Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Years ago, I got NARTH's newsletter and read every article they put out.

So receiving an organization's newsletter equates to "reading extensively on them?"

I was excited about their being a force to oppose the rainbow agenda. As time went on I began to see that they in fact were making no discernable difference at all.
But but but GFR7/Scot, if you'd "read extensively on them", you would have seen the personal testimonies from ex homosexuals showing that they (NARTH) and other organizations that deal with same sex attractions have made a HUGE difference, hence the reason LGBTQUEER organizations HATE them like they do.

I am describing the juxtaposition which exists in our society, nothing more.

I always look forward to your commentaries on juxtapositions (and nothing more) GFR7/Scot, truly I do.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Who on earth is "happy" to engage in an absolutely filthy sexual behavior that produces nothing but all kinds of misery? As you're well aware, many of the people who engage in homosexual behavior were severely damaged by a homosexual elder as a child, and really don't know the happiness that God's design for human sexuality brings.

You'll have to ask gays about why they are happy being gay: I wouldn't know.

You've spent countless hours around proud and unrepentant homosexuals GFR7/Scot, and even was paid to write for a homosexual publication. Without a doubt you have some insight as to why someone who engages in such an absolutely filthy behavior, one that causes disease and often times early death and as shown in my posts is an extremely violent culture, so I'm asking you once again:

Who on earth is "happy" to engage in an absolutely filthy sexual behavior that produces nothing but all kinds of misery?

'Bold faced lie, what the heck are you on about? Of course everyone has to pay to attend, you first class idiot.

You really, really have to learn to change the way you relate to people.

I deal with sociopaths and psychopaths on a daily basis GFR7/Scot, and the one thing they have in common is that they're all pathological liars. Like you, I really do enjoy catching them in bold faced lies.

Ex-gay therapy works for those who want to change, but cannot work where there is no desire to change. Why are you finding that hard to believe?

I know that you're the expert on reparative therapy here GFR7/Scot, as you've "read extensively on them" (i.e. the NARTH newsletter years ago). My question again is this:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The criminal justice system often forces people who are drug addicts and alcoholics to attend counseling (and without a doubt many don't want to), why would it be unreasonable to require those who are caught engaging in acts of buggery to do so as well?

We know it is being outlawed in all the states for minors: I didn't think it should be or would be, but that's how things stand. YOU tell me why the criminal justice system court orders addicts to attend therapy but not gays. YOU tell ME, you first class idiot. It's because of loud-mouths like YOU: YOU CAUSED THIS STATE OF AFFAIRS, YOU FIRST CLASS IDIOT.

(My my, after a night of hard drinking/drugs, someone is very irritable this morning).



While I would love nothing more than to call TOL's pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible in on this one, WizardofOz/Aaron has suspiciously disappeared once again.

Because our pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible is MIA, I'm going to turn this over to you (you being a devout Christian and all GFR7/Scot, I'm going to post the words that fagstar news quoted from Scot Lively and let you comment on them) :

"When you look in the Bible, there are sins that you would think of as worse, you know, murder or mass murder, but what does it come down to?’ Lively told TruNews. ‘Leviticus 18 tells the Hebrews exactly what it is that God identifies as the most rebellious behavior, the behavior that causes the land to actually vomit out its inhabitants and every item on that list, except for child sacrifice, is sexual perversion, and child sacrifice is often a form of sexual perversion. So that’s where we are. ‘Homosexuality is not just another sin, it is the sin that defines rebellion against God, the outer edge of rebellion against God and it is the harbinger of God’s wrath, that’s why the Scripture gives the warning, “as in the days of Noah.”
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/...s-forward061214#sthash.0aGd9sV5.U2Co9Msf.dpuf


New member
So receiving an organization's newsletter equates to "reading extensively on them?"

But but but GFR7/Scot, if you'd "read extensively on them", you would have seen the personal testimonies from ex homosexuals showing that they (NARTH) and other organizations that deal with same sex attractions have made a HUGE difference, hence the reason LGBTQUEER organizations HATE them like they do.

