Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Yet for some reason I get the feeling that if you were left handed, you would admit it.
If I were gay in a room full of morons like you aCW my pragmatism and instinct for self preservation would probably take precedence over my desire for open honesty.
However, here I don't feel that there is any need to pretend to be something I'm not since I at least am not in conflict with my own sexuality.


New member
So you and I both agree that Al comparing one's sexual desires and behavior with which hand a person uses in his or her day to day tasks makes our beloved alwight the atheist look like the ignoramus that he is.
I realise that you don't want to understand that sexual preference is an innate trait not a choice. Comparing it to something else that is also innate that you are not dogmatically against rather shows that you really have nothing but your hyped up homophobic bigotry


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you and I both agree that Al comparing one's sexual desires and behavior with which hand a person uses in his or her day to day tasks makes our beloved alwight the atheist look like the ignoramus that he is?

Well, obviously not as in context it was a legitimate comparison to draw. I realize context is usually a blind spot for you either inadvertently or otherwise.

I realise that you don't want to understand that sexual preference is an innate trait not a choice. Comparing it to something else that is also innate that you are not dogmatically against rather shows that you really have nothing but your hyped up homophobic bigotry

Forgive me for failing to understand you boy'z use of a perfectly good analogy.

So if I continue to use my left hand to write with


I could end up in this statistic?



(Make note to self to contact TOL Libertarian TomO to see if Ron Paul has received a new shipment of LSD in so that I can attempt to relate to what Al and Art are comparing).


I realise that you don't want to understand that sexual preference is an innate trait not a choice. Comparing it to something else that is also innate that you are not dogmatically against rather shows that you really have nothing but your hyped up homophobic bigotry

If Al should ever tire of his latest smokescreen (comparing homosexuality with left handedness, stating that they're both innate...i.e. genetic traits) here are a few other analogies he can use:

1. Achoo Syndrome: This dominant trait is also called the photo sneeze reflex. If, when suddenly exposed to light, you sneeze (usually two or three times) you have the genes for achoo syndrome.

2. Chin Cleft: A prominent cleft in the chin is due to the bond structure which underlies the Y-shaped fissure of the chin. Females appear to be less conspicuously affected than males.

3. Early Onset Myopia (Childhood Nearsightedness): Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a complex trait with at least 4 gene loci involved, however the heritability of myopia is very high and shows a dominant pattern.

4. Bent Little Finger: A dominant allele causes the last joint of the little finger to dramatically bend inward toward the 4th finger. Lay both hands flat on a table relax your muscles, and note whether your have a bent or straight little finger.


5. Facial Dimples: If you aren't sure if you have them, smile! Dimples are easiest to see when smiling. With dominant phenotype, you may have a dimple only on one side, or on both.

There's more where those came from Al, but I figured that would keep you busy with your oh so crazy analogies for now.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Forgive me for failing to understand you boy'z use of a perfectly good analogy.

That's alright aCW. Your failure to understand any number of things is so commonplace that there's no forgiveness necessary.

So if I continue to use my left hand to write with


I could end up in this statistic?


I think you're rather more likely to end up in the 'foaming at the mouth blowhard rubber room' statistic if anything but as waste of time as it'll inevitably be I'll run you through the basic logic of this:

People don't choose to be left handed in much the same way as people don't choose to be straight or gay. It's simply innate no matter what particular type of 'lifestyle' chosen subsequently. At one point being left handed was regarded as abnormal and even demonic until common sense prevailed.

(Make note to self to contact TOL Libertarian TomO to see if Ron Paul has received a new shipment of LSD in so that I can attempt to relate to what Al and Art are comparing).

I rather think you've already done more than your fair share of drugs as it is aCW...

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
If you really want to get the LGBTQueer movement in hissy fit, put up a billboard like this one in Michigan.


The lesbo writing this article for the ultra left wing fag rag "Salon.com" is not happy.

Being gay is not “a behavior”: Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get?

This Michigan anti-equality campaign is the last gasp of desperate bigotry

May 8, 2015

These must be very troubling and frustrating times for you, homophobes. A majority of Americans now support marriage equality, and face it, if it’s not fully recognized where you live yet, it will be and soon. A majority of us also support gay political candidates, and we seem to be able to watch gay people on television and movies and listen to them as we drive around in post breakup sadness without the fabric of society crumbling — probably because if you look across the population, it’s composed entirely of people who either are LGBT or who know someone who is. And yet, bless your tenacious, confused, chilly little hearts, some of you still don’t get it. And you just cannot stop talking about it.

Drivers in the Detroit metro area this week were surprised — some of them stunned enough to pull over — when they saw a billboard that showed a picture of a woman who was “born Asian” and a rainbow-striped man who was “not born this way” and the message that “Homosexuality is a behavior. Not a civil right.” Obviously, there are bible verses involved. It’s the work of a charmingly low production values site called Restrain the Judges. It promises, “In order to prevent the Roe v. Wade of Marriage, we must act now” and urges visitors to mail politicians “to use the authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to restrain federal judges and the Supreme Court from undermining marriage any further!” Why? Because the organization says, “The homosexual agenda...

