Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Why? Is he going to jump my car? :chuckle:

Probably not. But, I appreciate every chance I can get to snipe at both of those clowns at the same time. For one thing, it reminds aCW that one can be completely anti-gay and still think he's a jerk. And, TracerBullet is a total joke with his "Christian" tag. I'd respect him more if he didn't claim the title. But to claim the title and then to defend the homosexual movement is completely dishonest.


New member
Probably not. But, I appreciate every chance I can get to snipe at both of those clowns at the same time. For one thing, it reminds aCW that one can be completely anti-gay and still think he's a jerk. And, TracerBullet is a total joke with his "Christian" tag. I'd respect him more if he didn't claim the title. But to claim the title and then to defend the homosexual movement is completely dishonest.
So is picking and choosing which Biblical scriptures to follow based on personal prejudice, but I won't point fingers.


Numerous pages ago I showed how if public decency laws were enforced at 'gay' pride parades (indecent exposure, lewd act in a public place), it would pretty much put a halt to those kinds of parades (what fun is having a parade if you can't be yourself?)...

Now I want to show that there are laws in the books in every state, county and municipality that would put a halt to the LGBTQueer movement's indoctrination of children if those laws were enforced. (If they can't recruit children, not only would their movement shrivel up and die, there would be a lot less child rape going on).

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

What, no comment from those great protectors of children (TracerBullet and Art Brain) on my last post?

Mmmm? Sorry, I was too busy falling asleep to episodes of Duck Dynasty to comment Connie...

And to think that the cops had their chance to bust Phil Robertson when he was a guest speaker at the somewhat recent Conservative Political Action Conference and failed to do so.


Returning to reality:

Being that you care so much about children, and with the 'march of the moral degenerates' (i.e. 'gay' pride parades*) coming to a city near all of us in the upcoming months, I was kinda sorta hopin that you'd put a call into various municipalities and demand that current laws on the books that were designed to protect children and criminalize indecent behavior be enforced.

Can I count on you Art?

*Includes homosexual cultural events like fetish pride parades, "Gay Days at Disney", "Folsom St. Fair", "Bear Bash", etc. etc. etc.


200 'gay' pride events in 2015/16
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I am a theonomist.

The people following this 3 part thread learned about the cult that you identified with not too long ago (Libertarianism) in Part 2, and many including myself are wondering if you've flushed it and it's godless leaders down the proverbial toilet where it and they belong?

There are many people following this thread that haven't heard of your new cult, "thermometeronism",


perhaps you could share some details about it with us Jr.?
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New member
Probably not. But, I appreciate every chance I can get to snipe at both of those clowns at the same time. For one thing, it reminds aCW that one can be completely anti-gay and still think he's a jerk. And, TracerBullet is a total joke with his "Christian" tag. I'd respect him more if he didn't claim the title. But to claim the title and then to defend the homosexual movement is completely dishonest.

Yes, I could be a "true" Christian if only i hated the same people that you do


Yes, I could be a "true" Christian if only i hated the same people that you do

Since you're here TB, how's that project coming along where you were asked to list 98 or 99 serial killers who stated that they were practicing heterosexuals for every serial killer who engaged in homosexual behavior?


New member
Since you're here TB, how's that project coming along where you were asked to list 98 or 99 serial killers who stated that they were practicing heterosexuals for every serial killer who engaged in homosexual behavior?
I wonder what you think is worse aCW, serial killers or homosexuals?
Most reasonable people imo would think that being a serial killer was sufficiently bad enough without needing to involve any other considerations or character traits.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you're here TB, how's that project coming along where you were asked to list 98 or 99 serial killers who stated that they were practicing heterosexuals for every serial killer who engaged in homosexual behavior?[/quote]

I wonder what you think is worse aCW, serial killers or homosexuals?

While homosexuality was and should be considered a serious offense (it was a felony in every US State), murder has always been a capital offense; I'll go with serial killers.

But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.

That being said: Neither will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent and ask for God's forgiveness.

Most reasonable people imo would think that being a serial killer was sufficiently bad enough without needing to involve any other considerations or character traits.

