You Can't Beat Something With Nothing


Ehh in most political debate the HP isn't bad to use. You only feel this way because it doesn't support you.

The HP is a far left glorified blog.

Most of the people who write the blogs are actors, singer, sports stars, entertainers, etc.

Very few of the people who write articles are actual journalists.

The source of information is just as important (if not more important) than the information itself.

To a point, yes.

Obviously the people who made the video had an agenda.

However, the words of the PP employees speak for themselves, and after making sure there was no deceptive editing like NBC does, the PP people were caught red handed.


Well-known member
The FBI wouldn't have because there's no crime here, whether you like it or not.
There's enough evidence of a crime that the DOJ should investigate. If you are recouping costs, you don't haggle over prices, you just say what your cost is. In the video they are haggling over prices. In the videos they talk about altering procedures to produce the specimens wanted. There needs to be an investigation. If planned parenthood wasn't the sacred cow of the left, they'd have the FBI crawling all over them by now.


New member
Hall of Fame
Very few of the people who write articles are actual journalists.

Laura Bassett is a political reporter at The Huffington Post focusing on women's issues. She has a Master's degree in English Literature and gender studies from Georgetown University and has previously worked for U.S. Congress, Island Press and the Washington Post. She can be reached at or on Twitter @lebassett.

If you want to start yet another PP video thread go ahead. I'd appreciate it if you stopped sidetracking this one.


The FBI wouldn't have because there's no crime here, whether you like it or not.

That doesn't answer my question.

You've decided that nothing in the videos is wrong because of who made the videos.

If the videos were made by FBI agents, would you admit that it is wrong that PP changes their abortion procedures in order to obtain intact fetal cadavers?

You do know that "intact fetal cadaver" is another way of saying "whole dead baby"?


New member
Hall of Fame
That doesn't answer my question.

You've decided that nothing in the videos is wrong because of who made the videos.

If the videos were made by FBI agents, would you admit that it is wrong that PP changes their abortion procedures in order to obtain intact fetal cadavers?

You do know that "intact fetal cadaver" is another way of saying "whole dead baby"?

Another post like this and I'm putting you on ignore for the duration of the thread. Maybe you and I should just stick to football.

Your call.


New member
There's enough evidence of a crime that the DOJ should investigate. If you are recouping costs, you don't haggle over prices, you just say what your cost is. In the video they are haggling over prices. In the videos they talk about altering procedures to produce the specimens wanted. There needs to be an investigation. If planned parenthood wasn't the sacred cow of the left, they'd have the FBI crawling all over them by now.
The FBI is not allied with a political party. The reason they are not "crawling all over them" is because there is no crime there.


There's enough evidence of a crime that the DOJ should investigate.

It will never happen.

Loretta Lynch is an Obama cheerleader, Congress already voted and didn't come close to 60 votes, and there is no way more than one or two Democrats will ever vote against PP.


Another post like this and I'm putting you on ignore for the duration of the thread. Maybe you and I should just stick to football.

Was is the point you are trying to make in this thread?

The Republicans want to send the $500 million to the other thousands of clinics that provide care to women in lieu of sending it to PP, which has only about 700 facilities.

The videos show that PP is breaking the law by selling baby parts for profits, and altering the time and procedure for abortions so they can make more money from the aborted baby parts and/or cadavers.

PP was founded by Margaret Sanger, who was a racist, and a proponent of eugenics.

You're either trying to protect the Democrat's cash cow, or you're being intellectually dishonest.


New member
Do you deny that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood?
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood.
Her financial backing came from the Rockefeller Foundation, which is the same organization that created the American Cancer Society.

So, there shouldn't be any doubt on why the American Cancer Society covers up the link between abortion and breast cancer.


Completely lifted out of context.

Margaret Sanger was a racist, and an eugenist.

