Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.

Defending a behavior and a lifestyle where people who partake in it disproportionately die from an incurable sexually tranmitted diease, alcholism, drug addiction, suicide, murder, etc., is not "pro life" Al.

Besides, isn't your motto: "Life is a female dog and then you die"?
Poor old aCW, you really have no idea at all what an ironic comment is, or can recognise irony when it used, there are no subtle shades of grey for you, just supposed absolutes, usually derived from an ancient middle eastern scripture.;)

Thanks to Stripe I can now understand more clearly what drives Christian fundamentalists, and it certainly isn't about being driven from any altruistic desire to help others or for the un-born, it is simply about their own fears for their own eternal soul if "God's Word" is not absolutely adhered to.

You as a shallow fundamentalist Christian aCW are compelled to regard homosexuals as evil abominations, not because you actually do, but because you think that your ancient scripture compels you to.
You cannot risk having any human tolerance or acceptance of gay people because if you did then your own salvation may go down the toilet, or should that be "up in smoke"? :think:

I think I perhaps understand a bit better now the sheer torment that your fundamentalist beliefs impose on you aCW, but fear not, some reparative therapy might be able to help you! :idea:
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But then you really don't care about people's lives do you Al, cuz if you did you'd be pro life and pro traditional family values.

Defending a behavior and a lifestyle where people who partake in it disproportionately die from an incurable sexually tranmitted diease, alcholism, drug addiction, suicide, murder, etc., is not "pro life" Al.

Besides, isn't your motto: "Life is a female dog and then you die"?

Poor old aCW, you really have no idea at all what an ironic comment is, or can recognise irony when it used, there are no subtle shades of grey for you, just supposed absolutes, usually derived from an ancient middle eastern scripture.;)

Thanks to Stripe I can now understand more clearly what drives Christian fundamentalists, and it certainly isn't about being driven from any altruistic desire to help others or for the un-born, it is simply about their own fears for their own eternal soul if "God's Word" is not absolutely adhered to.

You as a shallow fundamentalist Christian aCW are compelled to regard homosexuals as evil abominations, not because you actually do, but because you think that your ancient scripture compels you to.
You cannot risk having any human tolerance or acceptance of gay people because if you did then your own salvation may go down the toilet, or should that be "up in smoke"? :think:

I think I perhaps understand a bit better now the sheer torment that your fundamentalist beliefs impose on you aCW, but fear not, some reparative therapy might be able to help you! :idea:

You are aware that the case for the recriminalization of homosexuality can and has been made from a secularist point of view aren't you Al? (Provided that secularist has an ounce of common sense and honesty about him or her).

That's the beautiful thing about God's Word: you don't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that what He says makes perfectly good sense.

For instance: Even an open minded secularist can see that those who engage in homosexual acts partake in an absolutely filthy behavior that brings disease and frequently early death.

Even an open minded secularist can see that those behind the homosexual agenda are intolerant and won't allow opposing views or beliefs to openly speak out, and punishes them when they do.

Even an open minded secularist can see that the LGBTQueer agenda indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion.

So you see Al, one doesn't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that the decriminalization of homosexuality hasn't been good for the people who partake in it, for children or for society in general.

The beautiful thing about being a Believer is that it puts God's Love in a person's heart. While there are many people that absolutely HATE you and your LGBTQueer movement Al, I love you so much (Jesus's 2nd greatest commandment) that I don't want you to continue to lead the destructive life that you're living or continue to destroy our once great nation by allowing you to continue the evil that you've been doing. I want you to repent your sinful behavior and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you do, you'll have a change of heart and won't support sexual perversion nor it's evil agenda.

Unfortunately not all people see the wisdom of God's Word Al...

that's why we have laws.