Most reasonable people (which leaves you out Al) would want to know what happened in the life of said serial killers that would make them not only engage in sexual deviancy, but to take that anger out on other humans beings by murdering them.


New member
Since you're here TB, how's that project coming along where you were asked to list 98 or 99 serial killers who stated that they were practicing heterosexuals for every serial killer who engaged in homosexual behavior?

Can you provide a list of 98 or 99 serial killers who have engaged in heterosexual behavior for every serial killer who has stated that they were practicing homosexuals?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you're here TB, how's that project coming along where you were asked to list 98 or 99 serial killers who stated that they were practicing heterosexuals for every serial killer who engaged in homosexual behavior?

Can you provide a list of 98 or 99 serial killers who have engaged in heterosexual behavior for every serial killer who has stated that they were practicing homosexuals?

No, as homosexuals disproportionately represent serial killers.

Since we're on the topic of homosexuals that murder, would you consider this person who is believed to be responsible for the death of at least 40 males a serial killer TB?

Gaetan Dugas

Born (1953-02-20)February 20, 1953
Quebec City, Quebec
Died March 30, 1984(1984-03-30) (aged 31)
Quebec City, Quebec
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Flight attendant
Known for Widely reported as patient zero for AIDS



New member
While homosexuality was and should be considered a serious offense (it was a felony in every US State), murder has always been a capital offense; I'll go with serial killers.

But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.
On the contrary, I am very pro the lives of actual extant people aCW, which is something that many so called "pro-lifers" like you can not be if there is a perceived risk to their own personal eternal salvation.

Stripe has explained it all to me, although I may be reading between the lines somewhat.
Apparently acquiescing in any way to an abortion, however arguably well justified in the secular world for whatever reason, might damn Christians to hell if their God decided that a human intervention (say an abortion, even for perfectly good medical reasons) was simply murder, rather than an honest human attempt for the best outcome.

Bear with me here, I've only just begun to understand the shocking truth myself.

Many "pro-life" Christians, as I understand it, will simply not run the risk of making any tough human choices on abortion simply because it's their own eternal salvation that might be at stake and nothing to do with saving the lives of the un-born.
If the foetus dies naturally or if the mother dies too because of a pregnancy then that is simply unfortunate but would be "natural" according to Stripe and not possibly "murder" so would in no way endanger their own eternal salvation were they to be rash enough to concede that an abortion might possibly be the best course of action in some cases, as seen from a purely secular POV.
IOW supporting abortions to any extent can only introduce risk to a "pro-life" Christian's ideas for their own salvation, while always opposing it keeps their salvation nice and safe against any charge of "murder". And I thought that they actually did give a damn for the unborn, how wrong I was. :plain:

Most reasonable people (which leaves you out Al) would want to know what happened in the life of said serial killers that would make them not only engage in sexual deviancy, but to take that anger out on other humans beings by murdering them.
Personally aCW I think that the sexual nature of serial killers is a very poor second to their serial killing activities if you ask me.
However I do realise that someone like you would really like there to be a connection between serial killers and homosexuality, just as your daft notions of German Nazis, but imo more reasonable people than you wouldn't accept that even a tenuous link exists. :nono:


New member
No, as homosexuals disproportionately represent serial killers.
so you claim but you can't provide more than a handful of serial killers who have stated that they were practicing homosexuals.

Since we're on the topic of homosexuals that murder, would you consider this person who is believed to be responsible for the death of at least 40 males a serial killer TB?

Gaetan Dugas

Born (1953-02-20)February 20, 1953
Quebec City, Quebec
Died March 30, 1984(1984-03-30) (aged 31)
Quebec City, Quebec
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Flight attendant
Known for Widely reported as patient zero for AIDS

Patient zero was debunked a good number of years ago.

"According to extensive research conducted for his recently released book, Philadelphia University scholar and professor Phil Tiemeyer says the infamous myth of a "Patient Zero" who brought AIDS to the U.S. in the early 1980s was based on a willful misrepresentation of Centers for Disease Control data and a calculated effort to manipulate the media to generate publicity for a book on the crisis itself." Ref


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

No, as homosexuals disproportionately represent serial killers.

so you claim but you can't provide more than a handful of serial killers who have stated that they were practicing homosexuals.