I always look forward to your commentaries on juxtapositions (and nothing more) GFR7/Scot, truly I do.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Who on earth is "happy" to engage in an absolutely filthy sexual behavior that produces nothing but all kinds of misery? As you're well aware, many of the people who engage in homosexual behavior were severely damaged by a homosexual elder as a child, and really don't know the happiness that God's design for human sexuality brings.

You've spent countless hours around proud and unrepentant homosexuals GFR7/Scot, and even was paid to write for a homosexual publication. Without a doubt you have some insight as to why someone who engages in such an absolutely filthy behavior, one that causes disease and often times early death and as shown in my posts is an extremely violent culture, so I'm asking you once again:

Who on earth is "happy" to engage in an absolutely filthy sexual behavior that produces nothing but all kinds of misery?

I deal with sociopaths and psychopaths on a daily basis GFR7/Scot, and the one thing they have in common is that they're all pathological liars. Like you, I really do enjoy catching them in bold faced lies.

I know that you're the expert on reparative therapy here GFR7/Scot, as you've "read extensively on them" (i.e. the NARTH newsletter years ago). My question again is this:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The criminal justice system often forces people who are drug addicts and alcoholics to attend counseling (and without a doubt many don't want to), why would it be unreasonable to require those who are caught engaging in acts of buggery to do so as well?

(My my, after a night of hard drinking/drugs, someone is very irritable this morning).

aCultureWarrior said:
So receiving an organization's newsletter equates to "reading extensively on them?"

I did read extensively on NARTH and their articles years ago. (you first class idiot! :D)

I know I had gotten books out from the library, where we were living at the time;
there were theories about NARTH's future , written by sociologists.
(I cannot recall all the titles of those books now;
many of them were written in the period of 1997 - 2004).
Yes, I would call that "reading extensively" on NARTH;
it's a lot more than your average person would do - idjut.

I was researching them; not just getting their newsletter, IDJUT!! ;)

Then I gave up.

Yes, I've read the testimonials.
Have you read the counter-testimonials?
And the opposing literature?
And the discourse which led to legislative bans? :think:
Please recall my interest is in what will turn the tide culturally and politically:
When I saw NARTH was not a vehicle for real change, I lost interest.

Although there IS one author who predicted NARTH's "coming out of the closet" in the future.
Of course , he was writing in the early 2000s so it's already been nearly a decade and a half.
See why I lost interest in NARTH? :chuckle:

(Whispered to aCW:
You're not good at catching people out in lies at all, btw.
You're always, always barking up the wrong tree. :chuckle:

If you wanted a recriminalization campaign, you ought to have waged it in the late '70s and '80s, when the de-criminalization had occurred, and the clubbing scene and AIDS were rampant.

You've waited until :

  • they have a huge, well-funded PAC which has gained entrance and approval within the public school system and the Universities; when they have made enormous strides within the federal and supreme court system;
  • when legislation has favored them nation-wide and globally;
  • when ex-gay therapies are being made illegal for minors in many states;
  • when the churches are flinging open their doors to them, and the Universities are catering to them in ways that would have been unthinkable in the 1980s;
  • when same sex marriage has become widely embraced and accepted and legalized, and when the AIDS epidemic has abated from it's 1980s horror plague status, and drugs such as prEP are being hailed as a preventative miracle and health care providers are scrambling to sign onto it.

You laughed at my idea that the rainbow craze may collapse of its own weight and diminish to nothing like the disco era did; but this stands a hell of a lot better chance than your tardy, tardy recriminalization campaign. Brilliant, just brilliant. :loser::third:
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New member
While I would love nothing more than to call TOL's pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible in on this one, WizardofOz/Aaron has suspiciously disappeared once again.

