Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
=Untellectual;3056827]Are you saying being involved in the New Covenant is dependant upon the individual person? That is, that Israel is not in the New Covenant, but Christians are? I'm trying to understand your view.

I believe I am a part of the New Covenant. Because of Jesus Christ.

Yes, and Paul was a minister of it. (New covenant), but there is no sense in arguing with them, they will not accept it, until God Himself corrects them. In the meantime, speak words of love, encourage and show the light of what this new covenant is.



New member
Much of Israel has, so I don't make this kind of statement. Many of Israel turned away from Christ so many years ago (2000). It is not right to judge people nowadays for the sins of people so long ago.Do you believe Israel has yet to receive forgiveness of sins? Because God granted them repentance before even the Gentiles were granted repentance. Some did not believe, but were hardened. But so many have believed. It is not right to hold a grudge or postpone the New Covenant. We cannot say it did not come for them but came for us. That is taking away the Messiah from them. My opinion at this time. Waiting for what you have to say.

You have a good understanding.


New member
On Israel's feast of Shavuot(Pentecost), three thousand Jews received their Messiah. A couple of days later another five-thousand Jews were saved.
Yet, Peter still appeals to Israel in Acts 3 saying, that if they will repent, the GOD would send Jesus for the days of restitution of all things spoken by the prophets.

The salvation of corporate Israel cannot be separated from the promises concerning the land.

Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
Jer 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Jer 23:7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
Jer 23:8 But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

Jews all over the world still celebrate their deliverance from Egypt.
There's coming a time when they will, instead, celebrate their wholeness in the land.

Jews today and for the last two-thousand years are saved the same way Gentiles are saved and become part of the body of Christ.....but there is coming a day for 'corporate' Israel.

I ask you in love to please not muck up this thread with this type of stuff. There was no such thing as an unconditional land promise. To claim there is, is setting aside a whole lot of scriptures that state otherwise. The good news is that salvation has come to Israel, and, there are better promises to the jew first. Can we keep this thread out of the mucked up teachings of men?

If it goes there, I will close it. I want this thread to remain for the purpose I opened it, not to be used to debate the escatology of dispensationalists.


New member
I will start a thread called SALVATION and we can discuss it.


Thank you, LA.

I would like this thread to remain on topic.

The topic is why I came back, and why I do not want to debate 'escatology'.

There is alot of room on this board for that, for those who want to participate.


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Her chocolate coating is starting to melt as I predicted ...


New member
In lieu of the mucked up teachings of a woman?

No, not at all. I simply will not debate that anymore.

"Eschatology", and I do not want it in this thread. Is that so hard to understand?

What if I type reaaaaal slow?

The only thing that matters is love. If we could stay focussed on what matters, eschatology would fall by the wayside.

I want to remain focussed, on what matters. If you all want to discuss eschatology, do it elsewhere...please.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The only thing that matters is love. If we could stay focussed on what matters, eschatology would fall by the wayside.

I want to remain focussed, on what matters. If you all want to discuss eschatology, do it elsewhere...please.

You really ought to give up cussin'.

Gill White

New member

First of all, I want to apologise. I know I have not always acted in such a way as to bring glory to God. I know that, no one has to tell me. I want to start afresh.

As I rejoin this board, I want everyone to know that I am not here to debate anyone's belief system. I have already figured out that does not work. We often learn things the hard they say.

Secondly, I want everyone to know that I am here to do one thing, and that is to 'encourage' others, not only my good friends on here, but also anyone who would think me an enemy of the gospel.

Thirdly, I will answer questions posed to me. (on my beliefs)

I simply want to be an encouragement, to everyone on this board. I have sought God on the matter, have prayed about this, and feel that if we truly believe in our hearts, He will give us everything our hearts desire, and it is my desire to 'encourage'.

God bless you all, and see you inside.

:wave2: It's lovely to see you back.

We all need to learn to grow in His love, under His grace.

In some areas God heals us immediately, and in some areas we still struggle with things and it takes time to heal. Sometimes our old self takes over, and we need to learn to stop and think before we act or speak, it's not easy.

Learning to grow in His love and not in a worldly love.

God knows your heart, NewDay, and we all need Him to direct our steps.

I look forward to reading your encouraging posts.

God bless you, sister.


New member
Why aren't you encouraging me?

I am. I am encouraging you to read the OP, and see what this thread is about.

Why is it that when I suggest someone stay with the topic of this thread, which is btw, one of the ordinances of this board, btw. Why then do you oppose it, just because it is me?

To begin with my post was to Steko, and I am sure he has enough love and respect to do as I ask. Can you? If not, then, continue, but, please know the thread will be closed.


New member
What's the purpose of this thread?


First of all, I want to apologise. I know I have not always acted in such a way as to bring glory to God. I know that, no one has to tell me. I want to start afresh.

As I rejoin this board, I want everyone to know that I am not here to debate anyone's belief system. I have already figured out that does not work. We often learn things the hard they say.

Secondly, I want everyone to know that I am here to do one thing, and that is to 'encourage' others, not only my good friends on here, but also anyone who would think me an enemy of the gospel.
Thirdly, I will answer questions posed to me. (on my beliefs)

I simply want to be an encouragement, to everyone on this board. I have sought God on the matter, have prayed about this, and feel that if we truly believe in our hearts, He will give us everything our hearts desire, and it is my desire to 'encourage'.

God bless you all, and see you inside.

Look at the bold text, and decipher below.

1. to apologise
2. explain why I want a fresh start.
3. the explanation.
4. to encourage one and all.
5. to answer any questions anyone may have.