Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
How completely wrong can you get. As a self proclaimed Christian, your motives and actions VERY MUCH SO have the right to be Judged by other Christians.

Yes, of course.

Then why did Paul say not to judge motives before Jesus came? Did Paul lie?

We are to judge whether someone is in the gospel or not, but that is not what I was referring to..and, even in this, when we disagree on eschatology, that is not the gospel itself.


New member
meshak says: "Fail" :down:

Then do you agree with this post?

What is important to remember on this; is that God alone can read the hearts. That is why God alone can decide and judge who is, and who is not having true motives concerning what they do, as from love, or not. Paul explained it here:

1 Cr 4:3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self.

1Cr 4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.

1Cr 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

I was guilty of doing this, and God has corrected me.

One man's faith in the area of 'eschatology' is another man's heresy. What matters is that the each of us stand rooted in love, so that we can remember to not judge our brother on these 'other' things.

The only thing we are to judge a man in is if they are in the gospel or not, and even you know the trinity is not a part of that, but you continue to judge people by it, why?

Just wondering...and, thanks in advance.


New member
We are revealing our heart with what we say; what we say and do is what we are, friend. we cannot mock God.

Yes, but we do not always say things perfectly, and love covers the multitude of our imperfections. Do you agree with the gospel or not?

One In Christ

New member
Then why did Paul say not to judge motives before Jesus came? Did Paul lie?

We are to judge whether someone is in the gospel or not, but that is not what I was referring to..and, even in this, when we disagree on eschatology, that is not the gospel itself.

Rom 16:17-18 KJV - [17] Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.


Yes, but we do not always say things perfectly, and love covers the multitude of our imperfections. Do you agree with the gospel or not?

We are talking about encouragement. Of course I agree with the Gospel. We have vast difference in the gospel, too. LIke you dont believe you have to be obedient to Jesus to be save. We are following different gospel.

We also interpret the Bible very differently. that's why we have tons and tons of denominations.

So your encouragement would be different from mine too.


I agree that meshak rejects Paul, the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ's hand-picked Apostle to the gentiles, yes.

I dont reject Paul, I reject your disharmonizing with Jesus' word version of Paul's teachings.

You are misrepresenting me which is lie.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

LIke I said, it is a great task and I hope you are not doing it for the pride. I haven't seen any self-claimed peacemakers and encouragers are in right with God.

On the other hand, I have seen many Christians doing it without announcing they are encouragers or peacemakers.

This is my observation.

You're a self promoting egoist grasping at the appearance of relevance.

This is my observation.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I ask you in love to please not muck up this thread with this type of stuff. There was no such thing as an unconditional land promise. To claim there is, is setting aside a whole lot of scriptures that state otherwise. The good news is that salvation has come to Israel, and, there are better promises to the jew first. Can we keep this thread out of the mucked up teachings of men?

If it goes there, I will close it. I want this thread to remain for the purpose I opened it, not to be used to debate the escatology of dispensationalists.

"I am not here to debate anyone's belief system...I am sincere in not wanting to debate theology,...I do not intend to do any arguing, or debating...I will not argue, or debate doctrine. It is pointless...As I said, I am not here to debate anymore"-Daffy duck-ette

And yet she does debate doctrine...

"There was no such thing as an unconditional land promise. To claim there is, is setting aside a whole lot of scriptures that state otherwise. The good news is that salvation has come to Israel, and, there are better promises to the jew first. Can we keep this thread out of the mucked up teachings of men?If it goes there, I will close it. I want this thread to remain for the purpose I opened it, not to be used to debate the escatology of dispensationalists."-Daffy duck-ette

Deception. And more deception, and sophistry:

"Can we keep this thread out of the mucked up teachings of men?"-Daffy

What teachings should we follow, charlatan? Yours? Women teachings?

She has not "changed"-the same old deception, kid stuff, and sophistry.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What is important to remember on this; is that God alone can read the hearts. That is why God alone can decide and judge who is, and who is not having true motives concerning what they do, as from love, or not. Paul explained it here:

1 Cr 4:3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self.

1Cr 4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.

1Cr 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

I was guilty of doing this, and God has corrected me.

One man's faith in the area of 'eschatology' is another man's heresy. What matters is that the each of us stand rooted in love, so that we can remember to not judge our brother on these 'other' things.

The only thing we are to judge a man in is if they are in the gospel or not, and even you know the trinity is not a part of that, but you continue to judge people by it, why?

"One man's faith in the area of 'eschatology' is another man's heresy. What matters is that the each of us stand rooted in love, so that we can remember to not judge our brother on these 'other' things."-Daffy Duck-ette

Translated: Doctrine, "other things," is not important....just love everyone....Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Oh Lord, kumba ya..

Not scriptural.


New member
I agree with this post.

People keep thinking the new covenant requires perfection? The whole point of it was to assist us in our imperfections. Love fulfills the law, and love covers the multitude of sins. As we grow, we are covered, baby!


New member
Rom 16:17-18 KJV - [17] Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Yes, but that is not speaking of judging a man's motive, but his doctrine, so?

Again, did Paul lie when he said not to judge motives? There is a huge difference. Does motive equal doctrine now? Just wonderin'.

The whole reason there is hostility amongst christians is because love is not being put into practice, the way it should be.

Love does not reap where it has not sown.
Love does not puff up, claiming, 'my doctrine is better than yours'.
Love does not judge a 'babe's heart, and call them ugly names like 'perverted pig'.

If people/christians walked in love, we would all be better off, do you agree?..and, I have also learned this very recently, in the puffed up state, of thinking my doctrine/escatology is better than yours. Was that the will of God? I do not think so. That is why God corrected me on it to begin with.

Yet everyone keeps judging my motives, that is not legal for anyone to judge ever, which is the greater sin.

Why is it the greater sin?

Because it exalts the flesh to the place that belongs to God alone.

We all get frustrated when we try to explain our differences of interpretation of 'last days' events, etc...and through that frustration, we feel compelled to put the other position down, but when we are exalting ourself to the place that belongs to God alone, we are in deep doo doo, in mho.

Who are you to read a believer's heart and his/her motives as to why he/she claims to have changed, or been corrected by God when a person speaks it from their heart?

Come on OIC, you are smarter than that.


New member
We are talking about encouragement. Of course I agree with the Gospel. We have vast difference in the gospel, too. LIke you dont believe you have to be obedient to Jesus to be save. We are following different gospel.

We also interpret the Bible very differently. that's why we have tons and tons of denominations.

So your encouragement would be different from mine too.

Let's clear something up. I DO believe we have to be obedient to Jesus. ONLY it is not required in order to BE saved. It is after we are saved that He demands obedience. No one can be obedient to BE saved. There is a difference. With that said, likewise, the 'obedience' that He demands AFTER we are saved is only by what is revealed to us..for example, He does NOT REQUIRE FROM THE BABES WHAT IS REQUIRED BY THE MATURE MEN. GOD DOES NOT REAP WHERE HE HAS NOT YET SOWN...and, to whom MUCH is given, MUCH more is required.

Have you read Jesus on that?

It is God that gives increase in knowledge, NOT MEN.

You seem to think it is up to you?

Let God lead His people, and then, every man can learn in the correct and right fashion. This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.

Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?

A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.

Babes can only endure the milk.

This is why you are getting all the flack. LOVE does NOT work that way.

Let God work in His people, and bring them to maturity, and you will find yourself alot less stressed.