Because our pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible is MIA, I'm going to turn this over to you (you being a devout Christian and all GFR7/Scot, I'm going to post the words that fagstar news quoted from Scot Lively and let you comment on them) :

"When you look in the Bible, there are sins that you would think of as worse, you know, murder or mass murder, but what does it come down to?’ Lively told TruNews. ‘Leviticus 18 tells the Hebrews exactly what it is that God identifies as the most rebellious behavior, the behavior that causes the land to actually vomit out its inhabitants and every item on that list, except for child sacrifice, is sexual perversion, and child sacrifice is often a form of sexual perversion. So that’s where we are. ‘Homosexuality is not just another sin, it is the sin that defines rebellion against God, the outer edge of rebellion against God and it is the harbinger of God’s wrath, that’s why the Scripture gives the warning, “as in the days of Noah.”
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/...s-forward061214#sthash.0aGd9sV5.U2Co9Msf.dpuf
Well, of course Pink News has their own ideas on this. :chuckle:

But yes, yes, what of it?
Yes, as in the days of Noah, they did marry and give in marriage......
same sex marriage, mayhap? :think:

But soft! I expect you - as an expert and a colleague of Lively's - to do everything in your power to aid him in this
current wretched plight. Speak out to the press; do all that you can. I really hope you will.

US court: Hate preacher Scott Lively should stand trial for crimes against humanity

An appeals court has refused to dismiss a case against homophobic pastor Scott Lively, who is set to stand trial for crimes against humanity.


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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So receiving an organization's newsletter equates to "reading extensively on them?"

I did read extensively on NARTH and their articles years ago. (you first class idiot! )

I know I had gotten books out from the library, where we were living at the time;
there were theories about NARTH's future , written by sociologists.
(I cannot recall all the titles of those books now;
many of them were written in the period of 1997 - 2004).
Yes, I would call that "reading extensively" on NARTH;
it's a lot more than your average person would do - idjut.
I was researching them; not just getting their newsletter, IDJUT!!

Then I gave up.

Yes, I've read the testimonials.
Have you read the counter-testimonials?
And the opposing literature?
And the discourse which led to legislative bans?

I've seen much of the "opposing literature" that the drag queens, dykes and fairies that make up the LGBTQUEER movement have written, but unlike you GFR7/Scot, I will never give up on my fellow human beings who are hurting so badly because of homosexual desires and behavior.

Please recall my interest is in what will turn the tide culturally and politically:

Was it quotes from homosexual atheist Friedrich Nietzsche, the Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network or the fags at the "democratically libertarian" UKIP Party? You've had so many that I really can't stay up.

When I saw NARTH was not a vehicle for real change, I lost interest.

Being that NARTH and other organizations that help people with homosexual desires emphasize moral guidance in helping a person change, why on earth would you "give up" on these people who are struggling with same sex desires...

God NEVER does.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Did you get tired of promoting dope in the dope thread that I started shag and figured you'd come over and defend buggery for awhile?

I don't defend your religion.

I have a great idea shag:

Since GFR7/Scot is an expert on reparative therapy (see his credentials in a previous post), perhaps he could come out to CO and work with the young boyz that hang out with your band (I believe you musicians call them "groupies") and see if he can help them leave homosexual behavior and desires behind.

He's an expert don't cha know.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While I would love nothing more than to call TOL's pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible in on this one, WizardofOz/Aaron has suspiciously disappeared once again.

Because our pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian expert on the Bible is MIA, I'm going to turn this over to you (you being a devout Christian and all GFR7/Scot, I'm going to post the words that fagstar news quoted from Scot Lively and let you comment on them) :

"When you look in the Bible, there are sins that you would think of as worse, you know, murder or mass murder, but what does it come down to?’ Lively told TruNews. ‘Leviticus 18 tells the Hebrews exactly what it is that God identifies as the most rebellious behavior, the behavior that causes the land to actually vomit out its inhabitants and every item on that list, except for child sacrifice, is sexual perversion, and child sacrifice is often a form of sexual perversion. So that’s where we are. ‘Homosexuality is not just another sin, it is the sin that defines rebellion against God, the outer edge of rebellion against God and it is the harbinger of God’s wrath, that’s why the Scripture gives the warning, “as in the days of Noah.”
- See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/s....U2Co9Msf.dpuf

Well, of course Pink News has their own ideas on this. :chuckle:

I gathered that from the article. I'm interested in your take on what Pastor Lively said (being that pagan-homosexualist-Libertarian WizardofOz/Aaron isn't here to share with us his expert knowledge of Holy Scirpture).

