You Can't Beat Something With Nothing


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Instead of your eloquent replies being limited to "YEAH HUH", why don't you offer evidence to support this? You have the burden of proof here.

Well since there are health departments that cover everything pp does and more (with the exception of providing abortions) what reason can you come up with?


Start your own thread and don't hijack mine.

You still didn't answer my question.

Now that you have acknowledged that Sanger was a racist and adherent to eugenics, is it just a coincidence that PP performs a greater percentage of abortions on minorities than whites?

I promise I wont bring up Che anymore in your thread, but I will leave you with a picture of Mrs. Tom Brady decked out in her Che bathing suit:



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Hall of Fame
Now that you have acknowledged that Sanger was a racist

I never denied it, you epic putz. I said early in this thread she was involved in eugenics, so, stop trying to spin this as though I was hiding or denying something. Are you completely full of chicken droppings this morning or just in a mood?


I never denied it, you epic putz. I said early in this thread she was involved in eugenics, so, stop trying to spin this as though I was hiding or denying something. Are you completely full of chicken droppings this morning or just in a mood?

Yes, you acknowledged here involvement in eugenics.

But then you said the following:

No one's ever denied her involvement in eugenics, but, again, Sanger never supported any kind of campaign to wipe out blacks in the United States or anywhere else.

What do you think Eugenics is?

Your above statement is a contradiction.

If you disagree, please explain how she was involved in eugenics, but never supported any kind of campaign to wipe out blacks?


New member
Well since there are health departments that cover everything pp does and more (with the exception of providing abortions) what reason can you come up with?
The organization is not maliciously targeting minorities. Unless you have evidence to support otherwise, I feel this topic is closed.


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Hall of Fame
What do you think Eugenics is?

Well here's a hint: It is not necessarily racist.

And I don't really give a damn about Margaret Sanger. I care more about what's happening these days. You know. Currently. Actually.


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The organization is not maliciously targeting minorities. Unless you have evidence to support otherwise, I feel this topic is closed.

You didn't answer my question. Also since this is supposedly about the poor, how come it is that the health departments (which represent far more in numbers than PP) also do not turn away for inability to pay (like PP does) ? Why does anyone get that they (PP) do more for women than anyone else? The only thing the health department doesn't do, is provide abortion. And then the health department offer many additional services for women and children.


New member
You didn't answer my question. Also since this is supposedly about the poor, how come it is that the health departments (which represent far more in numbers than PP) also do not turn away for inability to pay (like PP does) ? Why does anyone get that they (PP) do more for women than anyone else? The only thing the health department doesn't do, is provide abortion. And then the health department offer many additional services for women and children.
I agree with you, I do not think PP does more for women than anyone else. I just see it as an alternative.


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I agree with you, I do not think PP does more for women than anyone else. I just see it as an alternative.

The only alternative pp offers is abortion, they turn away also if you cant afford their services, the health department doesnt.

Seems the health department in reality does much more for the poor and women and children.

PP also operates primarily in large cities only, what about the poor women in all the other places? Health departments are in those other places.

So what would actually happen if PP closed up? Less abortions. Thats about it. The funding would be better spent on health departments.


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I know men who've used PP.

PPs offering for men, std tests, and treatment for stds and jock itch. If you cant pay though, too bad for you, you wont get treated.

Health department treatment for men, all of that plus check ups, immunizations and dental services at a lot of them. If you cant pay, you still get help.

But i thought your concern was about what would happen if PP closed, nothing except there would be less abortion services available.

Thats it.


You're right, but your interpretation of those numbers can.

The following is directly from the CDC:

non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rates (31.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratios (483 abortions per 1,000 live births).

Please tell me how I'm supposed to interpret that other than black women have the most abortions per 1,000 women than any other race?


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The following is directly from the CDC:

non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rates (31.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratios (483 abortions per 1,000 live births).

Please tell me how I'm supposed to interpret that other than black women have the most abortions per 1,000 women than any other race?

Your assumptions seem to be the problem.


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What wrong assumption am I making from that CDC statement?

As opposed to looking into the why of what drives these women to get abortions you automatically assume the only possible explanation's a concerted effort on the part of an organization that does its best to prevent unplanned pregnancy and STD's to exterminate minority groups. Moreover, you seem to be assuming said minorities are too stupid to realize they're being duped.


As opposed to looking into the why of what drives these women to get abortions you automatically assume the only possible explanation's a concerted effort on the part of an organization that does its best to prevent unplanned pregnancy and STD's to exterminate minority groups.

Birth control accomplishes the same goal as abortion.

“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defective". - Margert Sanger, Women and the New Race” Chapter 18

Moreover, you seem to be assuming said minorities are too stupid to realize they're being duped.

Some are, mostly black Democrats who get large sums of money from PP. There are many black pastors, and black organizations that oppose PP, and see PP the same way as I do.

Remember the quote by Sanger where she wanted to get black pastors on her side to keep people from thinking she was exterminating blacks?


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Moreover, you seem to be assuming said minorities are too stupid to realize they're being duped.

Your the one whose being duped, you pretend with your op, that poor women cant get help with services other than abortion without planned parenthood, and thats blatently false, you have bought the hype.

The local health departments do all you complained about and then some and there are far more of them and they dont turn away without ability to pay.

The only service pp offers that a woman cant get somewhere else for lower cost even, is abortion, plain and simple. No need to fund them, put the money in the local health departments.


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Birth control accomplishes the same goal as abortion.

If that's what you actually think and if you think there's any comparing the two you're out of your mind.