Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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The guys a loon. Not only does he try to rewrite the actual history of WWII he comes up with this nonsense to boot. Taking a life/many people's lives is better than being gay? What a fruitcake...
Well, his immersion in Old Testament scripture has made him lose perspective. Of course Pink News and Gay Star News have him down for a sociopath.


The guys a loon [Pastor Scott Lively]. Not only does he try to rewrite the actual history of WWII he comes up with this nonsense to boot. Taking a life/many people's lives is better than being gay? What a fruitcake...

(Art is eternally ticked off at Scott Lively for revealing in his well documented book The Pink Swastika that Adolf Hitler and most, if not all of the SS that surrounded him were fags).

Well, his immersion in Old Testament scripture has made him lose perspective...

I must say GFR7/Scot, that answer has about the same substance that your previous statement had (none)...

But yes, yes, what of it?
Yes, as in the days of Noah, they did marry and give in marriage......
same sex marriage, mayhap?

Again, here are the words that fagstarnews used in quoting Pastor Scott Lively:

"When you look in the Bible, there are sins that you would think of as worse, you know, murder or mass murder, but what does it come down to?’ Lively told TruNews. ‘Leviticus 18 tells the Hebrews exactly what it is that God identifies as the most rebellious behavior, the behavior that causes the land to actually vomit out its inhabitants and every item on that list, except for child sacrifice, is sexual perversion, and child sacrifice is often a form of sexual perversion. So that’s where we are. ‘Homosexuality is not just another sin, it is the sin that defines rebellion against God, the outer edge of rebellion against God and it is the harbinger of God’s wrath, that’s why the Scripture gives the warning, “as in the days of Noah.”

I can't help but come to the conclusion by your latest answer GFR7/Scot, that you believe that the New Testament and it's authors don't believe that homosexuality is a rebellion against God, i.e.

Well, his [Pastor Scott Lively's] immersion in Old Testament scripture has made him lose perspective...

Pastor Scott Lively has lost perspective towards what GFR7/Scot?


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aCultureWarrior said:
I can't help but come to the conclusion by your latest answer GFR7/Scot, that you believe that the New Testament and it's authors don't believe that homosexuality is a rebellion against God, i.e.
Well, you've come to the wrong conclusion once again, because I do not believe the NT gives any free pass on homosexuality. You're not so clever - you think you can peg me as some NT Libertarian, but you can't, idjut. :chuckle:

Pastor Scott Lively has lost perspective towards what GFR7/Scot?
By showing all 5 fingers at once - indecent - and setting himself up to be called a sociopath by the press the world over, he is revealing he has lost all sense of how one behaves with the press. You don't wear your heart on your sleeve and get anywhere with the press.

If I knew the press were listening to me and writing on me, and I were being sued,
I wouldn't say, "As in the days of Noah, ........." :nono: IDJUT.

Can you stop calling me by Scottie's name, PLEASE???????????????????????????
My name is not Scot. It's Gianfranco.





Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can't help but come to the conclusion by your latest answer GFR7/Scot, that you believe that the New Testament and it's authors don't believe that homosexuality is a rebellion against God, i.e.

Well, you've come to the wrong conclusion once again, because I do not believe the NT gives any free pass on homosexuality...

Yet you responded to homsexualist Art Brain's post:

Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
The guys a loon [Pastor Scott Lively]. Not only does he try to rewrite the actual history of WWII he comes up with this nonsense to boot. Taking a life/many people's lives is better than being gay? What a fruitcake...

with this:

Originally Posted by GFR7
Well, his immersion in Old Testament scripture has made him lose perspective...

One can't but help believe that you were agreeing with homosexualist Art Brain that Pastor Scott Lively is a "loon" and a "fruitcake" because he used the Old Testament as a reference to homosexuality.

Here, let me write out a response to homosexualist Art Brain for you GFR7/Scot (I put Scot's name in there Gianfranco because I have no idea which personality of yours I'm speaking to at any given time) :

My dearest Arthur:

Thanks for the sweet note that you wrote me...ahem...Pastor Scott Lively is not a loon, he is a sincere Christian who fostercared a boy who at 7 years old was raped by a homosexual and died from AIDS because of it. Regarding Pastor Lively's information from The Pink Swastika: Being that I am an avid reader and one of the smartest people ever to walk the face of this earth, I have to agree with the information that Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams presented in their book. aCultureWarrior documented the information quite well and it would be difficult for anyone to dispute that Adolf Hitler and his SS were a bunch of limp wristed nancy boy queers.

Kisses as always: Gianfranco

Pastor Scott Lively has lost perspective towards what GFR7/Scot?

By showing all 5 fingers at once - indecent - and setting himself up to be called a sociopath by the press the world over, he is revealing he has lost all sense of how one behaves with the press. You don't wear your heart on your sleeve and get anywhere with the press.

If I knew the press were listening to me and writing on me, and I were being sued,
I wouldn't say, "As in the days of Noah, ........." IDJUT.

Cuz we all know that up until that article was written and excerpts were later used in fagstarnews, that the LGBTQueer movement had nothing but the utmost respect for Pastor Scott Lively.

Yep, uh huh.


New member
My Dearest Culture Warrior:

Thank you for writing me the note to Arthur,
and speaking for me as I ought to have spoken.

I do understand your points, but I cannot help feeling that Mr. Lively
has given Pink News apt ammunition to abuse him.
Citing the Old Testament is almost a prerequisite for being
smeared as a bigot and a hater.