But yes, yes, what of it?
Yes, as in the days of Noah, they did marry and give in marriage......
same sex marriage, mayhap? :think:

"But yes, yes, what of it? Yes, as in the days of Noah, they did marry and given in marriage....same sex marriage, mayhap?"

Is that the best you can do in critiquing Pastor Scott Lively's words?

I think someone has to skip hitting the gay bars tonight and come back with a detailed synopsis of Lively's article the first thing tomorrow morning.


New member
He's an expert don't cha know.
I said I had researched NARTH extensively. To me, spending some months reading about them was a lot of effort, and mainly for nothing.

If I were trying to paint myself as an "expert", would I be so lackluster and bored, you big , blabbering, first class IDJUT? :D:loser:

You mean I can't go on the down-low tonight? Aww, gee :( - you blabbering fool. ;)

Why aren't you publicly defending Scott Lively?
A man in your position?


I see that my eggnostic adversary zoo22 is lingering about, undoubtedly waiting to give me another negative rep (what's that make zoo, 12 in as many hours?).

I said I had researched NARTH extensively. To me, spending some months reading about them was a lot of effort, and mainly for nothing.

If one person in a thousand is able to leave the absolutely filthy diease ridden behavior known as homosexuality behind, then those who are attempting to help these lost souls (be it through professional reparative therapy, spiritual counseling or using righteous government laws such as I'm advocating returning to), it wouldn't be "for nothing" cupcake.

If I were trying to paint myself as an "expert", would I be so lackluster and bored, you big , blabbering, first class IDJUT? :D:loser:

I'm just pointing out that with all of the hours and hours of research you allegedly did on the subject, you must be quite knowledgable.

Since you "just gave up" on reparative therapy, I guess you should go back and rescind your earlier statement ey GFR7/Scot?

Yes [reparative therapy], it does [work]. For people who want to change, it does.


New member
Since you "just gave up" on reparative therapy, I guess you should go back and rescind your earlier statement ey GFR7/Scot?

Karl, I "gave up" on thinking NARTH was going to enact change on a large scale level.

Reparative therapy can work in a culture where it would be deemed desirable to change from gay to straight. We are not in such a culture: For millions and millions the globe over (gays and their supporters) gay is where it's at. (you first class idjut :kiss:)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you "just gave up" on reparative therapy, I guess you should go back and rescind your earlier statement ey GFR7/Scot?

Karl, I "gave up" on thinking NARTH was going to enact change on a large scale level.

NARTH and various other reparative therapy organizations (not to mention spiritual therapy that people struggling with homosexual desires seek through their pastor), has helped thousands upon thousands of sexually confused people leave homosexual behavior and desires behind.

(As far as you "giving up" on same sex therapy: You can't "give up" something you never believed in in the first place GFR7/Scot).

Reparative therapy can work in a culture where it would be deemed desirable to change from gay to straight. We are not in such a culture: For millions and millions the globe over (gays and their supporters) gay is where it's at. (you first class idjut :kiss:)

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of your LGBTQUEER movement, our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.

With the recriminalization of homosexuality, the recruiting of sexually confused children will stop, and hence not nearly the need for reparative therapy organizations like NARTH (although there will always be a need for spirituality).

If you ask God from deep down inside of that moral relativist heart of yours, He WILL help you change GFR7/Scot.