New member
You are aware that the case for the recriminalization of homosexuality can and has been made from a secularist point of view aren't you Al? (Provided that secularist has an ounce of common sense and honesty about him or her).
Thanks for the laugh. All you have done from a secular point of view is demonstrate that there is not lie you aren't willing to spread

Even an open minded secularist can see that those behind the homosexual agenda are intolerant and won't allow opposing views or beliefs to openly speak out, and punishes them when they do.
Any honest person secular or otherwise recognizes there is no such thing as the "homosexual agenda"

Even an open minded secularist can see that the LGBTQueer agenda indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion.
This is perhaps the biggest and most perverted lie you tell. And considering the sewage you use to try to legitimize your own perversions that is saying a lot.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The article didn't indicate that. Even if they did occasionally engage in heterosex, that would have made them the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym.

you must be exhausted after moving those goal posts so many times

While reviewing my above post that talked about BTK serial killer Dennis Rader, I realized that I did a great injustice to you and your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement.

I had identified Rader as a heterosexual, when in fact if he was into wearing women's panties, that would make him the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym (Do you think Dennis Rader was yet another woman trapped inside a man's body TB?)

So much for me being a help when it comes to trying to find a heterosexual serial killer.

Please extend my sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and all of the cross dressers and genital mutilators in your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement.


Oh and TB, the next time that you see the Sistas, ask them when they're going to have a "Hunky Muhammad Contest", as I'd hate to think that the threat of being decapitated by those ever so tolerant muzzies for mocking their pedophile false prophet would keep the goyles from having some good ole fashioned fun.



New member
I had identified Rader as a heterosexual, when in fact if he was into wearing women's panties, that would make him the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym (Do you think Dennis Rader was yet another woman trapped inside a man's body TB?)

no that makes him a transvestite. And most transvestites are heterosexual.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I had identified Rader as a heterosexual, when in fact if he was into wearing women's panties, that would make him the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym (Do you think Dennis Rader was yet another woman trapped inside a man's body TB?)

no that makes him a transvestite.

Does the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym not represent cross dressers as well as genital mutilators?

And most transvestites are heterosexual.

Because nothing turns a woman on like a guy dressed in drag.



New member
You are aware that the case for the recriminalization of homosexuality can and has been made from a secularist point of view aren't you Al? (Provided that secularist has an ounce of common sense and honesty about him or her).
Do tell, but remember it was secular thinking that finally put an end to state sponsored homophobic bigotry, which is never likely to return despite your best efforts aCW.

That's the beautiful thing about God's Word: you don't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that what He says makes perfectly good sense.
As a good little Christian fundie you would have to say that wouldn't you? A few brownie points in the bag then, may come in handy. :)

For instance: Even an open minded secularist can see that those who engage in homosexual acts partake in an absolutely filthy behavior that brings disease and frequently early death.
Unlike you aCW I really don't actually want to know the details about what some gay people choose to do together in private, never mind pre-conclude that whatever it is, is therefore any more filthy than what some heterosexuals choose to do.

Even an open minded secularist can see that those behind the homosexual agenda are intolerant and won't allow opposing views or beliefs to openly speak out, and punishes them when they do.
There is no homosexual agenda any more than there is a heterosexual agenda. :nono:

Even an open minded secularist can see that the LGBTQueer agenda indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion.
Given your track record of factual accuracy aCW rather leads me to believe the opposite of anything you say is more likely to be true. But since there is no homosexual agenda it doesn't really matter anyway, while otoh you do have a homophobic agenda which seems to be much more important to you than being honest.

So you see Al, one doesn't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that the decriminalization of homosexuality hasn't been good for the people who partake in it, for children or for society in general.
However the truth here is that although you think nothing of munching away on lobster, largely thanks to the imaginative spin of apologetics that your salvation would not be at risk, your own agenda is built around an ancient scripture and homophobic bigotry, not on what may or may not be good for society.