Of course , a Christian - and not a Culture - Warrior must speak his mind,
so I was wholly in the wrong, and acting like a
wishy-washy mamby pamby Miss Nancy.

Much love always,
I remain yours ever;


I do understand your points, but I cannot help feeling that Mr. Lively
has given Pink News apt ammunition to abuse him.
Citing the Old Testament is almost a prerequisite for being
smeared as a bigot and a hater.

Being that you've spent so much time around homosexuals GFR7/Scot, you would know; so I'll have to take your word for it that with the dykes, drag queens and fairies that make up the LGBTQueer movement that when it comes to tolerance, the Old Testament is out and the New Testament is in.

(Pastor Lively, if you're reading this, be sure to use references to homosexuality from the New Testament, as the LGBTQueer movement won't call you a bigot or hater for doing so).

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:26-27

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
1 Timothy 1:9-10

7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 1:7

Yep, uh huh.


New member
Being that you've spent so much time around homosexuals GFR7/Scot, you would know; so I'll have to take your word for it that with the dykes, drag queens and fairies that make up the LGBTQueer movement that when it comes to tolerance, the Old Testament is out and the New Testament is in.

(Pastor Lively, if you're reading this, be sure to use references to homosexuality from the New Testament, as the LGBTQueer movement won't call you a bigot or hater for doing so).

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:26-27

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
1 Timothy 1:9-10

7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 1:7

Yep, uh huh.
Gee, thank you for telling me that the New Testament actually makes reference to sin and to the judgments of God.

You mean it's not just all warm and fluffy lovey-dovey free love?
I really didn't know that!!!! :jawdrop: (OK, so I was trying to suck up to Arthur Brain. I admit it. So sue me.)


I stand for Peter LaBarbara.



i think it's clear culture is homosexual. he is gay and afraid God won't love him. let's pray pray for him:eek:

Again, feel free to return to the thread when you're not intoxicated Patti (there is a time during the day when you're not drunk isn't there Patti?) and defend the cause that seems to be so very close to your little sodomite lovin heart.

patrick jane

no, i don't drink. just messin with ya. homosexuality makes no sense. God did not create that. we are created to pro-create. when you get Biblical, people may not listen. it won't work to criminalize it


no, i don't drink. just messin with ya.

In other words, you're just being a troll.

homosexuality makes no sense. God did not create that. we are created to pro-create. when you get Biblical, people may not listen.

Hence the reason this thread is multi faceted (you should follow it instead of being a troll Patti).

it won't work to criminalize it

Yet it did for thousands of years. Why do other laws "work" and this one wouldn't?

patrick jane

it's just too controversial now. but, to be fair, you trolled me first, then summed me up with assumptions and name calling. anyway, it is so accepted now and engrained into kids, it's too late. it's on tv characters, movies, music, everywhere. it's gone on in secret until recently. but kids think it's cool now or hip. confused mostly:popcorn:


it's just too controversial now. but, to be fair, you trolled me first, then summed me up with assumptions and name calling.

So I trolled a troll in my own thread? (and Patti claims that he doesn't drink).

anyway, it is so accepted now and engrained into kids, it's too late. it's on tv characters, movies, music, everywhere. it's gone on in secret until recently. but kids think it's cool now or hip. confused mostly:popcorn:

Well then Patti, you might as well join the in crowd and go celebrate perversity at the nearest march of the moral degenerates (i.e. gay pride parade) coming to a city near you in the next 6 months:


You could be a man and stand up for God's Word (or has playing the role of a spineless coward all of these years taken a toll on your manhood Patti?).

patrick jane

So I trolled a troll in my own thread? (and Patti claims that he doesn't drink).

Well then Patti, you might as well join the in crowd and go celebrate perversity at the nearest march of the moral degenerates (i.e. gay pride parade) coming to a city near you in the next 6 months:


You could be a man and stand up for God's Word (or has playing the role of a spineless coward all of these years taken a toll on your manhood Patti?).

you rant like a scared little man, where do you go to be a man and stand up for God's Word ? you are an Archie Bunker character. bigot. racist. full of hate because you hate yourself. and YES you troll on your own perverted thread. you are a drunken idiot, go watch your porn collection Culture Whiner. you have no concept of culture sitting there in your 1 room apartment drinking your vodka and lookin at your porn you are DISTGUSTING. how's that ? i'm talking like you:cheers:


New member
it's just too controversial now. but, to be fair, you trolled me first, then summed me up with assumptions and name calling. anyway, it is so accepted now and engrained into kids, it's too late. it's on tv characters, movies, music, everywhere. it's gone on in secret until recently. but kids think it's cool now or hip. confused mostly:popcorn:
Right. aCW thinks that the fact that it was law for decades or centuries means it could be so now, forgetting that it was law before all this new ideology had become ingrained in the culture, the psychological and medical fields, the schools, and the Universities the world over. And it followed a natural trajectory in those laws being rejected by the public and by politicians.

It is the same with feminism: Just because for centuries and decades women were kept out of education and the workplace, does not mean we could return to such a state now. aCW thinks that time can reverse itself, but in fact any reversal would have to be done from the point at which we are now: A diminishing of popularity, but not a recriminalization.

There is no returning to the past, and that' s why we are at the point at which we are now. As Ortega y Gasset said in his historical political epic work, Every "anti" is simply a "no": If we are anti-Peter, we want to return to a world in which Peter never existed. But that is exactly what brought Peter into the world, and Peter would rise again if we attempted to deny him.

aCW needs more historical and political sense to understand what solutions can actually be applied and will truly work.
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