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
(As far as you "giving up" on same sex therapy: You can't "give up" something you never believed in in the first place GFR7/Scot).
I said I gave up on NARTH as a powerful vehicle to social change, idjut.

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of your LGBTQUEER movement, our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.
I'm not part of the movement, and I didn't say this global celebration was good. Why do you think I oppose same sex marriage, which is the conduit, idjut?

With the recriminalization of homosexuality, the recruiting of sexually confused children will stop, and hence not nearly the need for reparative therapy organizations like NARTH (although there will always be a need for spirituality).

If you ask God from deep down inside of that moral relativist heart of yours, He WILL help you change GFR7/Scot.
I think if SSM were reversed, we would get less rainbow indoctrination........ more feasible.

Are you saying that I should ask God to change me from straight to gay? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(As far as you "giving up" on same sex therapy: You can't "give up" something you never believed in in the first place GFR7/Scot).

I said I gave up on NARTH as a powerful vehicle to social change, idjut.

Thousand and thousands of people being able to change their same sex desires and sharing it with others is a "powerful vehicle for social change" GFR7/Scot.

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of your LGBTQUEER movement, our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.

I'm not part of the movement, and I didn't say this global celebration was good. Why do you think I oppose same sex marriage, which is the conduit, idjut?p

Well then, let me rewrite that earlier statement:

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of the LGBTQUEER movement, which GFR7/Scot is not a part of...nope, never has been never will be (he was one of those "conservative" homosexual journalists), our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.

Feel better now sugar bear?

With the recriminalization of homosexuality, the recruiting of sexually confused children will stop, and hence not nearly the need for reparative therapy organizations like NARTH (although there will always be a need for spirituality).

If you ask God from deep down inside of that moral relativist heart of yours, He WILL help you change GFR7/Scot.

Are you saying that I should ask God to change me from straight to gay?

Start off by asking Him to help you find a good antipsychosis medication, and then work on your other problem later.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(As far as you "giving up" on same sex therapy: You can't "give up" something you never believed in in the first place GFR7/Scot).

Thousand and thousands of people being able to change their same sex desires and sharing it with others is a "powerful vehicle for social change" GFR7/Scot.

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of your LGBTQUEER movement, our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.

Well then, let me rewrite that earlier statement:

People are individuals who because of God, are given the free will to change. To the dismay of the LGBTQUEER movement, which GFR7/Scot is not part of...nope, never has never will be (he was one of those "conservative" homosexual journalists), our pro sodomy culture hasn't stopped countless people with homosexual desires from changing.

Feel better now sugar bear?

With the recriminalization of homosexuality, the recruiting of sexually confused children will stop, and hence not nearly the need for reparative therapy organizations like NARTH (although there will always be a need for spirituality).

If you ask God from deep down inside of that moral relativist heart of yours, He WILL help you change GFR7/Scot.

Start off by asking Him to help you find a good antipsychosis medication, and then work on your other problem later.

1. Thank you for that correction. You rock! :thumb::jump:

2. I believe if SSM declined or was set back by SCOTUS, the rainbow agenda would wither in the schools , and that would be very helpful all around.

3. I am on meds - my doctor says I'm stable. :D I'm not gay, so neither my doctor nor God can help me there. :loser:


2. I believe if SSM declined or was set back by SCOTUS, the rainbow agenda would wither in the schools , and that would be very helpful all around.

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, the institutions of marriage and academics are only two of the areas that your the LGBTQUEER movement (thanks Peter LaBarbera, I'm liking the new title that you suggested we use) has permeated.

Of course with the recriminalization of homosexuality, ALL of our country's invaluable institutions (the family, the Church, civil government, the military, youth mentor groups, the news and entertainment media, etc.) will be on the road to recovery and will eventually flourish once again.

Keep working on that con game of yours GFR7/Scot, I'm sure that there's a few out there (that have an IQ of 5) that might believe your motives.

(Being that I'm bored to tears by GFR7/Scot's con game, I'm)

...moving on.
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