I'm just basing it on the information give in this article:

From what I've seen there were around 31 serial killers who were homosexual here in the US in the past 35 years. Since homosexuals only make up 1-2 percent of the population, there must have been what, at least 3,000 heterosexual serial killers during that time? Surely you can name them off the top of your head can't you TB?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since we're on the topic of homosexuals that murder, would you consider this person who is believed to be responsible for the death of at least 40 males a serial killer TB?

Gaetan Dugas

Born (1953-02-20)February 20, 1953
Quebec City, Quebec
Died March 30, 1984(1984-03-30) (aged 31)
Quebec City, Quebec
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Flight attendant
Known for Widely reported as patient zero for AIDS

Patient Zero was debunked a good many years ago.

"According to extensive research conducted for his recently released book, Philadelphia University scholar and professor Phil Tiemeyer says the infamous myth of a "Patient Zero" who brought AIDS to the U.S. in the early 1980s was based on a willful misrepresentation of Centers for Disease Control data and a calculated effort to manipulate the media to generate publicity for a book on the crisis itself." Ref

Except that I didn't ask if Gaetan Dugas brought AIDS to the US. If in fact he was responsiblie for infecting up to 40 other males with AIDS who later most likely died, would that make him one of America's most notorious serial killers?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While homosexuality was and should be considered a serious offense (it was a felony in every US State), murder has always been a capital offense; I'll go with serial killers.

But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.

On the contrary, I am very pro the lives of actual extant people aCW, which is something that many so called "pro-lifers" like you can not be if there is a perceived risk to their own personal eternal salvation...

Defending a behavior and a lifestyle where people who partake in it disproportionately die from an incurable sexually tranmitted diease, alcholism, drug addiction, suicide, murder, etc., is not "pro life" Al.

Besides, isn't your motto: "Life is a female dog and then you die"?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Most reasonable people (which leaves you out Al) would want to know what happened in the life of said serial killers that would make them not only engage in sexual deviancy, but to take that anger out on other humans beings by murdering them.

Personally aCW I think that the sexual nature of serial killers is a very poor second to their serial killing activities if you ask me.
However I do realise that someone like you would really like there to be a connection between serial killers and homosexuality, just as your daft notions of German Nazis, but imo more reasonable people than you wouldn't accept that even a tenuous link exists.

I showed in Part 2's segment on

Homosexual Violence

that violence runs rampant inside the "community" that you defend (domestic violence, the intentional spread of STD's, "overkill" during homosexual on homosexual murders, etc.).

There is a lot of inner rage in people who engage in the behavior that you defend, and much of it comes from being abused (raped) as a child.
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patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While homosexuality was and should be considered a serious offense (it was a felony in every US State), murder has always been a capital offense; I'll go with serial killers.

But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.

Defending a behavior and a lifestyle where people who partake in it disproportionately die from an incurable sexually tranmitted diease, alcholism, drug addiction, suicide, murder, etc., is not "pro life" Al.

Besides, isn't your motto: "Life is a female dog and then you die"?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Most reasonable people (which leaves you out Al) would want to know what happened in the life of said serial killers that would make them not only engage in sexual deviancy, but to take that anger out on other humans beings by murdering them.

I showed in Part 2's segment on

Homosexual Violence

that violence runs rampant inside the "community" that you defend (domestic violence, the intentional spread of STD's, "overkill" during homosexual on homosexual murders, etc.).

There is a lot of inner rage in people who engage in the behavior that you defend, and much of it comes from being abused (raped) as a child.

gay violence ? how can that be ? -

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I've spent a fair amount of time in some other threads recently, and frankly it's embarrassing to see how ignorant people who call themselves "Christian" are of the Bible when it comes to the role of civil government.

I've posted these two articles by American Family Association's Bryan Fischer before, and will share excerpts from both again.

May 18, 2011

Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof

Moses is a figure who towers over biblical history and world history, widely recognized, even by secular sources, as the greatest lawgiver of all time.

His writings were frequently cited by the founders of Christianity, beginning with Christ himself. He is described as a "man of God," and had the rare distinction of speaking with God face to face, "as a man speaks with a man."

