You Can't Beat Something With Nothing


Birth control's what I was referring to.

There's always sterilization.

Would you care to hear some of Margaret Sanger's quotes on sterilization?

Sanger said the following in 1921:

"The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind"

In 1973, Essence Magazine published an article about the forced sterilization practices on black women in the South prior to the civil rights movement.

Basically, racist physicians were sterilizing black women without telling them.

I know Granite, I know Granite, none of these forced sterilizations can be directly tied to Sanger, and PP doesn't do forced sterilizations.

However, the more I learn about Margaret Sanger, the more think PP turned out exactly how she hoped it would.


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Hall of Fame
There's always sterilization.

You seem to be increasingly crazy, tet.:yawn:

Would you care to hear some of Margaret Sanger's quotes on sterilization?

No, frankly, I wouldn't. Because it doesn't really matter. At all. You guys seem to treat the founders of certain movements as reverently as you treat your own, although your own founders are handled with kid gloves when it comes to their attributed savagery, foibles, and imperfections.

I know Granite, I know Granite, none of these forced sterilizations can be directly tied to Sanger, and PP doesn't do forced sterilizations.

Uh, good. We agree.

Then why bring up any of this crap?


You guys seem to treat the founders of certain movements as reverently as you treat your own, although your own founders are handled with kid gloves when it comes to their attributed savagery, foibles, and imperfections.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.


Then why bring up any of this crap?

I didn't even bring up the fact that Margaret Sanger spoke before the women's branch of the KKK.

But now looks like a good time.

According to Sanger's autobiography, right after she spoke to the KKK, she received a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups.

What do you think she said to the KKK that made them like her so much, and ask her to speak to other similar groups?


"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." - (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

I know, I know, it's just a big coincidence that PP performs more abortions on minorities than whites.

The following information has nothing to do with racism or eugenics, just another coincidence:

( – In the top ten states that report their abortion statistics to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the numbers show that 60.48% of the babies killed in those states were black and Hispanic, a total of 201,744 abortions out of 333,560.

However, the data also show that in those areas blacks comprised an average 17.18% of the population and Hispanics, 11.56%. In other words, 60% of the abortions there came from a combined 28.74% of the population: black and Hispanic women.


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Hall of Fame
I didn't even bring up the fact that Margaret Sanger spoke before the women's branch of the KKK.

But now looks like a good time.

According to Sanger's autobiography, right after she spoke to the KKK, she received a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups.

What do you think she said to the KKK that made them like her so much, and ask her to speak to other similar groups?

Well in the words of Peter Griffin: "Oh my God, who the hell cares?"*

A lot of you guys are stuck on some kind of weird time warp or something.

You knock Charles Darwin, as though science has not marched on or changed at all since he published Origins.

You go after Sanger, as though no one currently involved in Planned Parenthood has ever acknowledged or condemned her involvement with eugenics.

If you seriously, actually think her involvement with eugenics almost a century ago has any bearing whatsoever on contemporary events, you simply are untethered from reality.

* Yeah, go ahead, make a Hillary comparison. That'll be original.


If you seriously, actually think her involvement with eugenics almost a century ago has any bearing whatsoever on contemporary events, you simply are untethered from reality.

Because of her belief in Eugenics, Sanger wanted to eliminate "the weeds" (minorities), by reducing their reproduction rates.

PP is doing that right now today.

Because of PP, the black population is being reduced in this country.

So, how can you say that Sanger's goals have no bearing on what PP is doing today?


* Yeah, go ahead, make a Hillary comparison. That'll be original.

Actually, Hillary was very truthful about Sanger, and even acknowledged Sanger's past. Hillary compared Sanger to Thomas Jefferson.

"Well, Congressman, let me say with respect to your comments about Margaret Sanger, you know, I admire Thomas Jefferson. I admire his words and his leadership and I deplore his unrepentant slaveholding. I admire Margaret Sanger being a pioneer in trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies and I deplore statements that you have referenced. That is the way we often are when we look at flawed human beings. There are things that we admire and things we deplore." - Hilary Clinton


New member
Hall of Fame
Because of her belief in Eugenics, Sanger wanted to eliminate "the weeds" (minorities), by reducing their reproduction rates.

PP is doing that right now today.

Because of PP, the black population is being reduced in this country.

So, how can you say that Sanger's goals have no bearing on what PP is doing today?

Because these claims are junk. Bogus. Bull. False. Discredited. No basis in reality. You and Del keep repeating them because it's the same recycled echo chamber garbage. And it's not true. I've already responded to this asininity previously in the thread and I won't repeat myself.


So stop being a flake and acting like it's a secret.

You're the one acting like it's a secret.

I thought that response by Hillary was brilliant, and I agree with her.

So, with that said, and now that we agree Margaret Sanger was a racist who adhered to eugenics, the question becomes: Was PP founded in order to carry out Sanger's racist/eugenic philosophy, or are all the numbers from the CDC that show so many more black babies and Hispanic babies being aborted than white babies just a coincidence?


New member
Because of her belief in Eugenics, Sanger wanted to eliminate "the weeds" (minorities), by reducing their reproduction rates.

PP is doing that right now today.

Because of PP, the black population is being reduced in this country.

So, how can you say that Sanger's goals have no bearing on what PP is doing today?
That is a bold faced lie.