Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, the institutions of marriage and academics are only two of the areas that your the LGBTQUEER movement (thanks Peter LaBarbera, I'm liking the new title that you suggested we use) has permeated.

Of course with the recriminalization of homosexuality, ALL of our country's invaluable institutions (the family, the Church, civil government, the military, youth mentor groups, the news and entertainment media, etc.) will be on the road to recovery and will eventually flourish once again.

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

(Being that I'm bored to tears by GFR7/Scot's con game, I'm)

...moving on.
Yeah. I wonder why you've never been able to provide a shred of evidence that I'm a con?

You just don't like that you can't pin me down, you boring old fool.

You're not the only one who wants a regeneration of society.
And if you were decent, you would have hailed me as an ally.

You're dreadful, horrific.

You're like Slim from that Eminem song, 'Stan':

I love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breathe without me


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As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, the institutions of marriage and academics are only two of the areas that your the LGBTQUEER movement (thanks Peter LaBarbera, I'm liking the new title that you suggested we use) has permeated.

Of course with the recriminalization of homosexuality, ALL of our country's invaluable institutions (the family, the Church, civil government, the military, youth mentor groups, the news and entertainment media, etc.) will be on the road to recovery and will eventually flourish once again.

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

(Being that I'm bored to tears by GFR7/Scot's con game, I'm)

...moving on.

Yeah. I wonder why you've never been able to provide a shred of evidence that I'm a con?

You just don't like that you can't pin me down, you boring old fool.

(Sigh, GFR7/Scot reminds me so much of the pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian WizardofOz/Aaron (who by the way is a biblical scholar), he seems to think that this thread is all about him).

Let me put it this way GFR7/Scot: Your posts throughout this thread have been an invaluable asset to the homosexual recriminalization cause.

You're not the only one who wants a regeneration of society.
And if you were decent, you would have hailed me as an ally.

Regeneration is a subjective word GFR7/Scot. The LGBTQUEER (thanks again Peter, I'm really enjoying typing that, almost as much as when I type "HRC, founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean.") movement that you work for isn't about regenerating Judeo-Christian values, it's all about regurgitating them.

You're dreadful, horrific.
(Yet another homosexualist that doesn't like me; woe is me).

Back later with a review of a very imporant post that shows what happens when civil government doesn't live up to the role God sets for it.


New member
Let me put it this way GFR7/Scot: Your posts throughout this thread have been an invaluable asset to the homosexual recriminalization cause.
What is your yardstick for success aCW?
Is it all the rapturous applause from fellow right wingers? :nono:
Is it just a figment of your imagination? :nono: (You don't have any.)
Then are you as good as a parody of homophobic bigotry even if you are a real bigot? :thumb:

Keep up the good work aCW. :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me put it this way GFR7/Scot: Your posts throughout this thread have been an invaluable asset to the homosexual recriminalization cause.

What is your yardstick for success aCW?

How about I start off with this one? :

The threat that recriminalization poses to those that proudly engage in perverted behavior.

Is it all the rapturous applause from fellow right wingers? :nono:

TOLer's aren't a shy bunch, my fellow social conservatives would let me know if I'm not speaking the truth.

Is it just a figment of your imagination? :nono: (You don't have any.)

Come on Al, I believe in the "imaginary sky god", if that doesn't involve imagination, nothing does.

Then are you as good as a parody of homophobic bigotry even if you are a real bigot? :thumb:

I think there was room for maybe 2 or 3 more "bigots" in that sentence Al (you're slipping).

Keep up the good work aCW. :)

Now that you've gotten your lastest rant out of your system, would you care to respond to this post? (you seemed to have passed it over).



New member
TOLer's aren't a shy bunch, my fellow social conservatives would let me know if I'm not speaking the truth.
Your typical TOLer is somewhat noticeable by their absence imo aCW, but fear not you have GFR7, Nazaroo and me. :D

Come on Al, I believe in the "imaginary sky god", if that doesn't involve imagination, nothing does.
Yes but I rather doubt that you dreamed that up all on your own.

I think there was room for maybe 2 or 3 more "bigots" in that sentence Al (you're slipping).
Sometimes I like to think of you as a very clever parody, rather than simply a remarkably simple unimaginative dogmatic homophobic bigot.
How would you like me to think of you aCW? :think:

Now that you've gotten your lastest rant out of your system, would you care to respond to this post? (you seemed to have passed it over).

Naaa, it's well past my bedtime, but I'm listening to Nina Simone.




New member
The threat that recriminalization poses to those that proudly engage in perverted behavior.

haha. Nobody views you as a threat. You are a Chihuahua nipping at ankles.

TOLer's aren't a shy bunch, my fellow social conservatives would let me know if I'm not speaking the truth.

Many of them have you on ignore.

Come on Al, I believe in the "imaginary sky god", if that doesn't involve imagination, nothing does.

That's true aCW. You also believe in Reefer Madness, that the founding fathers were angels sent from Heaven, and that it's still 1945. That all take imagination.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The threat that recriminalization poses to those that proudly engage in perverted behavior.

haha. Nobody views you as a threat. You are a Chihuahua nipping at ankles.

Righteous laws are a threat to those who engage in evil behavior.

TOLer's aren't a shy bunch, my fellow social conservatives would let me know if I'm not speaking the truth.

Many of them have you on ignore.

