You Can't Beat Something With Nothing


If Planned Parenthood paid for abortions with tax dollars you might have a leg to stand on.

It all goes into one pot. PP had revenue of $1.2 billion in 2013, with almost half coming from taxpayers ($540.6 million).

What do you think PP does with all the money they get from selling baby parts?

That the NRA is tax exempt makes them even more monstrous but that's neither here nor there.

I agree with you, but they are a non-profit 501(c) tax exempt organization. There are many of these on both sides of isle.

A bigger joke is that the NFL is a tax exempt organization.


New member
Hall of Fame
It all goes into one pot. you understand how businesses work?

What do you think PP does with all the money they get from selling baby parts?

I guess not.

I agree with you, but they are a non-profit 501(c) tax exempt organization. There are many of these on both sides of isle.

Maybe yes, maybe no. Plenty of outfits are partisan creatures. This shouldn't be a surprise to you.


If we do some simple math of (327653 abortions in 2014 x 350 dollars at 2011s min price) =114,678,550 total minimum revenue of abortions at 2011s price rate, or 37% of PPs total self genrated revenue of 305 million

How many Lamborghini's can you purchase with $305 million?



LIFETIME MEMBER you understand how businesses work?

PP says the money isn't used for abortions.

PP also said they don't sell baby parts for profit, or change the procedure method or timing of an abortion to make more profit.

So far the videos have proved that PP has lied about profits and procedures, but you want us to believe they are telling the truth about not using taxpayer money for abortions.

I guess not.

If you understood the way businesses work, you wouldn't claim they don't use taxpayer money for abortions.


Altering the timing or procedures of an abortion in order to harvest organs is against federal law.

However, the video proves that PP is doing just that:


BTW, do you know what an "intact fetal cadaver" is?


Which picture is harder to look at?

A) Baby parts from Planned Parenthood Center in a dish.

B) Bodies at a Nazi Concentration Camp






BTW, the Nazi's never harvested baby parts.

Planned Parenthood is doing something that even the evil Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele didn't do.


New member
Hall of Fame
PP says the money isn't used for abortions.

The Hyde Amendment's been in place for a while.

PP also said they don't sell baby parts for profit, or change the procedure method or timing of an abortion to make more profit.

Which is also true.

If you want to take the word of liars who use fake IDs to get interviews with PP representatives and then selectively edit them for clickbait, knock yourself out.


like marbles on glass
How about the following quote from Sanger found on Wikipedia?

"we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."


Completely lifted out of context.

Sanger, who was arrested several times in her efforts to bring birth control to women in the United States, set up her first clinic in Brooklyn in 1916. In the late 1930s, she sought to bring clinics to black women in the South, in an effort that was called the “Negro Project.” Sanger wrote in 1939 letters to colleague Clarence James Gamble that she believed the project needed a black physician and black minister to gain the trust of the community:
Sanger, 1939: The minister’s work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
Sanger says that a minister could debunk the notion, if it arose, that the clinics aimed to “exterminate the Negro population.” She didn’t say that she wanted to “exterminate” the black population. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University says that this quote has “gone viral on the Internet,” normally out of context, and it “doesn’t reflect the fact that Sanger recognized elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow south, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim.”


New member
However, the video proves that PP is doing just that:

Expected response: You see I havent wacthed any of the videos but I know for a fact that they all are a heavly edited CGI hoax by pro life extremist because the anglic, best healthcare provider in the world PP told me so


If you want to take the word of liars who use fake IDs to get interviews with PP representatives

It's called a sting.

Police do it all the time when they bust drug dealers, prostitutes, pedophiles, etc. Same thing for the FBI.

60 Minutes has done it for years, and received awards for doing it. Same thing for ABC's 20/20.

I don't see you calling them liars.

and then selectively edit them for clickbait, knock yourself out.

The videos speak for themselves.

The full unedited versions are on their website.

They didn't deceptively edit the videos like NBC did with the Treyvon Martin 911 tapes.

It's been weeks since the first videos were released. If the group would have used NBC's tactics, someone on the left would have pointed it out by now.

These PP people have been caught red handed, and the left's only answer is to either ignore the videos, or attack the people who made the videos.

Why don't you actually address what is in the videos?


New member
Hall of Fame
It's called a sting.

Or bollocks or malarkey or a set-up. Or in the case of using fake IDs...a crime.

Police do it all the time when they bust drug dealers, prostitutes, pedophiles, etc. Same thing for the FBI.

Am I supposed to take this comparison seriously?

60 Minutes has done it for years, and received awards for doing it. Same thing for ABC's 20/20.

See above.

The videos speak for themselves.

Indeed, and there's no smoking gun there. But the memes are already established and the bait continues to be clicked, so, it's pretty much mission accomplished.


Or bollocks or malarkey or a set-up. Or in the case of using fake IDs...a crime.

Do you really think the far left- money losing- glorified blog known as The Huffington Post is going to give an unbiased view?

It's amazing how every Liberal won't address what the people from PP said in the videos, and are only interested in attacking the people who made the videos.

Am I supposed to take this comparison seriously?

Yes, that's what happens in stings. It's why stings take place. Stings are how people get caught breaking the law.

PP was caught in a sting, the same way ACORN was caught in numerous stings by Project Veritas.

Project Veritas was very successful in getting ACORN defunded because of the stings they did.

Indeed, and there's no smoking gun there.

How can you say that when the woman specifically says they change the procedure to get an intact fetal cadaver?

Did you even watch the video, or are you just relying on what the Huffington Post and other Liberals tell you is on the video?


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you really think the far left- money losing glorified blog known as The Huffington Post is going to give an unbiased view?

I don't think forging identification's something anybody with a shred of sanity would take lightly.

Yes, that's what happens in stings. It's why stings take place. Stings are how people get caught breaking the law.

An actual "sting" is run by someone with the authority to do so. This might be a "gotcha" moment but it's no "sting."

If you want to start your own thread about this go right on ahead but I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to clutter or sidetrack mine. You started with apocryphal quotes from Sanger and it's pretty much been downhill from there.


New member
Do you really think the far left- money losing glorified blog known as The Huffington Post is going to give an unbiased view?
Ehh in most political debate the HP isn't bad to use. You only feel this way because it doesn't support you.

It's amazing how every Liberal won't address what the people from PP said in the videos, and are only interested in attacking the people who made the videos.
The source of information is just as important (if not more important) than the information itself.


New member
Hall of Fame
So if the people who made these videos would have been FBI agents, then that would change how you feel about the content of the videos?

The FBI wouldn't have because there's no crime here, whether you like it or not.


New member
Hall of Fame
By who? How would this be directed or handled? What clinics would qualify and under what criteria?

The local health departments, which already offers all the services you listed, also provides wic, and takes care of pregnant mothers all the way through delivery and beyond (immunizations, healthcare) they just dont do abortions.

There is no need for planned parenthood.