...brings with it an unprecedented assault on religious liberty and freedom of conscience against pastors, churches, business and facility owners, employees, public officials, organizations, ministries, and citizens.” You know, blah blah blah AGENDA."

Read more from the very angry lesbo here: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/08/bei...offensive_can_these_anti_lgbt_billboards_get/

That billboard is incredible.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Forgive me for failing to understand you boy'z use of a perfectly good analogy.

That's alright aCW. Your failure to understand any number of things is so commonplace that there's no forgiveness necessary.

I'm trying Art. Note that I looked into a bunch of other innate traits so that if Al ever tries to compare faggotry with sneezing, a cleft chin or a bent little finger, he won't have caught me off guard.

One question though Art: How many people have died from having a cleft chin?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So if I continue to use my left hand to write with...I could end up in this statistic? (HIV/AIDS disproportionately high amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior).

I think you're rather more likely to end up in the 'foaming at the mouth blowhard rubber room' statistic if anything but as waste of time as it'll inevitably be I'll run you through the basic logic of this:

People don't choose to be left handed in much the same way as people don't choose to be straight or gay. It's simply innate no matter what particular type of 'lifestyle' chosen subsequently. At one point being left handed was regarded as abnormal and even demonic until common sense prevailed.

Being that I do write left handed and because of that are at an extremely high risk of catching HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that left handers are known for contracting, do you think that this would be a wise investment on my part?


patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Forgive me for failing to understand you boy'z use of a perfectly good analogy.

I'm trying Art. Note that I looked into a bunch of other innate traits so that if Al ever tries to compare faggotry with sneezing, a cleft chin or a bent little finger, he won't have caught me off guard.

One question though Art: How many people have died from having a cleft chin?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So if I continue to use my left hand to write with...I could end up in this statistic? (HIV/AIDS disproportionately high amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior).

Being that I do write left handed and because of that are at an extremely high risk of catching HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that left handers are known for contracting, do you think that this would be a wise investment on my part?


ambidextrous - :patrol:


New member
Being that I do write left handed and because of that are at an extremely high risk of catching HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that left handers are known for contracting, do you think that this would be a wise investment on my part?

Maybe you are simply a confused person generally about many things aCW? I talked about sexual preference being innate but then you immediately jump to the conclusion that by just having a trait means that there is no self control possible if and when such traits are put into effect.
HIV/AIDS is not built in to any particular sexual preference, anyone can get or transmit HIV/AIDS, it requires a physical action or context to take advantage of. All viral diseases take advantage of their hosts by exploiting specific physical attributes and habits opportunistically. Gay partners free of disease do not somehow spontaneously generate it. :nono:

I can't think of any way that a disease might take advantage of left-handedness or a cleft chin? :liberals:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that I do write left handed and because of that are at an extremely high risk of catching HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that left handers are known for contracting, do you think that this would be a wise investment on my part? [finger cots].

Maybe you are simply a confused person generally about many things aCW?

Enlighten me Al.

I talked about sexual preference being innate but then you immediately jump to the conclusion that by just having a trait means that there is no self control possible if and when such traits are put into effect.

You've talked about unnatural sexual desires being innate/genetic, yet haven't shown any scientific proof of it. (If you're still on your obsession with the fact that there were a couple of 'gay' twins out there, I'd shown that many twins often times take the same jobs, marry the same year, etc. etc. etc.)

I on the other hand have shown through numerous testimonies of ex homosexuals that it's environmental factors that are responsible for a person's unnatural sexual desires and that they can be changed through spiritual and/or psychological therapy.

HIV/AIDS is not built in to any particular sexual preference, anyone can get or transmit HIV/AIDS, it requires a physical action or context to take advantage of. All viral diseases take advantage of their hosts by exploiting specific physical attributes and habits opportunistically. Gay partners free of disease do not somehow spontaneously generate it. :nono:

A husband and wife run absolutely no risk of STD's as long as they follow God's plan for human sexuality and are faithful to one another. As we've seen throughout this 3 part thread, those who engage in homosex overwhelmingly are afflicted with all kinds of STDs. If you want to talk solely about a monogamous homosexual couple (if you can find one), they have to take all kinds of precautions to avoid getting "sick" (condoms, which as shown in various posts don't always work, preventative medication and avoiding certain kinds of sex, i.e. anal), and there's still no guarantee that they won't become infected with the numerous diseases that overwhelming afflict those who engage in homosex.

