husband's skin in his mouth.
  14. musterion

    Must read on Obama's illegal surveillance of Trump

    [/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] Whichever side you're on, or think you're on, read the whole thing.
  15. musterion

    British government officially denies Christ When they think they have sufficient numbers, Mohammedans will fight, attack and murder in order to force their religion upon all of Britain -- the very thing Bible...
  16. musterion

    Homo Disney is getting more "out" with it

    They want the children. Also,
  17. musterion

    More on the wonders of modern British healthcare Was it an act of jihad by Mohammedan night staff? Simple incompetence? Or maybe Peter Singer was working the night shift? Or was it a Leftist who unplugged him...
  18. musterion

    Pelosi, McKaskill said they NEVER met the Russians, but that was a lie Cue fake Danoh's selective outrage in three...two...abort, failure of outrage launch.
  19. musterion

    More on that nonexistent Mohammedan problem in England

    Video: "Not your country." Kinda says it all.
  20. musterion

    Yet still another faked "hate crime"