The beautiful thing about being a Believer is that it puts God's Love in a person's heart. While there are many people that absolutely HATE you and your LGBTQueer movement Al, I love you so much (Jesus's 2nd greatest commandment) that I don't want you to continue to lead the destructive life that you're living or continue to destroy our once great nation by allowing you to continue the evil that you've been doing. I want you to repent your sinful behavior and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you do, you'll have a change of heart and won't support sexual perversion nor it's evil agenda.
You seem to be saying all the right things that would keep your personal salvation safe aCW, but you are clearly as sincere as crocodile tears.

Unfortunately not all people see the wisdom of God's Word Al...

that's why we have laws.
Not all people are mindless adherents of words written in an ancient scripture, simply seeking their own reward in heaven.


If you really want to get the LGBTQueer movement in hissy fit, put up a billboard like this one in Michigan.


The lesbo writing this article for the ultra left wing fag rag "Salon.com" is not happy.

Being gay is not “a behavior”: Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get?

This Michigan anti-equality campaign is the last gasp of desperate bigotry

May 8, 2015

These must be very troubling and frustrating times for you, homophobes. A majority of Americans now support marriage equality, and face it, if it’s not fully recognized where you live yet, it will be and soon. A majority of us also support gay political candidates, and we seem to be able to watch gay people on television and movies and listen to them as we drive around in post breakup sadness without the fabric of society crumbling — probably because if you look across the population, it’s composed entirely of people who either are LGBT or who know someone who is. And yet, bless your tenacious, confused, chilly little hearts, some of you still don’t get it. And you just cannot stop talking about it.

Drivers in the Detroit metro area this week were surprised — some of them stunned enough to pull over — when they saw a billboard that showed a picture of a woman who was “born Asian” and a rainbow-striped man who was “not born this way” and the message that “Homosexuality is a behavior. Not a civil right.” Obviously, there are bible verses involved. It’s the work of a charmingly low production values site called Restrain the Judges. It promises, “In order to prevent the Roe v. Wade of Marriage, we must act now” and urges visitors to mail politicians “to use the authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to restrain federal judges and the Supreme Court from undermining marriage any further!” Why? Because the organization says, “The homosexual agenda...

There is no homosexual agenda...

...brings with it an unprecedented assault on religious liberty and freedom of conscience against pastors, churches, business and facility owners, employees, public officials, organizations, ministries, and citizens.” You know, blah blah blah AGENDA."

Read more from the very angry lesbo here: http://www.salon.com/2015/05/08/bei...offensive_can_these_anti_lgbt_billboards_get/


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You are aware that the case for the recriminalization of homosexuality can and has been made from a secularist point of view aren't you Al? (Provided that secularist has an ounce of common sense and honesty about him or her).

Do tell, but remember it was secular thinking that finally put an end to state sponsored homophobic bigotry, which is never likely to return despite your best efforts aCW.

It was the action (i.e an agenda) of a few sexual deviants who conned much of society into believing that they aren't perverts who are responsible for where we are today.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That's the beautiful thing about God's Word: you don't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that what He says makes perfectly good sense.

As a good little Christian fundie you would have to say that wouldn't you? A few brownie points in the bag then, may come in handy.

Refer to my earlier comment saying that the secularist must first have an ounce of common sense and honesty, two things that you don't possess.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For instance: Even an open minded secularist can see that those who engage in homosexual acts partake in an absolutely filthy behavior that brings disease and frequently early death.

Unlike you aCW I really don't actually want to know the details about what some gay people choose to do together in private, never mind pre-conclude that whatever it is, is therefore any more filthy than what some heterosexuals choose to do.

Yet when I openly speculate that many of you partake in the behavior that you defend, your feathers get ruffled and are adamant that you have nothing to do with it (one of you even stated that he is a heterosexual 8 times in an earlier post, as if he were attempting to convince himself).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Even an open minded secularist can see that those behind the homosexual agenda are intolerant and won't allow opposing views or beliefs to openly speak out, and punishes them when they do.

There is no homosexual agenda any more than there is a heterosexual agenda.

