ECT Why preterism can never be taken seriously by Bible believers

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your question has absolutely nothing to do with Dan 9:25-26

Dan 9:25-26 tells of the Jews rebuilding the city and temple, and then the same city and temple are destroyed.

Dan 9:25-26 proves you wrong.

You claim the city and temple that were rebuilt in verse 25, has nothing to do with the temple and city that are destroyed in verse 26.
. Who taught you that-it is certainly not in the bible?

Josephus? Russell? Gentry? Hanegraaf? Wikipedia? "Fallable" men?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't imitate Darby followers.

"mess" is from Hogan's Heros.

"Hess is a mess"

No, sweetie, you got that from me, on TOL, as I employed that years ago, you habitual liar. Knock it off, as you don't have the clout, authority, on TOL, as I have, you admitted weasel, no chin/little arms, anemic looking weakling, both physically, and mentally.


New member
No, sweetie, you got that from me, on TOL, as I employed that years ago, you habitual liar. Knock it off, as you don't have the clout, authority, on TOL, as I have, you admitted weasel, no chin/little arms, anemic looking weakling, both physically, and mentally.

Lol - you lost him when you made use of the word "employed."


Well-known member
Well, Craigie Tellalie is on TOL, 16 hours/day, satisfying his obsession, and is unemployed, an infidel, according to Paul.

Not me though I have other hobbies and chores to attend to in the course of each day. Today I planted seedlings in a small terrarium,waited for the propane truck,,you know all the normal stuff going on here in Mayberry.

Now on most days since I have all my hobbies to occupy my time what I do is let the puter run and record it's progress to a batch file I got from a friend of mine.

but I'm way to busy at my hobbies to take notice of all the goings on on TOL(Not here at Mayberry),,so I take the things that my puter recorded and it goes to another puter in network and it then translates it to vocal language and then plays it to me while I sleep at night(subliminally)and that way I have a defense if I'm ever referred to as a stalker(who knows?),,,

Any how though? I do have all my hobbies and just in case at some point I need to be able to spend 24 or so hours here well I'm planning to polish a crankshaft for my Jeep and when I'm done with my other hobbies after that well I'll address it.


Well-known member
Not me though I have other hobbies and chores to attend to in the course of each day. Today I planted seedlings in a small terrarium,waited for the propane truck,,you know all the normal stuff going on here in Mayberry.

Now on most days since I have all my hobbies to occupy my time what I do is let the puter run and record it's progress to a batch file I got from a friend of mine.

but I'm way to busy at my hobbies to take notice of all the goings on on TOL(Not here at Mayberry),,so I take the things that my puter recorded and it goes to another puter in network and it then translates it to vocal language and then plays it to me while I sleep at night(subliminally)and that way I have a defense if I'm ever referred to as a stalker(who knows?),,,

Any how though? I do have all my hobbies and just in case at some point I need to be able to spend 24 or so hours here well I'm planning to polish a crankshaft for my Jeep and when I'm done with my other hobbies after that well I'll address it.

I expect your jeep will be pleased with that finely polished crankshaft!


Well-known member
so while we're on the subject in Acts 1:21-22 KJV how many people were there from the beginning of the Lords baptism until he was ascended 11? Seems like there was more,,,

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Revelation 21:4 KJV

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Memorize, "shall."

Craigie's/Preterist's/AD 70-ists's premise, assertion: There is no promise to restore the earth, in Genesis-Revelation,to what it once was, as it is "not important," as it was in Eden,i.e., a literal, physical, kingdom of heaven upon the earth, in which the evil issue will be resolved, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven... as the days of heaven upon the earth..... the gospel of the kingdom...(Matthew 6:10 KJV, Deuteronomy 11:21 KJV, Matthew 4:23 KJV), and all(one of Craigie's favorite words, but "all"/"everyone," does not really mean that, according to sweetie Craigie)references to "heaven," in the bible, refer to the "third heaven" sphere/realm, and not to the earthly sphere/realm.

So, Craigie/Preterists, tell us, in no uncertain terms, "speak plainly," as to:

-Is Revelation 21:4 KJV, a prophecy?

-When was Revelation 21:4 KJV written? Should be a piece of cake, since Craigie, on record, from "extra biblical" sources, from the "teachings of fallable" men, asserts that all of Revelation was written prior to AD 70(And their Preterist "invention," depends on this presumptiom.

-When was Revelation 21:4 KJV fulfilled, and why was it written? When was there ever "tears, death, sorrow, crying, pain," in the third heaven?

Memorize:"no more death... neither shall there be any more pain:"

=this cannot be referencing the third heaven, unless you are going to argue, that, at one time, there was "death/pain", in the third heaven="no more/any more."

Memorize:"former things"-"passed away"

These existed, at one time, in the third heaven, way up there yonder?

Go ahead, and spin, that this is not talking about ther sphere/realm of the, dirt, baby.....and is talking about a future fulfillment in the third heaven. Go ahead.

And no "response"/spam/sound byte,along the lines of "Darby...Fulfilled in Christ...You are in denial....Babylon....Figurative....Hyperbole...New Jerusalem....You really think it's literal?....Darby....You are in denial....Darby...." misdirection will be accepted.


New member

A view that claims the church began in Mid-Acts, but not one person who holds to the Mid-Acts perspective can tell us where in Mid-Acts it says so.

Not to mention, you guys can't even agree which chapter of Acts the alleged event took place.

Mid-Acts is the perfect perspective for someone as dazed and confused as you are.

The church was built on the teachings of Paul. Paul was given the gospel of Christ by revelation. The church began when he received that revelation and believed it. Acts does not give the time of that revelation, so we don't know a specific time. Acts also does not give any theology. All it gives is history. So, the places in the bible that pin point mid Acts are various Pauline verses that state the church is the body of Christ and that he was the first member.

Lazy afternoon

The church was built on the teachings of Paul. Paul was given the gospel of Christ by revelation. The church began when he received that revelation and believed it. Acts does not give the time of that revelation, so we don't know a specific time. Acts also does not give any theology. All it gives is history. So, the places in the bible that pin point mid Acts are various Pauline verses that state the church is the body of Christ and that he was the first member.


Others were in Christ before Paul, and other apostles and prophets were building on the one foundation of which Christ is the cornerstone, before Paul.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Others were in Christ before Paul, and other apostles and prophets were building on the one foundation of which Christ is the cornerstone, before Paul.


Not any Gentiles. It's better if you strain your brain a little before posting. And, stay off that LA Freeway. The Grace Gospel wasn't around before Paul. The Kingdom Message was being preached by Christ and the Disciples.


New member
Jeremiah 33 is prophecy pointing to the New Jerusalem; the Heavenly City; described (in very similar language) in Revelation 21.

This is not the land of Israel, but a new earth where all the saints will live and reign forever in Christ. This is His Kingdom. He is the promised "land."

One Kingdom promised . . not two.

Heaven and earth is God and His people, a place where they come together, and a covenant with them.

In the Old Testament it refers to God and the Jews, the place where the Priest went into the Holy of Holy (temple of God}, and the covenant was with them.

In the New Testament it refers to God and all people who believe, where we are the Holy of Holy (temple of God}, and his covenant is with us.

Eph 3:21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.