Here's the kicker: when God called this man of faith, this giant of faith, he called him into politics.

God did not call him to start a church, or an evangelistic endeavor, or a soup kitchen. He called him to build and lead a nation. He called him to speak truth to political power and lead his people from political bondage to political freedom.

God called Moses to free his people from the heavy and oppressive hand of a tyrannical government which was taxing the labor of people beyond their ability to bear. (Note: do we need another Moses today or what?)

It's time to get over this silliness we hear from many Christians, even Christian leaders, that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics.

This view is foolish on its face, since it means that these folk actually seem to believe we should just turn over the running of the entire country, at every level, to atheists, pagans and secular fundamentalists...

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/110518


April 16, 2015

If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender

The church of Jesus Christ is intended by God to be the conscience of America.

To be sure, the church is not called to run America, since we are not a theocracy but a democratic republic. If folks want a theocracy, in which clergy run the politics of a nation, then Muslim nations are the place for you.

But the church is called to be a clarion voice in the public square, calling public officials as well as the public itself back to the abiding moral principles of the laws of nature and nature's God.

Public officials are servants of God, according to Romans 13, whether they know it or not, and it is the job of the servants of God who fill our pulpits to faithfully remind public officials of their accountability to God and his truth.

Some today still argue that the church and its leaders should just stay out of politics because it's such a dirty business. Well, that's exactly why the church should be involved – somebody has got to start cleaning up that mess.

The church is called to be the "salt of the earth," which means the salt has to get out of the shaker (the four walls of the church) and into society. And the church is called to be the "light of the world," which means it needs to take its light out from under the bushel (the four walls of the church) and shine its light into every darkened corner in our world, including the world of politics.

If men of God are supposed to stay out of politics, then God himself didn't get the memo. If godly men are supposed to stay out of politics, then He himself is the biggest offender.

From virtually the beginning of the Bible to its end, God is shown constantly raising up men of faith to be political leaders. Almost every major figure in the Old Testament was a political leader, whether that figure was Joseph or Moses or Joshua or the judges or the kings of Judah and Israel, starting with Saul and David and Solomon...

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150416



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

No, as homosexuals disproportionately represent serial killers.

I'm just basing it on the information give in this article:

From what I've seen there were around 31 serial killers who were homosexual here in the US in the past 35 years.
most of the killers on this list can't be shown to have been gay

Since homosexuals only make up 1-2 percent of the population, there must have been what, at least 3,000 heterosexual serial killers during that time? Surely you can name them off the top of your head can't you TB?
I could name some heterosexual serial killers using the same list you are using

Except that I didn't ask if Gaetan Dugas brought AIDS to the US. If in fact he was responsiblie for infecting up to 40 other males with AIDS who later most likely died, would that make him one of America's most notorious serial killers?
he wasn't, his story is just a fiction to sell a book


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
From what I've seen there were around 31 serial killers who were homosexual here in the US in the past 35 years.

most of the killers on this list can't be shown to have been gay

The article didn't indicate that. Even if they did occasionally engage in heterosex, that would have made them the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since homosexuals only make up 1-2 percent of the population, there must have been what, at least 3,000 heterosexual serial killers during that time? Surely you can name them off the top of your head can't you TB?

I could name some heterosexual serial killers using the same list you are using

Let me help you with that list of 3,000 by giving you the name of Dennis Rader. From the information I've read, Rader had a normal upbringing (although he did try on women's underwear and tortured animals), and later married and was a respected member of his church*.

*An ELCA church where you bring your sins with you (abortion, homosexuality) and the rest of the congregation celebrates them with you.

Now that I've started the ole heterosexual serial killer ball rolling, you should be able to come up with another 2,999 quite easily.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Except that I didn't ask if Gaetan Dugas brought AIDS to the US. If in fact he was responsiblie for infecting up to 40 other males with AIDS who later most likely died, would that make him one of America's most notorious serial killers?

he wasn't, his story is just a fiction to sell a book

Waitaminute here, are you saying that homosexual Gaetan Dugas wasn't responsible for 40 of these quilts TB?

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