Boy Al, that Queen of Denial bug that Art Brain has not only has affected TracerBullet, but it's hit you as well. Why are you ashamed of the 'progress' that your forefairies fought* so hard for when it comes to things like equal housing, equal employment and marriage equality to name only 3 from the very long list that has been on the agenda of homosexual activists for quite sometime now?

*If you consider death threats and all kinds of intimidation "fighting for".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Even an open minded secularist can see that the LGBTQueer agenda indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion.

Given your track record of factual accuracy aCW rather leads me to believe the opposite of anything you say is more likely to be true. But since there is no homosexual agenda it doesn't really matter anyway, while otoh you do have a homophobic agenda which seems to be much more important to you than being honest.

Where did the term "gay youth" come from Al? Where did all of these LGBTQueer youth clubs come from Al?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you see Al, one doesn't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that the decriminalization of homosexuality hasn't been good for the people who partake in it, for children or for society in general.

However the truth here is that although you think nothing of munching away on lobster, largely thanks to the imaginative spin of apologetics that your salvation would not be at risk, your own agenda is built around an ancient scripture and homophobic bigotry, not on what may or may not be good for society.

Refer back to my common sense and honesty statements.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The beautiful thing about being a Believer is that it puts God's Love in a person's heart. While there are many people that absolutely HATE you and your LGBTQueer movement Al, I love you so much (Jesus's 2nd greatest commandment) that I don't want you to continue to lead the destructive life that you're living or continue to destroy our once great nation by allowing you to continue the evil that you've been doing. I want you to repent your sinful behavior and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you do, you'll have a change of heart and won't support sexual perversion nor it's evil agenda.

You seem to be saying all the right things that would keep your personal salvation safe aCW, but you are clearly as sincere as crocodile tears.

You've been drowning in the sewer of LGBTQ hate for so long Al that you don't even know what love is.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Unfortunately not all people see the wisdom of God's Word Al...

that's why we have laws.

Not all people are mindless adherents of words written in an ancient scripture, simply seeking their own reward in heaven.

Let me put it this way Al:

Someone has to put a choker chain and leash on you barbarians, it might as well be the Christians who are trying to help you.


New member
It was the action (i.e an agenda) of a few sexual deviants who conned much of society into believing that they aren't perverts who are responsible for where we are today.
Such utter nonsense aCW.
What actually happened was that secular people became increasingly uncomfortable with the totally unnecessary criminalising and persecution of a group of people whose only "crime" was in having consensual sex privately with the same sex.

That's the beautiful thing about God's Word: you don't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that what He says makes perfectly good sense.
In your case it probably saves you all the trouble of having to think for yourself. If you did your own thinking then sooner or later you might actually have an original thought that might get you reprobate status from the big chief in the sky.
You'd best play safe aCW and stick rigidly to the approved ancient scripture.:thumb:

Refer to my earlier comment saying that the secularist must first have an ounce of common sense and honesty, two things that you don't possess.
For some reason aCW I don't often equate you with knowing too much about common sense or honesty. You really should take more notice of the commandment about bearing false witness imo, even if you do think that lying for God is not actually specified, only against your neighbour, and somehow gives you that freedom.

For instance: Even an open minded secularist can see that those who engage in homosexual acts partake in an absolutely filthy behavior that brings disease and frequently early death.
Personally I don't want to know what others may do behind closed doors never mind having an opinion on what might be imagined goes on and whether or not it should be deemed absolutely or subjectively "filthy" or something else.

Yet when I openly speculate that many of you partake in the behavior that you defend, your feathers get ruffled and are adamant that you have nothing to do with it (one of you even stated that he is a heterosexual 8 times in an earlier post, as if he were attempting to convince himself).
Why should any of that, even if it were true, make any difference to the arguments presented here? You can speculatively probe away all you like aCW but nobody is buying it or taking your bait any more.

