Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
"One man's faith in the area of 'eschatology' is another man's heresy. What matters is that the each of us stand rooted in love, so that we can remember to not judge our brother on these 'other' things."-Daffy Duck-ette

Translated: Doctrine, "other things," is not important....just love everyone....Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Kumba ya my Lord, kumba ya Oh Lord, kumba ya..

Not scriptural.

how are you?


New member
I dont reject Paul, I reject your disharmonizing with Jesus' word version of Paul's teachings.

You are misrepresenting me which is lie.

I agree Paul and Jesus taught the same..and, I am glad you understand that.

Jesus taught those under the law as under the law.
Paul taught those under the law as under the law.



Love does not require from us what we cannot know on a personal/individual basis, EVER.

With that said, when is it 'heresy'?

Wilful sin is what God hates. He knows we are weak in the flesh, and He knows that we needed HIM for that purpose.


I agree Paul and Jesus taught the same..and, I am glad you understand that.

Jesus taught those under the law as under the law.
Paul taught those under the law as under the law.



Love does not require from us what we cannot know on a personal/individual basis, EVER.

With that said, when is it 'heresy'?

Wilful sin is what God hates. He knows we are weak in the flesh, and He knows that we needed HIM for that purpose.

We don't understand "love" the same way, friend. It is very complicated and deep meaning. Thats why it is God who can judge anyone whether people are loving or not.

We can all claim ourselves loving Christians, but are we really?


Let's clear something up. I DO believe we have to be obedient to Jesus. ONLY it is not required in order to BE saved.

You see, I dont think you are any different from any mainstream churchgoers. Your gospel is enabling evil deeds whether you admit it or not.

You are OSAS believer.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, but that is not speaking of judging a man's motive, but his doctrine, so?

Again, did Paul lie when he said not to judge motives? There is a huge difference. Does motive equal doctrine now? Just wonderin'.

The whole reason there is hostility amongst christians is because love is not being put into practice, the way it should be.

Love does not reap where it has not sown.
Love does not puff up, claiming, 'my doctrine is better than yours'.
Love does not judge a 'babe's heart, and call them ugly names like 'perverted pig'.

If people/christians walked in love, we would all be better off, do you agree?..and, I have also learned this very recently, in the puffed up state, of thinking my doctrine/escatology is better than yours. Was that the will of God? I do not think so. That is why God corrected me on it to begin with.

Yet everyone keeps judging my motives, that is not legal for anyone to judge ever, which is the greater sin.

Why is it the greater sin?

Because it exalts the flesh to the place that belongs to God alone.

We all get frustrated when we try to explain our differences of interpretation of 'last days' events, etc...and through that frustration, we feel compelled to put the other position down, but when we are exalting ourself to the place that belongs to God alone, we are in deep doo doo, in mho.

Who are you to read a believer's heart and his/her motives as to why he/she claims to have changed, or been corrected by God when a person speaks it from their heart?

Come on OIC, you are smarter than that.

The above-you obtained that from a man. Why are you teaching "the teachings of men?"


New member
We don't understand "love" the same way, friend. It is very complicated and deep meaning. Thats why it is God who can judge anyone whether people are loving or not.
We can all claim ourselves loving Christians, but are we really?

I agree with what I bolded. What is it that you disagree with in how I view agape love?


New member
The above-you obtained that from a man. Why are you teaching "the teachings of men?"

I am not teaching it; that is my testimony of what I believe agape love is, and how it works.

You can take it or leave it, it is not for me to teach you anything. The sooner you realise it is not for you to teach me anything, the better off you will be. The gospel saves. We all believe in the dbr of Jesus. I know no christian that doesnt.

After that, it is the Holy Spirit that teaches/gives increase. This too, is my testimony of how I believe. It is not to teach you anything you cannot accept from it.

The whole problem with us all is that we all want to be teachers, and we were never ordained to teach anything but milk. That is the gospel. "Go ye therefore into all the world, preach the gospel unto everyone, teaching them to obey all things I have commanded you".

If we do that, we do well.

If we go beyond that, and try to teach eschatology, as the gospel, we fail.

Again, this is my testimony as to what I have had to learn the hard way. I don't particularly care if you agree or not. It is still my testimony.

My testimony will be judged by God and Him alone. Just like yours will be, and I am thankful for that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Let's clear something up. I DO believe we have to be obedient to Jesus. ONLY it is not required in order to BE saved. It is after we are saved that He demands obedience. No one can be obedient to BE saved. There is a difference. With that said, likewise, the 'obedience' that He demands AFTER we are saved is only by what is revealed to us..for example, He does NOT REQUIRE FROM THE BABES WHAT IS REQUIRED BY THE MATURE MEN. GOD DOES NOT REAP WHERE HE HAS NOT YET SOWN...and, to whom MUCH is given, MUCH more is required.

Have you read Jesus on that?

It is God that gives increase in knowledge, NOT MEN.

You seem to think it is up to you?

Let God lead His people, and then, every man can learn in the correct and right fashion. This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.

Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?

A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.

Babes can only endure the milk.

This is why you are getting all the flack. LOVE does NOT work that way.

Let God work in His people, and bring them to maturity, and you will find yourself alot less stressed.

