You Can't Beat Something With Nothing


Well-known member
Revunue and individual service are two different things. Yes PP does many other services but the cash cow of PP is abortions. Im trying to acess PP annual reports to show it to you but its real pain doing so on my tablet. Give me a few minutes.

I got it

So, if we looked at the MLB like Planned Parenthood, you could say that baseball games are only .012% of what the MLB does, since they sold 20 million hot dogs and played 2430 games.


New member
Hall of Fame
Quetzal is going to demand a source for that quote. Start working on it now.

Your attitude's part of the problem. Really the whole opposition to PP speaks to a larger issue--that they've filled a void and are servicing a need no one else is, and are largely in the business of preventing pregnancy and abortion. The pro-life movement seems most interested in demonizing sex, birth control, and women who seek out abortion. Clamoring for the end of PP would hurt the very women pro-lifers need to help and would virtually guarantee more abortions.

I'm increasingly convinced evangelicals who claim to be pro-life are less and less interested in abortion itself.


Well-known member
Your attitude's part of the problem.
That's what my mom always said.

Really the whole opposition to PP speaks to a larger issue--that they've filled a void and servicing a need no one else is, and are largely in the business of preventing pregnancy and abortion. The pro-life movement seems most interested in demonizing sex, birth control, and women who seek out abortion. Clamoring for the end of PP would hurt the very women pro-lifers need to help and would virtually guarantee more abortions.

I'm increasingly convinced evangelicals who claim to be pro-life are less and less interested in abortion itself.
Didn't you read my proposition to your OP? Clearly I'm in favor of keeping PP open if they don't do abortions. It follows logically that I'm against abortion and not PP's other services. I will admit though that I am not every evangelical.


New member
Hall of Fame
Didn't you read my proposition to your OP?

I did and it struck me as fairly reasonable considering the source. You seem more or less aware that abortion's pretty incidental to what they do, which makes you an exception to the rule.

That said, my post stands.


New member
Could you provide a list of what you consider reputable sources?
Academic sources/studies are sources that are carried out by third party academic (typically) institutions that survey data collected to come to a conclusion. Other acceptable sources that I usually deem reputable: census records, public financial records, and legal records.


Well-known member
Funny, abortion makes up 3% of their services based on your source. Shocking, liberals use factual data to support their arguments.
Yes, just like baseball is only .012% of what MLB does. Facts are facts and they never give a misleading picture.


New member
Yes, just like baseball is only .012% of what MLB does. Facts are facts and they never give a misleading picture.
Right, but it all results in a baseball game getting played. This comparison is not accurate and the data is not supportive of the previously mentioned statistic a few pages ago.

The Barbarian

The issue of abortion does not depend on whether or not it produces health risks for the mother. (apparently the evidence shows that it does not).

The issue is the life of the unborn. If you accept that life begins at conception, and that even the unborn deserve the right to life, then it doesn't matter whether or not an induced abortion increases health risks for mothers. Fact is, there is a small short-term increase in breast cancer risk for mothers after they give birth. That doesn't really change the issue of the life within the mother.

So it wouldn't change my position at all. Abortion is killing. And I have to say, spreading false information in an attempt to discourage abortion makes things harder for the pro-life movement.


New member
The first screen shot is from PPs 2014 annual report it shows that PP killed about 327653 unborn last year and notice how deceptive PP tries to be by not putting in bold the number of abortions, everything else is in bold except abortions

The second screenshot details the total number of self genrated revenue at 305 million and more deception as it did not break down the revenue like it did services.

Finding any info on the average cost of an abortion from PPs webiste is impossible since costs are barely discussed other than the max cost of an abortion is 1500. In a web cache of that same page in 2011 showed a minimum of 350 dollars. PP's guttmacher, in 2001 estimated it at 468. But of course that was 2001 and we live in 2015. So, Since no absolute dollar figure can be known since PP wants it that way. I have to go with the listed min. cost in 2011 of 350.