There is no homosexual agenda any more than there is a heterosexual agenda.
Boy Al, that Queen of Denial bug that Art Brain has not only has affected TracerBullet, but it's hit you as well. Why are you ashamed of the 'progress' that your forefairies fought* so hard for when it comes to things like equal housing, equal employment and marriage equality to name only 3 from the very long list that has been on the agenda of homosexual activists for quite sometime now?
Left handed people don't really get persecuted or criminalised for it like gays were and still are, which may account for the noticeable lack of left handed activist groups? :think:
But if lefties were persecuted and unfairly discriminated against then I'm rather sure such leftie organisations would soon exist, even left-handed pride parades perhaps? :)

*If you consider death threats and all kinds of intimidation "fighting for".
What's the matter aCW can't homophobic bigots handle what they like to dish out?

You've been drowning in the sewer of LGBTQ hate for so long Al that you don't even know what love is.
You do say the sweetest things aCW. :plain:

Let me put it this way Al:

Someone has to put a choker chain and leash on you barbarians, it might as well be the Christians who are trying to help you.
Tbh I'm rather more worried about radicalised Islamists than in the deluded homophobic ravings of an ex-mall cop. :plain:
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It was the action (i.e an agenda) of a few sexual deviants who conned much of society into believing that they aren't perverts who are responsible for where we are today.

Such utter nonsense aCW.
What actually happened was that secular people became increasingly uncomfortable with the totally unnecessary criminalising and persecution of a group of people whose only "crime" was in having consensual sex privately with the same sex.

In your earlier post you had said that it was secular "thinking" that brought about the wonderful things that proud and unrepentant perverts can do legally today; I simply pointed out that it takes more than "thoughts" to get things done.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That's the beautiful thing about God's Word: you don't have to be a Believer to acknowledge that what He says makes perfectly good sense.

In your case it probably saves you all the trouble of having to think for yourself. If you did your own thinking then sooner or later you might actually have an original thought that might get you reprobate status from the big chief in the sky.
You'd best play safe aCW and stick rigidly to the approved ancient scripture.

We've seen what happens when people "think for themselves" (i.e. write their own moral code). How about I remind you once more?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet when I openly speculate that many of you partake in the behavior that you defend, your feathers get ruffled and you're adamant that you have nothing to do with it (one of you even stated that he is a heterosexual 8 times in an earlier post, as if he were attempting to convince himself).

Why should any of that, even if it were true, make any difference to the arguments presented here? You can speculatively probe away all you like aCW but nobody is buying it or taking your bait any more.

My point is that if homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality, if you were accused of being such, instead of adamantly denying it why not just ignore the accusation? I mean if someone says that I like one kind of ice cream more than another and I really don't, I don't become enraged as it's really no big deal.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy Al, that Queen of Denial bug that Art Brain has not only has affected TracerBullet, but it's hit you as well. Why are you ashamed of the 'progress' that your forefairies fought* so hard for when it comes to things like equal housing, equal employment and marriage equality to name only 3 from the very long list that has been on the agenda of homosexual activists for quite sometime now?

Left handed people don't really get persecuted or criminalised for it like gays were and still are, which may account for the noticeable lack of left handed activist groups?
But if lefties were persecuted and unfairly discriminated against then I'm rather sure such leftie organisations would soon exist, even left-handed pride parades perhaps?

Yet for some reason I get the feeling that if you were left handed, you would admit it.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
*If you consider death threats and all kinds of intimidation "fighting for".

What's the matter aCW can't homophobic bigots handle what they like to dish out?

Can we both agree that we're at war and one side is going to win and one side is going to lose?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You've been drowning in the sewer of LGBTQ hate for so long Al that you don't even know what love is.

You do say the sweetest things aCW

I would say that the truth hurts, but since you deny the truth...

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me put it this way Al:

Someone has to put a choker chain and leash on you barbarians, it might as well be the Christians who are trying to help you.

Tbh I'm rather more worried about radicalised Islamists than in the deluded homophobic ravings of an ex-mall cop.