And, she didn't like Catholics because of their stance on birth control:

Here is a quote from Sanger:

"The third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." - "Birth Control: What It Is, How It Works, What It Will Do." The Proceedings of the First American Birth Control Conference. Held at the Hotel Plaza, New York City, November 11-12, 1921. Published by the Birth Control Review, Gothic Press, pages 172 and 174.

Sanger also said the following:

"Birth control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks— those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization." - Apostle of Birth Control Sees Cause Gaining Here", The New York Times, 1923-04-08, p. XII

From Margaret Sanger's magazine that she founded:

"Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems". - "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda", October 1921, page 5.

Margaret Sanger was not much different than Hitler. She wanted to eliminate everyone who was different than her.

I will provide more quotes and evidence that shows what an evil racist person Sanger really was.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The "just don't have sex" crowd is beyond idiotic so I'll just tune that asininity out.

1 Thessalonians chapter 4 - Why Avoid Immorality?

You will please God.... v. 1
You will prove that you can take instruction from God.... v. 1
You will respond to the authority of God.... v. 2
You will be in the will of God.... v. 3
God calls you to be holy—literally set apart from the world's thinking....v. 3
God calls you to sexual integrity....v. 3
You will control your own body.... v. 4
God calls you to control your sexual desires....v. 4
God calls you to be holy and honorable....v. 4
You will not display passionate lust.... v. 5
You will not be like the heathen.... v. 5
God condemns your lust....v. 5
You will not wrong another person.... v. 6
You will not take advantage of another.... v. 6
God holds you accountable for your treatment of others....v. 6
God will punish your promiscuity....v. 6
God does not call you to be impure....v. 7
God calls you to live a holy life....v. 7
God sees your involvement in sexual sin as rejection of Him....v. 8

Right now you can live by faith—or you can live by your feelings.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It’s worth comparing some raw numbers here. In that year, Planned Parenthood [murdered babies].

Liberals love comparing numbers when the issue is the murder of babies.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Many of their clinics don't provide abortions at all (like the one about ten minutes from where I sit) but that doesn't keep them from being hassled. And when people talk about "shutting down" or "defunding" PP they certainly speak in absolutes.

So you'd favor...well...okay. How would you go about forcing them not to perform abortions? And keep in mind federal monies don't pay for them as it is.

Every PP clinic is, at the very least, an abortion referral center.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame

It’s worth comparing some raw numbers here. In that year, Planned Parenthood completed 327,653 abortions. Compare that to the 1.1 million pregnancy tests, 1.4 million emergency contraception kits and more than 487,000 breast exams that the organization provided.

I'd like to know what organization PP's foes would propose to replace the services provided by PP. Women who need birth control or a breast exam need these services. PP is their most affordable option. So where are these gals expected to go?

A pap smear or breast exam might not mean a thing to a politician in Washington. But it's a big deal to these women. So, again, I ask: What if anything does any PP foe here propose replace Planned Parenthood?

The majority of what they actually do serves to prevent abortion, whether you like it or not.

Are there are any actual, real alternatives, solutions, or replacements folks have in mind? The "just don't have sex" crowd is beyond idiotic so I'll just tune that asininity out.
Isn't Romney Care Obama Care supposed to take care of all that?


New member
So, there shouldn't be any doubt on why the American Cancer Society covers up the link between abortion and breast cancer.

How can the ACS cover up research world wide? Do they control the British and German and Chinese and Indonesian and Italian cancer research bodies, as well as ALL the relevant journals? Are they really the ONLY people researching this? (clue: the answers are they don't, they don't, and no.)

Conspiracy theories are generally completely implausible, and are only resorted to when all other arguments have failed.


New member
How can the ACS cover up research world wide? Do they control the British and German and Chinese and Indonesian and Italian cancer research bodies, as well as ALL the relevant journals? Are they really the ONLY people researching this? (clue: the answers are they don't, they don't, and no.)

Conspiracy theories are generally completely implausible, and are only resorted to when all other arguments have failed.