If we do some simple math of (327653 abortions in 2014 x 350 dollars at 2011s min price) =114,678,550 total minimum revenue of abortions at 2011s price rate, or 37% of PPs total self genrated revenue of 305 million


New member
If we do some simple math of (327653 abortions in 2014 x 350 dollars at 2011s min price) =114,678,550 total minimum revenue of abortions at a 2011s price rate, or 37% of PPs total self genrated revenue of 305 million
That is an assumption until we can find how it is broken down. If that is the case, then I will concede to your figure.


Really the whole opposition to PP speaks to a larger issue

The larger issue is that PP spent millions of dollars to elect Obama, millions more to re-elect him, spent millions on anti-Romney adds, and through the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, millions of dollars each year are given to Democrats.

Not one penny is given to a Republican.

PP is a scam.

The Democrats give PP millions in tax dollars, then PP turns around and gives part of the money back to help elect Democrats who have extreme abortion views that match PP's views, and at the same time PP spends millions of dollars attacking Republicans who are Pro-Life.

There isn't a video out there that will make a Democrat turn against PP. PP is a cash cow for Democrats.


New member
The larger issue is that PP spent millions of dollars to elect Obama, millions more to re-elect him, spent millions on anti-Romney adds, and through the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, millions of dollars each year are given to Democrats.

Not one penny is given to a Republican.

PP is a scam.

The Democrats give PP millions in tax dollars, then PP turns around and gives part of the money back to help elect Democrats who have extreme abortion views that match PP's views, and at the same time PP spends millions of dollars attacking Republicans who are Pro-Life.

There isn't a video out there that will make a Democrat turn against PP. PP is a cash cow for Democrats.
This is the product of our current political environment. It is only seen as a scam by you because they aren't supporting your political party.


New member
Hall of Fame
The larger issue is that PP spent millions of dollars to elect Obama, millions more to re-elect him, spent millions on anti-Romney adds, and through the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, millions of dollars each year are given to Democrats.

Oooooookay. I assume there's some kind of point here. Substitute "NRA" for "PP," I guess, and you'll see where I'm coming from: You mean there are groups out there that donate big money to certain political parties?:noway:

Not one penny is given to a Republican.

See above.

PP is a scam.

...a cancer-preventing contraceptive-prescribing pap-smearing scam. Yes indeed. A diabolical scam predicated on women's health. A hideous scam that sells people the fiction that women know what's best for their lives and their own bodies. Monstrous, that. First they stopped calling them hysterics and I said nothing; then they demanded birth control and I said nothing; then they said marital rape was a thing, and still I said nothing...



Substitute "NRA" for "PP,"

If the NRA received 500 million dollars a year from taxpayers, then you would have a point.

The NRA gets $0.00 tax money from the government, therefore, the NRA is free to give as much money as they want to Republicans.


New member
Hall of Fame
If the NRA received 500 million dollars a year from taxpayers, then you would have a point.

The NRA gets $0.00 tax money from the government, therefore, the NRA is free to give as much money as they want to Republicans.

If Planned Parenthood paid for abortions with tax dollars you might have a leg to stand on.

That the NRA is tax exempt makes them even more monstrous but that's neither here nor there.


TOL Subscriber
Your attitude's part of the problem. Really the whole opposition to PP speaks to a larger issue--that they've filled a void and are servicing a need no one else is, and are largely in the business of preventing pregnancy and abortion. The pro-life movement seems most interested in demonizing sex, birth control, and women who seek out abortion. Clamoring for the end of PP would hurt the very women pro-lifers need to help and would virtually guarantee more abortions.

YES. With the elimination of PP and the services it provides, I believe there would be MORE unwanted pregnancies due to the lack of birth control, plan B, education, etc. So long as Planned Parenthood itself is ended, most of the Conservative right will call it a win regardless of the collateral damage. If they TRULY cared about life, or it's quality, you'd see them flocking in droves to adoption centers, fostering children, etc.