I can't think of any way that a disease might take advantage of left-handedness or a cleft chin? :liberals:

I know where you and Art Brain were going with your left handed analogy (and I did have fun mocking you) :

Because certain groups of people have been discriminated against throughout history, then those who engage in homosexuality (if indeed a 'gay' gene did exist, and it doesn't) should be afforded the same rights as others because it's an unchangeable gene/trait/desire.

That being said: If you are consistent, you would argue in favor of the legalization of incest, bestiality, man-boy love (i.e. child rape) etc., as those who engage in those particular sexual acts also can say that they were "born" with those desires and since they're innate (unchangeable) they need protection under the law as well.

What say you about that Al?



New member
Tell me aCW, do you accept that left-handedness is innate and thus genetic or do you think that some people simply choose to be southpaws?


New member
You've talked about unnatural sexual desires being innate/genetic,

orientation is innate and occurs naturally

yet haven't shown any scientific proof of it.
False. A few hundred legitimately published studies have been shown, you just aren't honest enough to admit that they exist

(If you're still on your obsession with the fact that there were a couple of 'gay' twins out there, I'd shown that many twins often times take the same jobs, marry the same year, etc. etc. etc.)
Which only shows that either you are either stupid, misinformed or dishonest. I have my suspicions as to which one you are but I'll leave it at that.

I on the other hand have shown through numerous testimonies of ex homosexuals that it's environmental factors that are responsible for a person's unnatural sexual desires and that they can be changed through spiritual and/or psychological therapy.
False...again. Testimonies are evidence of people making testimonies and not much else. If we accept your testimonies as evidence then the staggering numbers of testimonies of gay and lesbians show that they were born that way and it is impossible to change.

A husband and wife run absolutely no risk of STD's as long as they follow God's plan for human sexuality and are faithful to one another.
Just like same gender couples

As we've seen throughout this 3 part thread, those who engage in homosex overwhelmingly are afflicted with all kinds of STDs. If you want to talk solely about a monogamous homosexual couple (if you can find one), they have to take all kinds of precautions to avoid getting "sick" (condoms, which as shown in various posts don't always work, preventative medication and avoiding certain kinds of sex, i.e. anal), and there's still no guarantee that they won't become infected with the numerous diseases that overwhelming afflict those who engage in homosex.
False....but no one expects you to be accurate so...
gays and lesbians no more promiscuous than heterosexuals are

Because certain groups of people have been discriminated against throughout history, then those who engage in homosexuality (if indeed a 'gay' gene did exist, and it doesn't) should be afforded the same rights as others because it's an unchangeable gene/trait/desire.
no one has ever said there is a single gay gene. If you think that is the case you again are either stupid, misinformed or dishonest

That being said: If you are consistent, you would argue in favor of the legalization of incest, bestiality, man-boy love (i.e. child rape) etc., as those who engage in those particular sexual acts also can say that they were "born" with those desires and since they're innate (unchangeable) they need protection under the law as well.

But saying so would be a lie. I know you don't have any trouble with lies but the rest of us reject false witness.


Tell me aCW, do you accept that left-handedness is innate and thus genetic or do you think that some people simply choose to be southpaws?

I haven't given it much thought because it's not an immoral or harmful behavior that God speaks against. (The Bible does talk about it though: http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-left-handed.html ).

I've recently read a study or two that stated that being left handed is genetic. I'm not sure why that study was necessary.

I have known people who for one reason or another didn't like being left handed (trying to find a left handed baseball glove or a golf club was too frustrating) and ended up using their right hand and it became natural to them.

Can we drop your latest obsession Al or do you need another year to play this angle out as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized?


False False you are either stupid, misinformed or dishonest. False False, saying so would be a lie. I know you don't have any trouble with lies

Aren't you just a bundle of joy on this Mother's Day 2015?

Do you think that this child who is being raised by two proud and unrepentant perverts deserves to have a mom in his life?



New member
Can we drop your latest obsession Al or do you need another year to play this angle out as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized?
I happen to think that mental traits that do not apparently require a deliberate, in-life, choice are pretty much as certain to be hard wired genetically as anything else we just happen to have been dealt. Claiming that you somehow know that gay people are simply lying or that they somehow chose to be left-handed gay only makes you a liar as far as I'm concerned.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Can we drop your latest obsession Al or do you need another year to play this angle out as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized?

I happen to think that mental traits that do not apparently require a deliberate, in-life, choice are pretty much as certain to be hard wired genetically as anything else we just happen to have been dealt. Claiming that you somehow know that gay people are simply lying or that they somehow chose to be left-handed gay only makes you a liar as far as I'm concerned.

Just because a person can't pinpoint the environmental factors in their life that lead them to have same-sex desires doesn't mean that those desires are innate. As was mentioned in some of my earlier posts: Young children often don't remember a traumatic experience later in life, or the negative influences behind their same-sex desires could have been so subtle over a long period of time that the person wouldn't know what was behind their unnatural desires unless he or she discussed it with a professional therapist
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