And here I thought that you liberals embraced the muzzies (it's that mutual HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine that bonds them).

What was it that I said many times before Al?

You better pray to whatever you secular humanists pray to that we Christians win this culture war, cuz if the muzzies do, they'll rape and murder you homosexuals, but not necessarily in that order.

Oh and Al, I guess I missed your answer to this statement:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Even an open minded secularist can see that the LGBTQueer agenda indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion.

Where did the term "gay youth" come from Al? Where did all of these LGBTQueer youth clubs come from Al?


*The once Judeo-Christian based Boy Scouts of America are now openly accepting youth who have been tricked into believing by adult perverts that they're 'gay' (hence the new name "Boy Sodomizers of America").


New member
Does the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym not represent cross dressers as well as genital mutilators?

Transvestites are pretty much all straight. Considering how much time you spend searching for pictures it's surprising that you don't seem to know what transvestitism is. But then considering you don't seem to know much at all about anything you post here maybe it isn't so suprising


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Does the "T" in your LGBTQ acronym not represent cross dressers as well as genital mutilators?

Transvestites are pretty much all straight.

I was wondering why there are so many drag queens at straight pride parades TracerBullet, now I know.

Considering how much time you spend searching for pictures it's surprising that you don't seem to know what transvestitism is. But then considering you don't seem to know much at all about anything you post here maybe it isn't so suprising

Tis the reason that I value you expertise on faggotry like I do TB.

knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something


Republican Presidential candidate hopeful Jeb Bush: So many speeches, so many different values.

May 9, 2015

Jeb Bush: Stronger 'Christian voice' needed in world

LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Saturday condemned the Obama administration's use of "coercive federal power" to limit religious freedom as he courted Christian conservatives at a Liberty University commencement ahead of a likely presidential run.

Charging that "the Christian voice" isn't heard enough in the world, the Republican White House prospect lashed out at the Democratic president's administration for "demanding obedience in complete disregard of religious conscience."

"What should be easy calls in favor of religious freedom have instead become an aggressive stance against it," Bush told an estimated 34,000 gathered for a graduation ceremony.

Read more: http://www.aol.com/article/2015/05/...pported-browser|dl1|sec1_lnk3&pLid=-582761758

April 2, 2015

Jeb Bush Can’t Make Up His Mind on Whether He Supports Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act

On Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show Monday, Jeb Bush made a very clear defense of Indiana’s now-controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Here are the key parts of what Bush said during the exchange:

“Florida has a law like this. Bill Clinton signed a law like this at the federal level. This is simply allowing people of faith space to be able to express their beliefs, to have, to be able to be people of conscience. I just think once the facts are established, people aren’t going to see this as discriminatory at all…

…And this law simply says the government has to have a level of burden to be able to establish that there’s been some kind of discrimination. We’re going to need this.

This is really an important value for our country to, in a diverse country, where you can respect and be tolerant of people’s lifestyles, but allow for people of faith to be able to exercise theirs.”

However, in a fundraiser in California Wednesday, Bush backed off those statements a bit. According to audio obtained by The New York Times, Bush said:

“’By the end of the week, I think Indiana will be in the right place, which is to say that we need in a big diverse country like America, we need to have space for people to act on their conscience, that it is a constitutional right that religious freedom is a core value of our country,’ Mr. Bush said.

But ‘we shouldn’t discriminate based on sexual orientation,’ he said.

He continued, ‘So what the State of Indiana is going to end up doing is probably get to that place.’”


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet for some reason I get the feeling that if you were left handed, you would admit it.

Well of course he would, in much the same way as I'm sure that if he was actually gay he'd admit that to you also. After all, what could you do about it? You're absolutely zero threat to any homosexual so what's to lose for anybody to come out right here on this very thread and publicly declare that they're gay if that were the case? The reason why people aren't isn't to do with any deluded ideas of intimidation on your part but simply because we happen to be straight and acknowledge that homosexual people should be allowed to have private lives and relations. Pretty straightforward.

