ECT Why preterism can never be taken seriously by Bible believers


New member
I am aware of your games.

When you can't answer a question, or when you are caught giving wrong information, you play games.

Nope. I play games when you assert nonsense against the witness of all the relevant passages thru your sloppy reliance on just one or two passages.

You bring these games on yourself; you bring this disrespect on yourself.

Come on lazy; seek out the passages over your need to be right.


Well-known member
Why did the two men dressed in white refer to Jesus as "This same Jesus"?

Because it will be the same Lord Jesus who is a Jew with the nail scars in His hands returning to the Mount of Olives, a fact which you deny with your airy fairy Platonism.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Coming from someone who can't figure out how many future temples need to be built so his eschatology works out.

You're a mess mysteryboy.
Little arms Craigie:Identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw this alleged Saviour, who was "un physical," return, you fraud, as you've been asked, for 3 years.


Let me guess: you redefined the meaning of "everyone."

What's the problem, you wimpy, little arms weasel, greasy mess?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And you're proving you are more Dazed and Confused than Ben Affleck was in Dazed and Confused.
Little arms Craigie:Identify this "everyone" that allegedly saw this alleged Saviour, who was "un physical," return, you fraud, as you've been asked, for 3 years.


Let me guess: you redefined the meaning of "everyone."

What's the problem, you wimpy, little arms weasel, greasy mess? Scrambling to your "fallable men" teachers, such as Christ rejecting Flavey Joe Josephus, or thief Hankie Hanegraaf, or water baptismal regenerationists, Max King, and J. Stuart Russell, from whom you plagiarize this "AD 70-sm" "invention, since it is certainly not in the bible, and you did not learn it, on your own, which you admit, on record.


Because it will be the same Lord Jesus who is a Jew with the nail scars in His hands returning to the Mount of Olives, a fact which you deny with your airy fairy Platonism.


(Gal 3:28) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile in Christ, but you want us to believe Christ Jesus is still a Jew with holes in His hands and feet?


New member
The passage clearly says He would return "in like manner".

Now all of the sudden, you are claiming "in like manner" doesn't mean how He went up to heaven.

You Darby followers never cease to amaze me.

Why did the two men dressed in white refer to Jesus as "This same Jesus"?

The Ascension is described by how it was done, not by how many people saw it..... namely, physically and by appearing from the sky and on the mount of olives. The people around at the Ascension won't be the people around at the return, so to demand a similar headcount is insane.

john w

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Because it will be the same Lord Jesus who is a Jew with the nail scars in His hands returning to the Mount of Olives, a fact which you deny with your airy fairy Platonism.

Yes, steko, his AD 70-ism/Preterism, is also mysticism, Buddhism, similar to Catholicism, which, not being a coincidence, has the same end times view, as Tellalie, which also has influenced his on record statement, that he was taught AD 70-ism/Preterism, by infallible men, which I have documented, by his own words.


Well-known member

(Gal 3:28) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile in Christ, but you want us to believe Christ Jesus is still a Jew with holes in His hands and feet?

The same Lord Jesus, the lamb of the tribe of Judah will return.

The names of the twelve tribes of Israel will be on the gates of the new Jerusalem.

GOD demonstrates continuity throughout His revealed Word.


Well-known member
The Ascension is described by how it was done, not by how many people saw it..... namely, physically and by appearing from the sky and on the mount of olives. The people around at the Ascension won't be the people around at the return, so to demand a similar headcount is insane.

:thumb: Exactly!


Well-known member

(Gal 3:28) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile in Christ, but you want us to believe Christ Jesus is still a Jew with holes in His hands and feet?

Christ means Messiah....the promised and prophecied Messiah of the nation of Israel.


But you lift the word Christ out of its context by denying the continuity of Scripture.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Ascension is described by how it was done, not by how many people saw it..... namely, physically and by appearing from the sky and on the mount of olives. The people around at the Ascension won't be the people around at the return, so to demand a similar headcount is insane.

Corrects, CS, and the punk regrets the day, he posted the following, that only an insane, pitiful, in trouble, in a straight jacket, demonic person, could litter, on this site:

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.


“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

"Everyone" that saw Him, according to Craigie, was Josephus, and Wikipedia. Wait....According to Craigie the Clown, he did not return physically, but all of Jerusalem saw him. And, according to Craigie the Clown, signs are invisible...



"Tet is a preterist that believes Christ already returned in 70 AD viathe Roman Army."-Tambora, on another TOL thread

"Correct, and thanks for making it clear that it was the Roman army that was His return."-stupid Craigie

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.

Hebrews 9:28 KJV
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Craigie the Clown: The Roman army was looking for him-that is the "them" above. My infallible AD 70/Pteterist "teachers" taught me,like Josephus, Gentry, Max King, Wiki, J. Stuart Russell, Hank Hanegraaf, from whom I copy'npaste/spam/plagiarize.


The same Lord Jesus, the lamb of the tribe of Judah will return.

Already happened.

Jesus made it clear He would return before "this generation" passed away.

Jesus made it clear that some of His contemporaries would not taste death before they saw Him coming.

The names of the twelve tribes of Israel will be on the gates of the new Jerusalem.

Already happened.

GOD demonstrates continuity throughout His revealed Word.

God's word is filled with continuity in the NT. That's why Paul said it was "the culmination of the ages", Peter said it was "the last days", John said " the time is near", the writer of Hebrews said it was "the last days", James said "the coming of the Lord is at hand".

However, you deny this continuity, you claim all these phrases mean something completely different.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Christ means Messiah....the promised and prophecied Messiah of the nation of Israel.


But you lift the word Christ out of its context by denying the continuity of Scripture.


(Gal 3:28) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile in Christ, but you want us to believe Christ Jesus is still a Jew with holes in His hands and feet?
There is no longer, now, in this dispensation, you vile mystic, moron, but there will be in the future, despite your bird flipping, at God the Father, and His Christ.

Matthew 19:28 KJV

And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Luke 22:30 KJV

that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Craigie: This ought to do it:

1. Fulfilled, in Christ...or,

2. There is need for judgment in the third heaven, as there will be law in the third heaven, you see, uh, urr, or,..

3. The twelve tribes of Israel means the body of Christ, or,...

4.Figurative, or....

5. Darby...., or,...

6. You are in denial....


Christ means Messiah....the promised and prophecied Messiah of the nation of Israel.



Not on your end.

On one hand you claim the Messiah was promised to Israel, but you have no problem being a follower of Christ. But on the other hand you claim the NC was promised to Israel, so you claim it wasn't for you.

But you lift the word Christ out of its context by denying the continuity of Scripture.

See above, there is no continuity on your end.

I'm the one who is a follower of Christ, and a New Covenant believer.

I have continuity, you do not.