I wrote previously on April 27th, 2012, 01:34 PM

"The current Vegas line, on when the "milk....meat" stumper begins:

-within 30 posts:2/1

The current Vegas line, on when the "HEAR JESUS" puzzler/debate ender begins:

-within 36 posts, or 2 days, whichever comes first: 3/1"
I was close-as predicted-she posts:

"This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.Babes can only endure the milk."-NewScam

And, of course, the above is not "doctrine"/a " belief system"/"theology":

"I am not here to debate anyone's belief system...I am sincere in not wanting to debate theology,...I do not intend to do any arguing, or debating...I will not argue, or debate doctrine. It is pointless...As I said, I am not here to debate anymore"-NewScam


New member
Do you think my method of spreading Jesus is loving?

I believe you have the right motive, yes. I believe that sometimes, just like everyone else, your flesh enters in and you fail to be less than what that perfect love would be, but, then that is the whole purpose of LOVE, it covers our weaknesses.

Are you claiming your method is perfect already?


Are you claiming your method is perfect already?

I have never claimed I am perfect in anything. But I know many criticize my methods, including you. It is non of anyone's business what I do for my Lord and how I do it.


New member
I wrote previously on April 27th, 2012, 01:34 PM

"The current Vegas line, on when the "milk....meat" stumper begins:

-within 30 posts:2/1

The current Vegas line, on when the "HEAR JESUS" puzzler/debate ender begins:

-within 36 posts, or 2 days, whichever comes first: 3/1"
I was close-as predicted-she posts:

"This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.Babes can only endure the milk."-NewScam

And, of course, the above is not "doctrine"/a " belief system"/"theology":

"I am not here to debate anyone's belief system...I am sincere in not wanting to debate theology,...I do not intend to do any arguing, or debating...I will not argue, or debate doctrine. It is pointless...As I said, I am not here to debate anymore"-NewScam

There is a difference between speaking what you believe and teaching it as doctrine, whether you want to admit it or not.

I claimed from the beginning I would answer any question posed to me. Answering questions is not debating doctrine.


New member
I have never claimed I am perfect in anything. But I know many criticize my methods, including you. It is non of anyone's business what I do for my Lord and how I do it.

If you believe this of you, why do you criticize the rest of us, and our methods?

It is none of your buisiness, as you say.

This is why you get the flack sis. You do not practice what you preach.

I am trying to do better at it. I have admitted it, when will you?

Your last criticism of me:

You see, I dont think you are any different from any mainstream churchgoers. Your gospel is enabling evil deeds whether you admit it or not.

You are OSAS believer.

I don't understand why you get to criticize and when we point out that you are no different than what you claim we are, you fail to see it?

I want to practice what I preach. What I preach is that love covers the multitude of our misunderstandings, and, yes that means that before we understand something, God does NOT reap where He has not yet sown. You come on here and tell people who are in the military, for example, that they are not obeying Jesus, when in their heart/mind, they had never intended to harm their enemy. The knowledge of the command must be there, before God is going to make a judgement against them on it.

This is where we differ, yes, and I believe I have the right approach....NOW that God has corrected my error on it.

I went about much the same as you, a few weeks ago.

With increase comes more requirement.

Do not require from the babes what they cannot yet understand. God does not even do that. This is what I am saying.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There is a difference between speaking what you believe and teaching it as doctrine, whether you want to admit it or not.

I claimed from the beginning I would answer any question posed to me. Answering questions is not debating doctrine.

"There is a difference between speaking what you believe and teaching it as doctrine, whether you want to admit it or not."-NewScam

Another Daffy Duck-ette classic. "New?" Scam artist, asserting that "speaking what you believe" is not "teaching it as doctrine."

If they are not, then you are here for no reason, except entertainment.....

"I claimed from the beginning I would answer any question posed to me. Answering questions is not debating doctrine."-Daffy Duck-ette

Deception-this is "doctrine"/a " belief system"/"theology":

"This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.Babes can only endure the milk."-NewScam

...despite your spin to the contrary.

"...I am sincere in not wanting to debate theology,...I do not intend to do any arguing, or debating...I will not argue, or debate doctrine. It is pointless...As I said, I am not here to debate anymore"-NewScam

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, ok. I won't respond to you anymore then, if that is your wish?

Let's see....we have the milk/meat zinger, the "teachings of men" stumper......any wagers what will next come from the allegedly "New and Improved" GP?

Baloney....I love the made heresy...?


New member
"There is a difference between speaking what you believe and teaching it as doctrine, whether you want to admit it or not."-NewScam

Another Daffy Duck-ette classic. "New?" Scam artist, asserting that "speaking what you believe" is not "teaching it as doctrine."

If they are not, then you are here for no reason, except entertainment.....

"I claimed from the beginning I would answer any question posed to me. Answering questions is not debating doctrine."-Daffy Duck-ette

Deception-this is "doctrine"/a " belief system"/"theology":

"This is what I have learned; you cannot force feed the meat, people will ONLY choke.Paul said they were not able to receive it, until WHEN?A babe must first be weened from the breast, there is a process that every christian goes through, unto maturity.Babes can only endure the milk."-NewScam

...despite your spin to the contrary.

"...I am sincere in not wanting to debate theology,...I do not intend to do any arguing, or debating...I will not argue, or debate doctrine. It is pointless...As I said, I am not here to debate anymore"-NewScam

Hi John, I still love ya.