Can we both agree that we're at war and one side is going to win and one side is going to lose?

The only 'war' you're fighting is possibly one with your own inner demons. If your idea of a 'war' is one whereby homosexuals are forced back into the closet then that was lost decades ago so pick a new fight?



Quote: Originally posted by alwight
Left handed people don't really get persecuted or criminalised for it like gays were and still are, which may account for the noticeable lack of left handed activist groups?
But if lefties were persecuted and unfairly discriminated against then I'm rather sure such leftie organisations would soon exist, even left-handed pride parades perhaps?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet for some reason I get the feeling that if you were left handed, you would admit it.

Well of course he would, in much the same way as I'm sure that if he was actually gay he'd admit that to you also. After all, what could you do about it? You're absolutely zero threat to any homosexual so what's to lose for anybody to come out right here on this very thread and publicly declare that they're gay if that were the case? The reason why people aren't isn't to do with any deluded ideas of intimidation on your part but simply because we happen to be straight and acknowledge that homosexual people should be allowed to have private lives and relations. Pretty straightforward.

Being that I use my left hand to write with and throw a ball with my right, does that make me a "bisexual" in you and Al's mixed up-muddled up-shook up world Lola?

The only 'war' you're fighting is possibly one with your own inner demons. If your idea of a 'war' is one whereby homosexuals are forced back into the closet then that was lost decades ago so pick a new fight?


Being that the sexual anarchist movement that you and Al identify with is responsible for more deaths here in the United States than Adolf Hitler was during the Holocaust (58 million when it comes to surgical abortions alone), I have no problem stating that those who believe in God and decency are at war with you and your fellow barbarians.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Being that I use my left hand to write with and throw a ball with my right, does that make me a "bisexual" in you and Al's mixed up-muddled up-shook up world Lola?

No, being attracted to both genders would make you a bi-sexual. Being able to use both hands proficiently would make you ambidextrous, not that any of this has anything to do with what I actually wrote anyway...

Being that the sexual anarchist movement that you and Al identify with is responsible for more deaths here in the United States than Adolf Hitler was during the Holocaust (58 million when it comes to surgical abortions alone), I have no problem stating that those who believe in God and decency are at war with you and your fellow barbarians.

Being that neither Al or myself are affiliated with any such 'movement' I can only surmise that the fever has returned to what passes for a brain of yours.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that I use my left hand to write with and throw a ball with my right, does that make me a "bisexual" in you and Al's mixed up-muddled up-shook up world Lola?

No, being attracted to both genders would make you a bi-sexual. Being able to use both hands proficiently would make you ambidextrous, not that any of this has anything to do with what I actually wrote anyway...

So you and I both agree that Al comparing one's sexual desires and behavior with which hand a person uses in his or her day to day tasks makes our beloved alwight the atheist look like the ignoramus that he is?

Being that the sexual anarchist movement that you and Al identify with is responsible for more deaths here in the United States than Adolf Hitler was during the Holocaust (58 million when it comes to surgical abortions alone), I have no problem stating that those who believe in God and decency are at war with you and your fellow barbarians.

Being that neither Al or myself are affiliated with any such 'movement' I can only surmise that the fever has returned to what passes for a brain of yours.

If you're not defending a behavior and movement that I have shown should be recriminalized, what are you doing here Art? (It's not like I'm handing out free tickets to a floral design convention).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you and I both agree that Al comparing one's sexual desires and behavior with which hand a person uses in his or her day to day tasks makes our beloved alwight the atheist look like the ignoramus that he is?

Well, obviously not as in context it was a legitimate comparison to draw. I realize context is usually a blind spot for you either inadvertently or otherwise.

If you're not defending a behavior and movement that I have shown should be recriminalized, what are you doing here Art? (It's not like I'm handing out free tickets to a floral design convention).

You haven't shown any such thing and it isn't going to happen regardless. Your strange obsession with flowers is also noted...

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