Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Can we drop your latest obsession Al or do you need another year to play this angle out as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized?

Just because a person can't pinpoint the environmental factors in their life that lead them to have same-sex desires doesn't mean that those desires are innate. As was mentioned in some of my earlier posts: Young children often don't remember a traumatic experience later in life, or the negative influences behind their same-sex desires could have been so subtle over a long period of time that the person wouldn't know that was what was behind their unnatural desires unless he or she discussed it with a professional therapist
Sorry aCW but now you are typically fabricating and inventing stuff you clearly don't know happened simply because you need it to fit with what you want to be true.
The fact is you don't know any of that is ever more than what unfortunately happens to a tiny minority nor whether it had any effect at all on the sexual preference they ended up with.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm trying Art.

Oh, that much is certainly true...

Note that I looked into a bunch of other innate traits so that if Al ever tries to compare faggotry with sneezing, a cleft chin or a bent little finger, he won't have caught me off guard.

One question though Art: How many people have died from having a cleft chin?

Given that neither having a cleft chin or a homosexual orientation are fatal conditions it's rather a silly question.

Being that I do write left handed and because of that are at an extremely high risk of catching HIV/AIDS and a long list of other STD's that left handers are known for contracting, do you think that this would be a wise investment on my part?

No, although I think you would certainly benefit from one of these however:



Note that I looked into a bunch of other innate traits so that if Al ever tries to compare faggotry with sneezing, a cleft chin or a bent little finger, he won't have caught me off guard.

One question though Art: How many people have died from having a cleft chin?

Given that neither having a cleft chin or a homosexual orientation are fatal conditions it's rather a silly question.

We've seen what happens when someone acts on those same sex desires time and time again throughout this 3 part thread Art.

(2011 statistics)





Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Just because a person can't pinpoint the environmental factors in their life that lead them to have same-sex desires doesn't mean that those desires are innate. As was mentioned in some of my earlier posts: Young children often don't remember a traumatic experience later in life, or the negative influences behind their same-sex desires could have been so subtle over a long period of time that the person wouldn't know what was behind their unnatural desires unless he or she discussed it with a professional therapist

Sorry aCW but now you are typically fabricating and inventing stuff you clearly don't know happened simply because you need it to fit with what you want to be true.
The fact is you don't know any of that is ever more than what unfortunately happens to a tiny minority nor whether it had any effect at all on the sexual preference they ended up with.

Or in the words of my good friend TracerBullet:

False False you are either stupid, misinformed or dishonest. False False, saying so would be a lie. I know you don't have any trouble with lies

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We've seen what happens when someone acts on those same sex desires time and time again throughout this 3 part thread Art.

What we've seen is some self impressed pompous tedious crank with either projection issues or neurosis vent it out in his own personal blog masquerading as a thread.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
We've seen what happens when someone acts on those same sex desires time and time again throughout this 3 part thread Art.

What we've seen is some self impressed pompous tedious crank with either projection issues or neurosis vent it out in his own personal blog masquerading as a thread.

Or in the words of my good friend TracerBullett:

False False you are either stupid, misinformed or dishonest. False False, saying so would be a lie. I know you don't have any trouble with lies


New member
Aren't you just a bundle of joy on this Mother's Day 2015?

Do you think that this child who is being raised by two proud and unrepentant perverts deserves to have a mom in his life?


I think that child deserves loving committed parents...and hey great news, that is just what that child has.

BTW - You are getting worse at trying to misdirect attention from your own fake claims.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Can we drop your latest obsession Al or do you need another year to play this angle out as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized?

Just because a person can't pinpoint the environmental factors in their life that lead them to have same-sex desires doesn't mean that those desires are innate. As was mentioned in some of my earlier posts: Young children often don't remember a traumatic experience later in life, or the negative influences behind their same-sex desires could have been so subtle over a long period of time that the person wouldn't know what was behind their unnatural desires unless he or she discussed it with a professional therapist[/QUOTE]

i agree with the second paragraph - criminalizing private behavior isn't the answer. many many many many many years of therapy is. or reading the Bible and falling deeply in love with Christ Jesus and the Word of God. either way, but Jesus and the free gift of Salvation won't hurt the pocketbook - :patrol:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you think that this child who is being raised by two proud and unrepentant perverts [Dan Savage and Terry Miller] deserves to have a mom in his life?

I think that child deserves loving committed parents...and hey great news, that is just what that child has.

Committed to who? Certainly not the guy who he most likely met in a public restroom toilet stall and calls his "husband".

Gay Parent Dan Savage on Homosexual ‘Three-ways’ and Nonmonogamy

Committed to the well-being of children?

Dan Savage "We Should Acknowledge The Existence of Good Pedophiles”

WARNING! As with anything that homosexuals say or write, there is vile language.




i agree with the second paragraph - criminalizing private behavior isn't the answer. many many many many many years of therapy is. or reading the Bible and falling deeply in love with Christ Jesus and the Word of God. either way, but Jesus and the free gift of Salvation won't hurt the pocketbook - :patrol:

Pray tell Paulbot, what do you do with the sexual deviants that have no desire to change, be it through spiritual and/or psychological counseling?


New member
Pray tell Paulbot, what do you do with the sexual deviants that have no desire to change, be it through spiritual and/or psychological counseling?
The nerve of some people aCW, how dare anyone defy your charming, caring, theocratic tyranny? :IA:
They actually do what they want to do rather than doing what you want them to do aCW, there should be a law against it! :rolleyes:


Lets face it anything that comes from Peter the pedophile LaBarbera's hate group is going to be filled with vile language.

So in your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA world, "committed parents" (like Terry Miller and his 'wife' Dan Savage) have ménage a trois' and write columns in newspapers that talk about "good pedophiles"?


That's a good question:

Do you think that B. Hussein Obama's position on pedophilia has evolved (like his position on faux marriage has) too?


New member
So in your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA world, "committed parents" (like Terry Miller and his 'wife' Dan Savage) have ménage a trois' and write columns in newspapers that talk about "good pedophiles"?
What you seem to have a problem with aCW is in accepting that some people just are innately paedophiles.
But maybe you think that paedophilia is an option we could all choose at will? :rolleyes:
Personally I have nothing but respect for anyone who is unfortunately that way but knows it is wrong to act it out and thus doesn't, or at least leaves children well alone. A good paedophile.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So in your LGBTQueer/NAMBLA world, "committed parents" (like Terry Miller and his 'wife' Dan Savage) have ménage a trois' and write columns in newspapers that talk about "good pedophiles"?

Do consider LaBarbera a good pedophile?

Boy TB, I bet that you can't decide which Pete to hate more:

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera for exposing how unhealthy (to put it mildly) homosexual behavior is, as well as exposing the homosexual agenda,



TOL's Pete (lovemeorhateme) and the countless others who have shown through their faith in God that homosexuality can be overcome.


EX homosexual and drag queen Trace McNutt
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