People who don't want to know the Truth have different ways of dealing with it. Some people who blog on internet forums put the person sharing it on ignore, others just get hiiiiiiigh on drugs so that they're too stoned to acknowledge it.

Come on Al, I believe in the "imaginary sky god", if that doesn't involve imagination, nothing does.

That's true aCW. You also believe in Reefer Madness,

You're walking proof why recreational drug legalization doesn't work.

that the founding fathers were angels sent from Heaven,

They wrote documents and founded a country where it's citizen's rights come from God. I highly doubt that Satan sent them from Hell to share God's Word.


and that it's still 1945. That all take imagination.

What would you do shag if it was still 1945 and you couldn't hang out with your drag queen friends in public?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

(Being that I'm bored to tears by GFR7/Scot's con game,...

Yeah. I wonder why you've never been able to provide a shred of evidence that I'm a con?

You just don't like that you can't pin me down, you boring old fool.

You're not the only one who wants a regeneration of society.
And if you were decent, you would have hailed me as an ally.

You're dreadful, horrific.

You're like Slim from that Eminem song, 'Stan':...

Tell me that you didn't learn your tactics from the biggest con artists that there are:

the LGBTQueer movement.

You've just put your own spin on it.


The homosexual propaganda campaign in America's media
The powerful, sophisticated psychological techniques that the homosexual movement has used to manipulate the public in the media

STRATEGIES OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: "The Overhauling of Straight America"


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

(Being that I'm bored to tears by GFR7/Scot's con game,...

Tell me that you didn't learn your tactics from the biggest con artists that there are:

the LGBTQueer movement.

You've just put your own spin on it.


The homosexual propaganda campaign in America's media
The powerful, sophisticated psychological techniques that the homosexual movement has used to manipulate the public in the media

STRATEGIES OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: "The Overhauling of Straight America"
When in blazes have I used a single one of their techniques?

You yourself have said that I'm so unconvincing, that I actually make the case for recriminalization - yet we know full well how very successful the LGBTQ set has been.

No, aCW, you're going to have to admit that I'm just a more NYC and eclectic version of an anti-gay agenda (agenda is the operative word) person than you're used to with your Kentucky perspective.

Here is one that you should keep well in mind, though: :think:

These images should be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the "bracket technique." For example, for a few seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is seen pounding the pulpit in rage about "those sick, abominable creatures." While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to pathetic photos of gays who look decent, harmless, and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher, and so forth. The contrast speaks for itself. The effect is devastating.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

Tell me that you didn't learn your tactics from the biggest con artists that there are:

the LGBTQueer movement.

You've just put your own spin on it.


The homosexual propaganda campaign in America's media
The powerful, sophisticated psychological techniques that the homosexual movement has used to manipulate the public in the media

STRATEGIES OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: "The Overhauling of Straight America"

When in blazes have I used a single one of their techniques?

I see a lot of similiarities when it comes to using the methods they (LGBTQueer activists Kirk and Madsen) call


We can extract the following principle for our campaign to desensitize straights to gays and gayness, inundate them in a continuous flood of gay-related advertising, presented in the least offensive fashion possible. If straights can't shut off the shower, they may at least eventually get used to being wet.

(You just can't start enough threads about homosexuality).


"The trick is to get the bigot into the position of feeling a conflicting twinge of shame, along with his reward, whenever his homohatred surfaces, so that his reward will be diluted or spoiled."

(You've attempted various methods to shame me, the one that you use quite often is "why did you let this (the success of the homosexual agenda) happen?").

You yourself have said that I'm so unconvincing, that I actually make the case for recriminalization - yet we know full well how very successful the LGBTQ set has been.

I never said that you are really good at your con game GFR7/Scot (yet you admitted that you were able to pull the proverbial wool over the eyes of 2 pagans and an atheist: "Tracerbullet, Rusha and Duck Duck"...Mighty Duck?).

No, aCW, you're going to have to admit that I'm just a more NYC and eclectic version of an anti-gay agenda (agenda is the operative word) person than you're used to with your Kentucky perspective.

By your own admission you're an extremely academically educated person, who has read volumes about homosexuality and have been an ally of the LGBTQueer movement in the role of a homosexual journalist, yet you fail to come forward with a viable solution to the problem that you state exists.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the words


written all over you.


New member
I guess at this point I'll take it as a compliment. :BRAVO:

You are so off the mark, and I can barely read your accusations, as they are so ridiculous (I post a slew of anti-gay marriage threads not because I want to keep debating the subject, but because I'm trying to desensitise people.)

And when I say DuckDuck I do NOT mean Mighty Duck: I mean DuckDuck:
***am still waiting for you to catch what I am saying to you symbolically with all these duck posters I keep posting:
Not a very apt detective, are you? :think:



I always say: LGBTQ :AMR1:
The proper term is LGBTQQI

But but but, as "our" Peter said, they want to be called "Queer".

Come on GFR7/Scot, you don't want to disappoint Peter LaBarbera, call them what they are:


(Exposing con artists like GFR7/Scot is fun; you too can learn how to expose con artists like GFR7/Scot in 4 easy lessons, just private message me at "aCultureWarrior", here on TOL).


New member
Still cannot figure out DuckDuck? :think:

If you're so good at exposing people, why haven't
you been able to figure out my DuckDuck posters?

Private Message me , anyone, if you want to know the secret to
revealing how obtuse aCW is. :D

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