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  1. musterion

    FBI busts pastors for pimping minors Not just that, either... Between them, I bet these two claimed every sign gift in the Bible.
  2. musterion

    More Multicultural Mayem from Marvel Comics A Muslim artist drops some subtle references into artwork for X-Men (which has long been Marvel's most consistently proggy title). Marvel says it's pulling the artwork and is...
  3. musterion

    If memory serves...

    ...didn't Obama say there'd be military consequences if Syria crossed the line and used chem. weapons?
  4. musterion

    Woman hears in color, paints accordingly I want to see her representation of John Cage's 4:33.
  5. musterion

    The New Covenant proves Christ is God

    Hebrews 9:16-17 [diatheke: a will, testament, covenant.] As will a human will and testament, Hebrews tells us that for the New Covenant to be in force it must first be proved that the one who made it has died. Who does the Bible say would make the New Covenant with Israel? Jeremiah...
  6. musterion

    Syrian speaks truth to power (CNN)

    From her stone-faced, lizard-like blinking, you can tell she can't wait to end an interview that didn't go the way she expected. Also note his very correct damning of their Obama era hypocrisy. She really doesn't like that.
  7. musterion

    Thread for Artie's question.

    *drums fingers*
  8. musterion

    Excellent 20 minute video on how the Left has succeeded

    This guy is good; former psychologist who analyzes the Left's tactics, including the bogus Russian "hack" that amounts to gaslighting the American people.
  9. musterion

    Paid professional murderer giggles about how hard it can be to dismember live babies Think that's the worst part? No... Isaiah 5:20 2 Tim 3:2-3 ("lovers of money," "without natural affection/heartless," "brutal") Rev 21:8 ("murderers")
  10. musterion

    Mohammedan tries to forcibly convert an entire Indiana Goodwill store He probably got mad at all the women who rush the racks as soon as they come out of the back (those who go to Goodwill, know).
  11. musterion

    ECT The flesh profits nothing

    The flesh can do nothing for you if you are lost and, without Christ, the flesh is all you have. This is why all of a lost one's most righteous works -- humanly admirable and awesome though they might be -- are as repulsive to God as filthy rags. The flesh also can do nothing for you if you...
  12. musterion

    ECT Different Bibles

    Almost everyone reads different Bibles. I don't mean different translations, I mean different Bibles. More specifically, most people have very different and even contradictory systems of how to understand the Bible. These contradictory systems have resulted in their reading what amounts to...
  13. musterion


    A man is washed up on a deserted island and is forced to stay there for 5 years. Finally he’s rescued. As the boat is pulling away one of his rescuers notices something. “Hey, I know you were the only one on the island, so how come you built three shacks?” The man answered, “Well the one on...
  14. musterion

    Homosexual abuse ring in CT As much as I loathe the (politically) late Milo YabbaDabbopolis, this is exactly what...
  15. musterion

    Timely example of insular leftist stupidity

    Apparently the sales of comic books are down, Marvel's in particular. Apparently the company had sex changed a few characters and other liberal whatnot, to no avail. But when asked what the problem was, Marvel's VP of Sales reportedly said this [emphasis added] ... So sales are off...
  16. musterion

    Shhh...nobody tell ACW

    He'll be beside himself.
  17. musterion

    ECT No one was "looking forward to the cross"

    [Title borrowed from a mid-Acts blog] If anyone during the Lord's time on earth would have anticipated His death, burial and resurrection for forgiveness and justification of the world, the disciples would have been the ones. But what does God tell us? So if you have been taught that...
  18. musterion

    Theology Club: MAD, as blunt as it is likely to get (for discussion)

    This is from McLean's blog this morning. Posting this because he's saying in no uncertain terms what all MADs tend to believe (at least it's a logical conclusion to what we say we believe) but often are too polite to say plainly...
  19. musterion

    "Now see here! I'll give you just twelve minutes to stop sexually assaulting me!"

    "Now see here! I'll give you just twelve minutes to stop sexually assaulting me!" Map says the trip takes about 12 minutes. 12 minutes of a homosexual...contacting you. Either this is straight up darkly...
  20. musterion

    Charismatic preacher says homosexual saved by cake The sickest part is that fools like LA will think, 'You could happen! AMEN!"